
New Member
Nov 3, 2017
I made a very simple cheat mod.

It simply add a starting option which give one point on each skill, and a bunch of money. Nothing fancy, and nothing too much game breaking. It's repeatable, and give you the opportunity to choose another starting option after (you still have to unlock them by playing the game).

To install the mod :

Open the index.html, search for :
You embrace the journey ahead with nothing but your wits...<br><br><br>
After this line, add :
<!-- Cheat mod -->

 &lt;div class=&quot;linkIcons&quot;&gt;
&lt;img src=&quot;Images/Icons/RedArrow.png&quot;  &gt;&lt;&lt;link &quot;Soul sold&quot;&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $money +=666&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $hunterSkill += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $strSkill += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $healSkill += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $magicSkill += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $eyeSeeing += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $cumSkill += 1&gt;&gt;
    &lt;&lt;set $charismaSkill += 1&gt;&gt
    &lt;&lt;goto &quot;StartingGift&quot;&gt;&gt;
 &lt;img src=&quot;Images/Icons/RedCoins.png&quot;&gt;
Sell your soul the Demon of the 4th Wall, and live a very easy life.

<!-- /Cheat mod -->
4.20 star(s) 5 Votes