RPGM Completed Monster Girl Quest: Paradox [Part 3 v3.01] [Torotoro Resistance]

4.50 star(s) 45 Votes


Dec 16, 2019
Como eu também era daqueles que ficava esperando alguém postar o conteúdo completo, sei o que é o horror de esperar. Depois é o cadastro com eu fiz o passo a passo.

Primeiro Jenkins liberou os arquivos atualizados da versão 1.35, foi através dela que ele conseguiu traduzir.

Minha versão do jogo era 1.23. O dele era 1,35. Após baixar os arquivos que ele postou, apaguei a pasta DATA que estava no meu jogo e copiei os arquivos winrar e apenas colei/extraí para a pasta do meu jogo. OK...

Depois disso fui no link " " para pegar 2 arquivos específicos, que eram o "repositório" e o RpgMakerVXAce_Translator_0.10c . 7z.

Para que serve o repositório? Aqui está toda a tradução feita pela galera que se dedica a isso. E o RpgMakerVXAce_Translator e o programa que irá traduzir o jogo para nós.

Pronto, após baixar os dois arquivos, criei uma pasta no desktop com qualquer nome, apenas para extrair o conteúdo do RpgMakerVXAce que virá em um Winrar.

Dentro da pasta executei Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSELECTOR.exe...
assim que abriu, o prompt de comando do windows apareceu na tela e alguns segundos depois, apareceu uma caixa de diálogo perguntando onde está o arquivo do jogo... Lembra que eu disse antes, que peguei os arquivos do Jenkins e os apaguei o pasta DATA e colou seus arquivos? então... ele está pedindo a localização dessa pasta. O que fiz para conseguir isso foi clicar com o botão direito em "Jogo", (o arquivo que você usa para abrir o jogo) e clicar em propriedades, na janela que abriu, você vai apenas olhar e encontrará o nome do local e a linha ao lado da palavra, você copia e cola na caixa de texto que apareceu ao executar o Ytinasni.

Irá criar a pasta "Blobs" e quando terminar criará a pasta Script. Aliás, e onde está a tradução original do jogo, ou seja, em japonês. (Tudo bem, é bom ter pelo menos 10 GIGAS de espaço livre, caso queira continuar atualizando o jogo. Se não quiser, é só desconsiderar). Esperei os arquivos carregarem e quando terminou apareceu uma linha no prompt dizendo para apertar qualquer tecla para fechar.

Depois disso, lembra da pasta do repositório? Depois, dentro dela estará a pasta do script, que é a tradução do jogo para o inglês. O que fiz foi abrir essa pasta, copiei todos os arquivos dela e colei-os na pasta Script criada por Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSELECTOR.exe, e substituí todos os arquivos com o mesmo nome.

Depois disso, executei Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe. Eu apenas cliquei e deixei ele correr. Ao final de sua execução, aparecerá uma pasta com o nome out. Dentro dele estará o jogo traduzido.

Ah... se você tiver atualizações de tradução, basta baixar os novos arquivos e colar na pasta do script e executar novamente o Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe. Sim, a pasta de script criada por Ytinasni.RpgMaker.GameSELECTOR.exe. O mesmo. Anteriormente eu disse que era bom ter pelo menos 10 GIGAS grátis, só por causa disso. Atualizar o jogo usando Ytinasni.RpgMaker.Translator.exe aumenta o tamanho da pasta. Isso não aumentará o tamanho do pasto do jogo, mas Blobs sim.

O link do arquivo fornecido por Jenkins:

Criei esse turorial mastigado para aqueles leigos que estão comigo. Espero que isto ajude.


Jan 17, 2021
it says the demo is on fanza but aint that the site that just says Sorry! This content is not available in your region. if your outside of japan


Feb 25, 2018
So, the final part of the trilogy is actually so big they needed to split it into two games.

Now we have a trilogy of four(!) games.
  • Heart
Reactions: Alannnnn


Aug 30, 2019
Yep, we're finally getting the trial version! And yeah, final version is in two parts because it's too big LOL.

Honestly, I'm just glad we finally get some news about it, and that we finally get the trial version. The trial version is pretty much both Part 1 and 2 with a little of Part 3, you will only need to move the CGs and save data from Part 2 to the demo and you'll pretty much have the game ready to play.

