VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Motherless [v0.23.1.0] [Mr.Mister]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The protagonist is great, all the girls are beautiful and sexy too, the plot got intresting towards end of season 1 so I'm excited for trying season 2. I usually don't like medium hair MCs but the hair suits MC very well. Moon is my favourite girl (she look like Amazon goddess), Dick frustrated me a lot and I'm sad we couldn't deal with him, Castro getting what he deserves is fun and Gaylord...oh god i hate that dude
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    9GB game that gives you the illusion of a slow burn game, but it's exactly the opposite.
    -models look nice
    -characters are kinda believable (up to chapter 3)
    -sex scenes are half animated
    -buildups to the sex scenes (almost nonexistence)
    -characters after chapter 3
    I thought it's a slow burn game, but the MC goes through the whole cast in under 15 minutes, it started nicely but went to 11 out of nowhere and kept getting worst, 'like this is our first time meeting, oops I dropped my pen, could you pick it up and have sex with me worst'
    Don't go into this thinking you'll build a relationship with the girls, nah not happening.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Motherless is an interesting title for a game where MC basically have 4 mothers.

    This is weird, but i had more things to say about this game after Season 1 than i have now after finishing all seasons. And i had more positive things to say after only S1, than now. Plot in this game is based around two things: finding our lost mother, and engaging with italian crime family. And the first plotline is far better than the second one. And this is what makes Season 1 the best season. The whole thing about finding our mother, meeting her not knowing who she really is, and finally learning that only after making love with her, was the most interesting and entertaining thing this game had to offer. Especially, since during the same time, we're finding about our foster mother and step mother. And our another foster mother who was taking care of us last few years is coming to town. Did i mentioned that Motherless is an interesting title for this game? So yeah, ultimately we're engaging sexually with all of them. And then S1 ends. There are still two more seasons, but the best thing is already finished. We already found our biological mother, and then some other mothers so that plot is no more. So the next two seasons are about expanding your harem and becoming mafia boss. We're still meeting more family members like grandmas or aunts. It was fine i guess, but not nearly as interesting as finding our mother. There is a lot of love interests in this game, we can build a really big harem. Building a harem is handled relatively well, the MC is really a great and handsome guy, the perfect husbando material loving and caring about every and single girl he met. I can see why all those girls fall in love with him. There is a really huge cast of girls of different nationality, some younger ones, some MILFs, and even 60 years old GILFs. Some of them don't have enough screen time, many of those girls are related with the MC in some way. If a wholesome incest harem is your thing, you will find some good things in Motherless.

    Visual quality of Motherless is inconsistent, to say the least. Renders are quite ok, not great, just ok. It's an older game, but not that old, and it shows. Animations on the other hand are worse than ok. There are like few different types of animations: basic two frame loops, very slow ones and some more proper animations. Neither of them are really good. Two frame loops are just that, two frame loops. Not exciting. The slow ones are too slow, look bad and again, not exciting. The proper, faster ones are somewhat better but those have their own problems. The lighting looks different in those animations compared to the renders and there're those awful, cheap porn sound effects like moans etc. So yeah, this could be better. There is a pretty big number of scenes, some are better than others but i would say there is no variety in them. They're ok for the most part and provide a bit of fun but again, could be better. In terms of music, i honestly don't remember anything outside of S2 main menu music.

    Ultimately, Motherless is an ok, around 20 hours long game. Season 1 is the best, with best setup and plot. The whole thing about finding our mom, learning about our different moms was the best thing in the game. After this was resolved game become less interesting to play. First few hours definitely were pretty fun and enjoyable. Season 3 was the worst i would say. Pretty short, rather quick with story progression with not enough content. There're also some scenes which for me looked like a teaser for a next game. That was not needed, and added nothing to this game. So unfortunately, the more i played, i liked the game less and less.
    Likes: hisfs
  4. 3.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    I am on season 3 now and I can tell you that this VN sucks as a game and the artwork sucks too. Somehow the dev got a great story from somewhere but the simple details of the story sucks too.
    Most annoying is force Pregnancy shittt....
    They forced Shaniqua pregnancy on me which is really disturbing as I didn't even had relationship with her. Priya was same but at least I had a relationship with her. Forcing pregnancy is really annoying as one only want to have kids whom the really love or as strategic part.
    Now another annoying part is too much careless sex scenes which disturbed the story. The dev should have focused on quality rather than quantity.
    The model when presented right looked gorgeous, I can tell that the perfect image of a girl that reside in artist mind is great but couldn't get it to the screen property. Sometimes the models looked amazing and sometimes it made me vomit.

