Most dislike tropes


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I see this opinion often, but evil people don't almost ever think they're evil. most IRL rapists have some kind of delusion that the victim liked it or that it wasn't rape, and the strength of that belief (RMA, the rape myth acceptance scale) correlates with being a rapist. it's ofc a matter of taste to prefer an mc who owns up to being a rapist but it's not very realistic.
I think you would agree that there is a difference when a dev is intentionally writing the MC with such delusions vs doing it because they are following the porn trope ("it's just harmless pervy shenanigans even though it's actually rape").
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Sep 7, 2022
I see this opinion often, but evil people don't almost ever think they're evil. most IRL rapists have some kind of delusion that the victim liked it or that it wasn't rape, and the strength of that belief (RMA, the rape myth acceptance scale) correlates with being a rapist. it's ofc a matter of taste to prefer an mc who owns up to being a rapist but it's not very realistic.
Porn games aren't a book. We aren't inside the psyche of the narrator. It is very easy to distinguish between: "I the game maker don't see how my character spying on ladies in the shower makes him a creep" and "The character either doesn't realize or doesn't care that they are being a creep".

Take "The Headmaster" as a perfect example. The MC is delusional as fuck and thinks that sexually abusing his students benefits them. The rest of the characters and the story make it very clear the dude is kookoo bananas.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2018
Some things come to mind:

- Dead parent syndrome. The parent(s) died but don't worry nobody is sad and we never bring it up anyway.
- Overly aggressive and/or socially inept main characters.
- Annoying best friends.
- Dev pieces/4th wall breaking (unless it's the "hey, this is the end of the update stuff").
- Humour. Don't get me wrong characters riffing off of each other is great. I'm talking about the hey look at how funny I am dialogue. It often combines with the former point.
- Lost memory. Way overused and oft underutilized.
- Skippy ball boobs/blue whale dicks


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
Porn games aren't a book. We aren't inside the psyche of the narrator. It is very easy to distinguish between: "I the game maker don't see how my character spying on ladies in the shower makes him a creep" and "The character either doesn't realize or doesn't care that they are being a creep".

Take "The Headmaster" as a perfect example. The MC is delusional as fuck and thinks that sexually abusing his students benefits them. The rest of the characters and the story make it very clear the dude is kookoo bananas.
see that's just bad writing if your only making characters in the game hate the MC just cause some people will think he's a good guy. irl people who are persuasive and pervy (but get laid) usually still get all positive reactions


Oct 4, 2023
Well alot that have a eye roll effect for me now.

1. (Harem games turning into a poly fest) For some reason, just every girl have to turn into a carpet muncher once they join a harem.

2. (Pussy, idiotic, and non assertive MCs) Not saying the mc got to be some ULTRA CHAD edge cringe lord. But man it gets tiring having to play as these moronic, stuttering, scared of women MCs man getting pushed around by every, and anybody. Like dude get some damn balls already. it's a shitty trope of having to play as a fool for a mc.

3. (Cheating Ex's as a starting point) This is what I call cheap. i get it. It's a way to simply show shock factor, and to make you feel something as in anger etc/ And showing the MC is at the bottom now and need to build back up. But there are PLENTY of ways to show these without soft cucking the MC. I find it lazy to always have this trope pop up in alot of new VNs.. most of the time, it gets a negative reaction, for a reason. And even worst, alot of times devs just HAVE to show you it. Can't even have it as a background as the MC explaining, fully rendered why NOT! It gets even worst when the dev try to give the cheating whore some redemption arc, or make up some sob story on why she cheated or some other BS. or making them LOVE INTEREST... :FacePalm:

4. (Pervy MCs) Now.. this is an old trope that's still alive and well... Back then, We excused this alot.. ya know, the old peeking on your "landlady" and "tenants" and all that. Jerking to them while they sleep, taking their panties, and all of that bs. Now? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. Can we just get normal MCs for once? So tired of these virgin MCs dawg, acting like goofs. I just cringe now.

5. (The old nice sister, "evil" bitchy sister trope) This is another old one. But man, it's not as bad as the other ones I listed so far, but it's overused. Same tale everytime with this dynamic.

6. (Best male friends) One of the most annoying on this list imo. Like why do we even need these pointless annoying bugs next to the MC? Majority of the time, THEY ADD NOTHING OF VALUE. I can't count on my fingers actual good "best friends" or "friend" of MC in these novels. Most of the time they are annoying, stupid, pervs who perves on MC family, and just a waste of screentime. Legit can't name 1 thing positive male friends add in these novels.. Girl best friends ok.. at least most of the time they be love interest, or they been secretly in love with the MC for a while.. this falls under the childhood friend trope more tho. But, vice versa, and i digress. Overall, male friends in these novels grind my gears.