And before somebody asks, Part 3 (or at least half of it) is not getting released this year. This demo is the only content we will get so far this year.


Nov 21, 2018
Yep, we're finally getting the trial version! And yeah, final version is in two parts because it's too big LOL.

Honestly, I'm just glad we finally get some news about it, and that we finally get the trial version. The trial version is pretty much both Part 1 and 2 with a little of Part 3, you will only need to move the CGs and save data from Part 2 to the demo and you'll pretty much have the game ready to play.

And before somebody asks, Part 3 (or at least half of it) is not getting released this year. This demo is the only content we will get so far this year.
Are you sure? From what I read on google translate (I'm too lazy to read through the original Japanese) they said that in hindsight they should have split part 3 into two games. They did not say that they will split it now.

They already mentioned in the past that part 3 is bigger than the sum of parts 1 and 2, so this is not new info.


Aug 30, 2019
For those that want to recruit the Elf Princess, first you need to bring the Queen Elf, she will fail to recruit her. After that, you have to bring three other girls:

- The first Mimic girl you recruit in Part 1 (Mimi-chan)
- The Alraune Princess (The one in green)
- The Magic Pot (the one who likes Elixirs, new Mimic girl in Demo, check pots in dungeons. Reference to FFX Magic Pot)

Once you bring the three of them she will join your party.

Seriously, the green one. I mean, it kinda makes sense it's her, but god if it took tons of back and forth before it clicked.


Jan 17, 2021
so any way to fix the game form freeze crashing after the meeting at the start of part 3 this game is getting way to huge for rpg maker to run

tried other saves and that save worked think its because the first save i used was one i downloaded and it had like 344h of playtime so may had way too much endgame gear from chaos place
Last edited:


Jan 17, 2020
So essentially what happens after choosing is that you get into multiple fights against the side you didn't choose, and any party member on the opposite side will leave your party before the fight (including Alma Elma and Morrigan since they are forced to fight other enemies and can't help you, the first one really hurt me a lot since I use her in the main party...), you run away with Garuda, then the white rabbit teleports you to the world you choose and the game ends. Also some pa

I have played using Alice as your partner so I can't say what's the difference between Alice and Ilias for this small part (I say small but that was like 2 hours by going slow and exploring). This is basically what I ended up doing:

- Went to recruit Garuda, then was forced to backtrack and go to the mountain where Micaela died since she has already been born when we arrived and has gone there, thanks for that game.
- Went to a small island right of the Fairy/Elf Island, beat all cockroaches there and stop Erubetie from absorbing them, and recruited its Queen.
- Went to the Fox/Tanuki village, got into some silly back and forth battle against the Tanuki, then defeated two big minions from Black Alice who caused the whole mess.
- Went to the Elf village and got into a fight against the Princess and another Black Alice minion.
- Proceed to the final island, learn the truth about Marcellus, also we completely seal the Berserker that is crazy about killing angels with Alicetromeia, who's revealed to be the hatred that Heinrich's spirit has towards the angels after whatever happened to him that we don't get any explanation because this is Alice route (really made me wish this was Ilias in case she went into detail)...
- Go into the castle, beat the remaining three Heavenly Knights since Alma Elma is on our side.
- Since Marcellus killed the monster lord, you don't get to see Alice's mother, another reason not to like her route since apparently she has a new scene looking at the files...
- We're forced into making a choice, after picking we get into multiple fights against the opposite side, escape with Garuda then the Rabbit teleports us to the world we chose.

Roughly what happened in Alice route. Other points to note:
- This is Jingai Modoki's part essentially. There's so many monsters he's done for this part, specially foxes and Tanuki. If you don't like his art style then you're not going to like this part.
- Surprise Xelvy cockroach. I knew he had done one of them and the Queen, I wasn't expecting another one.
- We get to recruit Yao and has new scenes. I know a lot of Yao fans that are going to be veeeery happy about this.
- We also get to recruit Garuda and she has scenes. Setouchi has tried its best to make a scene with her, but I don't think he succeeded. He also did another Dragon girl in this chapter, she's in the final area.

And that's it. I'm honestly looking forward to Part 3 after this. I wasn't expecting that final choice part, I really liked it.
Thank you for this. It sounds awesome to me too. Honestly can't wait.
4.50 star(s) 45 Votes