It's just kinda frustrating to play. I would prefer less rape, but it being so trial and error without saves just feels dumb. You stumble around for a bit, finally manage to complete a couple contracts, start leveling your character, then oops! You went into a mission with the wrong stat leveled! Whether you died or just locked yourself out of the mission doesn't matter, as either way you'll be wanting to start over again from the very beginning. Make sure you remember every decision you'd made up to that point! And that's assuming you even know how to get what stat you need. If you picked the breeder start, you can't level healing by default. How do you get healing as a breeder then? Hell if I know. One of the comments on itchio said you had to buy a healing potion from the forgemaster but he never offered me one. I thought "maybe if I complete his quest I'll be able to", but after doing so (not in the way I would've liked due to not having known what stats I should've leveled) then he just locked himself in his room. Maybe he would've sold me potions if I waited a day after, but I'd long since run out of patience with the game by that point