    SN: The dev has great potential specially because of the timeframe and the overall quality. I just hope he focuses on story with not too much but adequate quality sex scenes.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.22.1.0

    For the first 2 seasons and half of the 3rd, I thought this was the ideal AVN for me. Wholesome harem, really likable mc with a big dick and incredible stamina, who can always satisfy his ladies, pregnancy, good visuals, nice sound design, decent enough plot to keep things rolling, and lots of hot sex scenes. In the first season, the sex scenes were spoiled a little by some annoying real-porn sound effects, but these were tuned down subsequently. And sure, Motherless is often silly and always unrealistic, but I thought it was funny and enjoyed the game not taking itself too seriously. Even when the dev inserted their pseudoscientific beliefs into the game (e.g. when the mc says "Most of our health problems are created by mental trauma”), they only did it through dialogue rather than meaningfully impacting the plot. I didn't even mind the timeskips, which were at most a few months at a time and done for the sake of progressing pregnancies.

    While I'm glad the game has many big butts, sadly there is a big but in this review. Now, the mc's harem was always expanding rapidly, but it still felt alright, because each girl was getting (just) enough screentime. But in season 3, the harem became too big. There were many time when a new girl was found, fell in love and was impregnated all in one scene. And the previous girls didn't have enough time in the limelight. The dev clearly had gotten used to telling the story by constantly expanding the harem; instead, season 3 should have just consolidated every girl who was already present.

    So what would have been a solid 5 star for me fell to 4. I hope the dev learns from this mistake in their next game.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game with so much content. The only down side is that it was clearly writen as an incest game but you have to enter all the relation ships manually. On the plus side ther is a ton of relationships on the negative figuring out who is who and entering the right relation so that the texts dont sond dumb is a bit of work
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Other than some questionable H scene work in the graphics this is a fun game that offers a wide variety of L.I.s. For a guy that is supposed to be "motherless" he ends up having no less than four how I see it. Bio-mom, her BFF that starts raising you, the woman that finishes raising you, then the woman married to dad. With the extensive harem he ends up with it'll be interesting to see what happens next. Will there be a part 2? Will the next AVN be something new? What I do know is I'll be there playing it here & on Steam if/ when it's available just like I did this one.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, finishing this game took me a while. It is a pretty good harem game, among the best on the site, specially if you are into certain fetishes (like family stuff)
    The start has some things here and there that might not be so good (like the quality of animations) but it gets a lot better later, and it has a LOT of content. The story is clearly meant to be a good natured feel-good story and is full of likeable characters that fit well into the main theme of the game.
    Overall a great game, and excited about the next one.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Okay, let me introduce you to the wildest premise of a game you've ever heard:

    This is the story of the most Scandinavian-looking, California-born, Italo-Ukrainian surfer kid ever and how he was born to an actress and her one-night-stand. By the way, that one-night-stand would have been thrilled to know he's finally going to have a son because he's a real family guy. However, he's not going to find out about his son. No, the MC was hidden from the father because the mother wanted to continue to have fun in her life which means letting her best friend in the world adopt the boy. So, MC has a happy home right? Wrong. He's now going to be kidnapped by her mother's best friend's cuck of a fiancé because he can't stand all the love and attention the boy is getting and delivers the lad to the most corrupt church Padré he could find. The boy then escapes from that hell only to be unofficially fostered off-the-books by the coolest surfer military superspy ever. That man, Captain Kelly, is lost to the waves in a tragic sea accident. RIP(curl). Fortunately for us, our well-travelled MC has reached the age of majority and has adulted out of this rollercoaster ride of a below-board system and can now start doing adult things.

