Here it is as promised, nothing special actually....
Google Drive
Bummer. You dumped your file in bin so I cannot download. My mugen don't have the ability to zoom in/out. This must be version 1.1 that I hope is working because the one I got off internet gives black screen and wont start. Sad
Also to those new to mugen, welcome!
F1 Sets Player 2's life to zero
Ctrl-F1 Sets Player 1's life to zero
F2 Sets both players' life to 1
Ctrl-F2 Sets Player 1's life to 1
Shift-F2 Sets Player 2's life to 1
F3 Gives both players full power
F4 Reset the round
Shift-F4 Reloads stage, characters and fight data
F5 Time Over
F12 Take a screenshot (saved to mugen?.pcx)
Ctrl-C Toggles display of collision boxes, target data (including
remaining juggle points) and NotHitBy attributes
Ctrl-D Toggles debug information display
Ctrl-F Toggle Frameskip [auto,1,2] (low fps/low cpu usage)
Ctrl-I Forces both players into stand state [RELEASE char from longrape move/may cause bug]
Ctrl-L Toggles display of the life and power bars
Ctrl-S Run the game as fast as possible
Ctrl-V Enable V-sync (stops "shearing")
Ctrl-# (where # is from 1-4) Toggles AI for the #th player
Ctrl-Alt-# (where # is from 1-4) Enables/Disables the player
Space Restores full life and power to all players