7. (Overuse of sex toys) This is self explainatory... if ya know, YA KNOW.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2018
2. (Pussy, idiotic, and non assertive MCs) Not saying the mc got to be some ULTRA CHAD edge cringe lord. But man it gets tiring having to play as these moronic, stuttering, scared of women MCs man getting pushed around by every, and anybody. Like dude get some damn balls already. it's a shitty trope of having to play as a fool for a mc.
I can understand a nervous shy MC since most kids are nervous and shy when virgins. What bugs me is when they're 6 girls deep into the harem, all fanatically in love with ubercock mcgee and he's STILL stuttering shy. That's annoying as hell.

6. (Best male friends) One of the most annoying on this list imo. Like why do we even need these pointless annoying bugs next to the MC? Majority of the time, THEY ADD NOTHING OF VALUE. I can't count on my fingers actual good "best friends" or "friend" of MC in these novels. Most of the time they are annoying, stupid, pervs who perves on MC family, and just a waste of screentime. Legit can't name 1 thing positive male friends add in these novels.. Girl best friends ok.. at least most of the time they be love interest, or they been secretly in love with the MC for a while.. this falls under the childhood friend trope more tho. But, vice versa, and i digress. Overall, male friends in these novels grind my gears.
Screw you. Liam is one of the best characters in an AVN, ever. Fight me.

Edit: Translation to that. When written well a friend character can be an amazing addition to a story if you aren't an overly paranoid and/or jealous little shit.
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Apr 18, 2018
Protag keeps continually talking about how hot every girl is the moment they meet them.
Dialogue is uninteresting (i know this is a sex game but i need the mc and the npcs to talk like people)
Protag talks like he's in a sex game
Dialogue options don't fit the character
After having sex, female characters lose all personality
Protag seeminly knows the only black person in the world of the game who is of course his best friend (to fill a quota)
Protag only has said best friend because he has a mom or sister who either always had the hots for him or all of a sudden has the hots for her son/brothers white friend. Said mom or sister fucks him with usually no option to say no
Game has ONE black woman and she instantly wants to fuck him, most of the time with no work on his part to woo her
Forced sex scenes aka a sex scene you cant opt out of.
Protag realizing *insert character name here* is hot or attractive seemingly only after you the player are in control of his life
Characters have no chemistry
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Apr 18, 2018
I smell....RACISM?
I dont like throwing around the racism card but thats what it seems like when it comes to the nsfw space in general....oh you meant me? lmao your nose is leading you wrong then. I do suppose i have to fix how i worded that. what i meant is I dislike the trope that in alot of games, the only black guy in the game is the best friend who only exists to either fill a quota (theres a black person in the game) or so that the mc can fuck his mom and or his sister because interracial.

Ass prefer

Engaged Member
Sep 30, 2022
I dont like throwing around the racism card but thats what it seems like when it comes to the nsfw space in general....oh you meant me? lmao your nose is leading you wrong then. I do suppose i have to fix how i worded that. what i meant is I dislike the trope that in alot of games, the only black guy in the game is the best friend who only exists to either fill a quota (theres a black person in the game) or so that the mc can fuck his mom and or his sister because interracial.
Brother, you don't have to make excuses. I would agree with any of your opinions. :devilish:


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2018
I would like a game with a Black Protag that isn't dealing with NTR or the whole interacial trope, just an actual protag going on some hot sexual adventure.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2018
But i don't mind the skin color of the protag as long as the game is hot and fun but i do agree on the dialog sometimes can be just like how can i put it. levels of huh to um why.


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2018
I dont like throwing around the racism card but thats what it seems like when it comes to the nsfw space in general....oh you meant me? lmao your nose is leading you wrong then. I do suppose i have to fix how i worded that. what i meant is I dislike the trope that in alot of games, the only black guy in the game is the best friend who only exists to either fill a quota (theres a black person in the game) or so that the mc can fuck his mom and or his sister because interracial.
I wouldn't call it racism in NSFW space unless you are looking at the ones that have actual racism as the theme in which there is a lot both game and pics that do. But i would say you don't see that much as the main protag since maybe a lot who are black maybe don't play adult games as much and or there more of other races that more in the NSFW space i guess. Hard to say on that.