    You still with me? No? Good. That's just the premise, the meat of this story gets even crazier. Our MC eventually meets and starts hooking up with all the women. MC gets in wild, fun relationships with most of these women. Some of these women, however, are supposed to be saving themselves for their family to continue the super-secret Italian mafioso purity trends of inbreeding into oblivion. Lucky for them, their indiscretions bear them no problems as it turns out our MC is the chosen one. That's right! Momma's one-night-stand, as it turns out, is the ultimate Italian mafioso whose family maintains purity of their most grand blood by inbreeding harder than you've ever considered a wincest game could ever go. So, the happy little accidents are happily super successful.

    Also, he finds that he's been psychoanalyzing his lost adoptive mother and eventually finds out as well. Oh, and he accidentally has a bit too much fun with a woman who has taken up the habit, sexes her up in the convent, pulls her out of the convent and only then does he find out she's his long lost mother.

    Now in a race against time, the story really starts to take off as the MC begins traipsing all over Europe, the former Soviet Bloc, across America (North and South) and all points inbetween as he seeks more family (from both his mother and father's side of the family tree) in an attempt to fuck them all. For a game called Motherless, MC has a surprisingly large number of Mothers and Grandmothers of varying degrees and names.

    So yeah, wild story. Stupid story, really (there's suspending your disbelief for a story, then there's this thing)... but it's cute.

    The renders are above average, none of them really strike me as grainy. The developer seems to have a type for women that he will vary slightly to get different appearances; sharper features are usually the order of the day. The MC is, arguably, the best looking character in the bunch; surprising, but fair considering he's seen more often than anyone else in the game. I think it was interesting to lop off his hair so early in the game's production... yet you wouldn't know it until you play. Even after the change, all art around the game focuses on the character having a real California surfer bro appearance.

    SFX are everywhere. Some are distracting, some are unusual, but almost all of them are because the developer wanted punch in his scenes. Get used to it: "Yeah!" with a screen punch visual effect will be a real go-to. Music isn't really as important... now that I'm thinking of it, I don't actually remember music. Either there were so many SFX that I've drowned them out or it wasn't there... I'd have to go back and see if I missed it somehow.

    All told, the game on the whole is average. The MC and some of the renders get 4 stars, the SFX is 4 stars, the lacking or forgettable music is 2 stars, the story is 2 stars.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Story and writing is basic. Visuals are what you see in preview. Harem game story is linear. There is funny moments but sometimes it's annoying. Overall it's an average game. There is no big story here. If you prefer story centric AVN this one's not for you. But have to praise dev for update schedules. This one got frequent updates
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game often contains most of the preferences, and the developer is clear that he wants to satisfy most of the players’ desires, and this does not exist in many games, such as a bad game called Summer is done, ;) which only contains pictures, seductive scenes, and cinematic animation scenes.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Been playing this one for a while, and I'll admit, the beginning is ROUGH.

    It gets better though. You can tell it's a real labor of love, and the Dev just wants to tell a fun story about family and free love.

    I give it an extra star because the intentions are good, even if the skills could use some polish.
    One of the better Harem games you will find on here. (y)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    The story and writing are pretty basic like it was written by a high School freshman. If you are up for an engaging story that is entertaining you will not find it here. The fap action is fast paced and constant which I suspect is why this one is getting such high reviews. At a certain point the amount of LI's included into the story gets overwhelming and older LI's get lost in the shuffle.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Largely nonsensical slideshow. This isn't much of a game and the linear story presented lacks any kind of tension and the overall goofy nature of proceedings make it impossible to be immersed in it even as a porn story.
    The models and the sex scenes are garish with some real monstrosities in the early game. One extra star just for completing the project.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    The writing in this isn't very good. The story line really doesn't make much sense, the behavior and reactions of the characters aren't well thought out. Contrary to what some would have people believe both the visual and the novel part are important in a V/N, hence the name. This V/N lacks in both.

