- Aug 13, 2020
- 50
- 29
try opening file the mugen config and try changing the setting forall mugen files in data last modified 2013 so no, i definitely didn't do anything manually either;
running with win7 compatibility didnt help
I used 7-zip
my monitor resolution is 1920x1080 75Khz; idk it runs in windowed mode when it first opens up so idk if resolution should have any difference; I also have a second monitor which is 60Khz but turning one or the other didn't help
ty for reply again btw
;Screen rendering mode.
;OpenGL - Experimental OpenGL renderer (recommended)
;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Windows)
;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
;System and DirectX modes do not support advanced features
;such as RGB sprites and window resizing.
rendermode=opengl to system or direct x and save it and then try it let me know if that does anything