Archangels/ancestors is a bit complicated. They join your party intermittently for a while for about the first half of the 3rd route (they join you temporarily for their quests, but you can't change their equipment, and once you finish the quests associated with them then they leave). About half way into the route, you get to a point where you can use 1 archangel and 1 ancestor, but only 1 of each (you can switch which one you're using at any time), but still can't change their equipment. Near the end of the game you can change their equipment but can still only use 1 of each. In the postgame you finally properly recruit them and can use any/all of them freely.Without spoiling me and stuff are the archangels and ancestors recruitable in the 3rd route? And so is Black alice? Kagetsumugi? And the monster lord dolls? I just need to know so i know what i can be hype for
As of the current version Black Alice (if you mean the god version) isn't recruitable, though you obviously have all of the other versions of her that were already available. Kagetsumugi is recruitable. The dolls.. are "sort of" recruitable, but I'm not sure I can elaborate without spoilers.