Change job of luka or alice or any other notable person is good idea ?
At the very beginning they are all total garbage
For luka ignore apprentice hero job then get these jobs: warrior,priest,guard
Alice ignore the noble then get these jobs: Wizard+priest
Harpy gadabout then advance to dancer and singer (kinda forgot).
Saki: dump harpy, saki role is the same as harpy
Once you got the pot monster level her up and get these job: hunter+gadabout and dump luka
Nanabi the best kitsune in the game and get taoism,priest, and wizard (some warrior skill to enchance her beast skill)
First chapter:
Pot monser
About Gadabout: This job is utter garbage at first and will be super useful at mid and end game
Second chapter party:
Pot Monster
Mermaid Princess/Saki
Once you beat the collab dungeon you will get the most broken monster in the game
They are: The 9 tail kitsune from the collab dungeon and Queen of nightmare
So your party member are
Pot,9 tail kitsune and queen of nightmare
You will learn the situational monster/pokemon for certain boss eventually