Most annoying things you can put in a lewd game?

Most annoying things you can put in a lewd game?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
threads like these always turn into people listing their favourite and least favourite kinks, which helps no one in making a BETTER game. most of the checkboxes were matters of taste rather than bad design. 'ntr' is not an annoyance, it's a kink someone either has or doesn't have.

but what the hell, here's some annoying things that do NOT reflect my tastes.

-spoiler dream sequences
-single choices. it's just an annoying unnecessary click.
-fake multichoices, all leading to same result.
-choices that do the opposite 'to surprise' player. the outcome doesn't have to be known but it MUST be logical.

-fake sandbox, ie. there's only a single path despite freeroaming, and you're forced to do every single thing anyway.
-splash screens. jesus christ these take forever and nobody gives a shit about your logo animation.
-double/multiple clicks. when you first need to click the door, then need additional clicks to complete passing through it.
-money/resource system, but game miraculously gives you enough money just in time to complete events. if you have the system it should be on the player to gather enough resource to complete quest. failure should always be possible.

-forced nonessential relationships. if you must add crap characters, at least make them optional. nobody wants to go through dialogue that won't advance relationships with the actual LIs. either make them full characters with their own story or remove them.

-utility mechanisms that only work once. like installing spy software on sister's laptop, but you can't install it on anyone else's laptop except her.

-nobody needs to see mc's dick in shower. just lose the scene.
-nobody needs to see mc staring at his dick in bed to understand he's waking up. lose the scene.
-don't fucking make me dress the mc every morning. luckily these are rare nowadays though.

simple writing annoyances no one should use:

"fair enough" - never use it unless character is 50yo man.

"my gods!" - too much on the nose and isn't the breakaway from monotheism you think it is. even polytheists only refer to one god at a time.

"shit", "fuck" etc. - never use crass words near pretty things, unless you want to ruin it deliberately. only make complete assholes use them.

"I wish it wasn't too sanguine, mom." - don't make teens talk like 60yo english barons. use simple words unless you want to portray the character as a massive tool. avoid 'intelligent expressions' like the plague.

I'm sure there's a million other expressions that break the character's tone instantly, just try to avoid language a stupid teen or a repressed adult woman wouldn't feel comfortable using.
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Active Member
Dec 4, 2018
So all options are related to game design except NTR. Maybe try harder to hide your agenda.


Active Member
Jun 27, 2020
RPGM games where you are dropped on a map with no context and the entire map is opened up to you as opposed to making it linearly open up as you progress the plot

| Vee |

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Several things:
  1. Writing quality
  2. grinding same shit over and over
  3. when dev suddenly throws a new tag to your face which can not be your taste ever
  4. unavoidable kinks, fetishes
  5. forced NTR, femdom, gay, vore, scat, futa(any forced Fetish/Kink)
  6. English Writing (DEVs PLZ do us and yourself favor and run a grammar and spelling check)
  7. TOO much dream stuff (I downloaded the game NOT to dream in the game for fuck's sake)
  8. When Dev is projecting shit instead of being honest about future tags
  9. copy paste models from other games (no versatility = no dev effort)


Formerly 'dweebledum'
May 21, 2018
You can filter out AI art if you don't like it, so I'm surprised it got such a high number of votes, higher than NTR even, which is the same exact scenario... Does AI art rent free better than even cuckoldry?


Feb 27, 2023
Massive tits. I'm talking like, bigger than 99% of women here, not your average DDs. So many games that I might have wanted to play if I wasn't completely turned off by the female characters' mutant flesh-sacks.

Also, I hate when the story basically starts out resolved. Cough cough, Desert Stalker. Why am I even playing a game when I already have a full harem?? At that rate, I might as well just go find a porno.

Cliche porn writing in every sex scene.

"Ugh, fuck, it's so big, you're stretching the lining of my vaginal walls! Yes, fill me up with your hot baby batter!"

...who the fuck talks like this?! Let alone during sex. Please, devs, stop writing dialogue like this in sex scenes. Nothing can save writing this dogshit.


Game Developer
Feb 9, 2024
I'd say a badly written story. I can overlook most other faults in games, but if the story is complete trash I'll drop it instantly.
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Oct 4, 2023
Devs who are not transparent about tags, and future content.
I said it before, lots of problems would be avoided here if devs was not being vague all the time.
Not saying they have to spoil their story, etc. No one is asking of that. But a good layout of tags that can be controversial would be nice.

Any forms of NTR. Yes, that includes LESBIAN NTR.

Speaking of lesbian.. I hate lesbain just being thrown in just to have it.. Like shit be coming out of nowhere I swear. Not only that,
I cannot stand it being forced either. Like I don't hate lesbian at all.. I even find it hot depending on how it's executed. Aka MC's involvement and if they are doing it to please the mc. But man, badly executed lesbian content is a plague in my opinion. (mostly talking about harem in this aspect.)

Sex scenes without MC. (Sorry not a fan of being s SPECTATOR when I play novels. I prefer to be in the action.)

Sandbox.. Like EWWW.. I still believe sandbox is legit aids and do not belong in VISUAL NOVELS.

RPG... Not even going to say why, it's obvious.

TMI (To much information) Don't need to know how many dicks you sucked, fucked, in your lifetime.. Don't need to hear you entire catalog of bodies. Worst thing is when you fucking and she start blurting out all the dicks she had.. certified BONER KILLER.

PUSSY MCs... Like man why can't it ever be normal main characters? They always gotta be the biggest pussies ever man.. It's legit unbearable dawg. Not saying they gotta be some "alpha" but dude have a spine for fuck sake and stand up for yourself. The bullied MC trope is overdone too.

Annoying ass male "best friends" in novels.. Like dawg this by far is as worst as NTR to me.. Like dude I can't name many games where a best friend don't make you want to drown them. They either super pervy and annoying praying on MC's family.. Or just downright unbearable to deal with. Imo the only "best friend" I will accept is if he's their to be CUCKED only by mc.:cool:

And that's about it. I can go on and on, but I will never stop talking so I just listed my MAIN ick when it comes to novels.
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Jan 31, 2024
Wannabe-Alpha/Sigma Males who think that women are inferior, but are scared of any other male person in existence (or male pixels). :cool:
Or maybe you can't realize these two things are different.
NTR is, well, NTR.
Sex scenes that do not include mc can be two random npc fucking eachother as well. Just like the next door milf fucking with her husband.