Ying Ko

Jun 16, 2018
I dont like throwing around the racism card but thats what it seems like when it comes to the nsfw space in general....oh you meant me? lmao your nose is leading you wrong then. I do suppose i have to fix how i worded that. what i meant is I dislike the trope that in alot of games, the only black guy in the game is the best friend who only exists to either fill a quota (theres a black person in the game) or so that the mc can fuck his mom and or his sister because interracial.
The MC would fuck his best friends mom, regardless of race, lol.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
Screw you. Liam is one of the best characters in an AVN, ever. Fight me.
yeah, liam has been my only exception for years as well. but just a while ago I ran into the second one ever, the big crude fucker called Luis in halfway house. in the beginning he seems like he's going to be the typical asswipe you just want to kick from game, but turns out he has your back in every situation, is generous, has big heart, and even though he comes off as a creep he has principles against abusing women in any way. he's sort of like a dumb liam.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
black guy in the game is the best friend who only exists to either fill a quota (theres a black person in the game) or so that the mc can fuck his mom and or his sister because interracial.
there's no quota. none of these games are made by companies with a marketing or hr-department requiring to fill any kind of diversity quota. there's no one who could tell the dev they must write a black character against their will, quotas simply can't exist in these games.

what's racist though is the depiction of black men in these games 99% of the time as the ntr bully stealing your girl. he's always portrayed as the modern version of the oldest racist stereotype in the world, the aggressive black man with overwhelming sex-drive coming to rape white women. that's the racist part and that's the reason why almost any black males exist in these games. not quotas.

liam is different though, he's portrayed as a full compassionate human being with his own problems. you will feel for him, you will cry for him, and you'll never forget him after you finish the game. like tanstaafl said, one of the best characters ever.
Apr 18, 2018
I wouldn't call it racism in NSFW space unless you are looking at the ones that have actual racism as the theme in which there is a lot both game and pics that do. But i would say you don't see that much as the main protag since maybe a lot who are black maybe don't play adult games as much and or there more of other races that more in the NSFW space i guess. Hard to say on that.
It was a joke lol, i wasnt 100 percent serious about the racist thing. I only said it because the person implied i was being racist because of my shorthand "mc's bestfriend is black" statement without clarifying what i meant. I'm aware of the reason why most main protags are white but the more years pass, the less i believe that's the reason. I get it, sell to the largest audience which is probably white ppl but ppl also say the characters race shouldn't really matter, as long as they you can relate to them and they are done well. I look at the daily updates and new releases and see games with children, female, demon, japanese, and futa protags. While im sure there are a good number of ppl who fit some of those boxes (females, lgbt, and jap), i'm sure there are ppl playing those games that don't check any of those boxes and play them just fine. It's just tiring that i'm more likely to see a game with a child or a character that look like his balls haven't even dropped as a mc than finding a game with a protag that is a regular black guy (that isn't some shit post or ntr). I'm not here to make waves or anything but if I can play a vn or 90 percent of vidya games in general (as a black guy) and relate or grow attached to the many white protags with no issue then i feel like anyone should be able to do the same. Hell I've seen quite a few times where ppl who arent black are wondering why there are none as well as, like you, wouldn't mind playing as a black mc.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2018
It was a joke lol, i wasnt 100 percent serious about the racist thing. I only said it because the person implied i was being racist because of my shorthand "mc's bestfriend is black" statement without clarifying what i meant. I'm aware of the reason why most main protags are white but the more years pass, the less i believe that's the reason. I get it, sell to the largest audience which is probably white ppl but ppl also say the characters race shouldn't really matter, as long as they you can relate to them and they are done well. I look at the daily updates and new releases and see games with children, female, demon, japanese, and futa protags. While im sure there are a good number of ppl who fit some of those boxes (females, lgbt, and jap), i'm sure there are ppl playing those games that don't check any of those boxes and play them just fine. It's just tiring that i'm more likely to see a game with a child or a character that look like his balls haven't even dropped as a mc than finding a game with a protag that is a regular black guy (that isn't some shit post or ntr). I'm not here to make waves or anything but if I can play a vn or 90 percent of vidya games in general (as a black guy) and relate or grow attached to the many white protags with no issue then i feel like anyone should be able to do the same. Hell I've seen quite a few times where ppl who arent black are wondering why there are none as well as, like you, wouldn't mind playing as a black mc.
XD no worries, but yeah i can agree on seeing some Black MC that isn't in a game always with NTR, cheating, Netori and such.