    Visually it's even worse. The models simply don't look very good and what is up with their oddly shaped butts? At times they look damn near square, sort of boxy and over sized compared to the rest of their body. It's off putting.

    The Dev also used those profile pics to denote who is speaking and for some reason those very rarely come out looking good. By now you'd think Devs would realize they're better off forgetting those and just use names to denote speaker.

    All in all this V/N turned out to be a disappointment.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    To start, story and not bad. Part 1 is not bad, there are a lot of choices, but part 2 is crap (a simple VN). On the sound side, the sound effects are nice at first, but much too repetitive and at times, certain sound should not be there (or in another tone).
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is nonsence as if written by someone using google translate to make the english version.
    Reactions and characters are honestly just plain stupid, lesbians dropping being gay after 15 minutes in the precence of the Mary Sue/Gary Stu protagonist, every female is related to him in some way.

    This in essence boils down to being like a bad porn movie where you need to not look too closely at anyones face, story or lines so as to not loose your erection/interest.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Motherless deserves a lot of attention! a nice harem game where there is no tension or disputes , In every other's games, Dev starts to make Mc boring or bad, where for some time they focus on the antagonists, but here Dev keeps Mc in the foreground and walks confidently, Dev has even improved Mc’s attitude and everyone is more attracted to his stories and he always tries to help everyone, I especially like the sound of him saying “WHOO” with joy. . I understand that not everyone likes it when girls hang themselves on the MC right away without a plot, but I hope that in the future new VN we will see how Dev will create the best game in terms of plot and a high-quality harem for the joy of everyone, I give 5 balls!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    A LOT of 'content', scenes, and kind of decent renders, but that's about it. I guess not bad for a quick fap.

    Renders: 4/5
    The characters don't look bad, at least most of them, although the milfs look way too young for their age, how can a woman that looks in her thirties have a son that looks like he's in his thirties is beyond me, but I guess it's a personal preference.

    Animation: 4/5
    This game gets dragged down by how old it is, I replayed the game from the start for the experience and the animations at the start of the game are so bad.
    It improves a lot as you keep playing but for some reasons some animations are just way off, can't be explained by the skill of the developer or being old, like you can have two animations in the same scene that have like 3 fps and 30 fps, or different lighting and details, when animation or picture style changes so drastically in a moment it puts me off, takes me out of the immersion and reminds me this is just pixels on my screen, not very nice...

    Honestly I think it's more like 3/5 but extra point for actually trying.

    Story: 2/5
    For some reason everyone wants to fuck this dude, and is related to him somehow from either sides of the family or his adoptive family... it's crazy.
    You shouldn't play this for the story at all, just enjoy the ride if it clicks some of your fetishes and have fun.

    Gameplay: 3/5
    Typical VN no open world, the UI looks fine and the few choices are very obvious, they pretty much boil down to 'interested' or 'not interested' in the current female, and during sex scenes where you finish/pregnancy or no pregnancy..

    Sounds: 3/5
    Man I wish I can rate this higher so much for actually having sound effects unlike most of the games but I can't, the sounds are just too repetitive, the guy makes the same HU sound when he cums and when he's punching a dude or even when he's taking a shit, the girls moaning sounds are also repeated in multiple scenes, ah well, kudos for actually having sounds, it's not a 0/5...

    This is slightly above average. I think the dev can already let the dead horse pass away and move to a new game with his acquired skillset, it will probably look a lot better, and they can restart the whole teasing incest taboo thing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite visual novel style projects, it is also consistently updated on a regular basis. Your hard work is recognized and appreciated! The pregnancy storyline and visuals are the, BEST. No other Ren'Py comes close to immersing the player/reader with pregnancy renders/models that actually grow as the story progresses. With my fetish, excuse me, out of the way, the story of having been from a broken family to being in one of the most powerful families in the world is a great fantasy!