Having a pornographic fetish isnt necessairly the same as liking it in real life. I'm pretty sure most people here hate cockroaches.
It doesn`t matter.
How does it look like to the outside is the question.
If you go to a random person and tell them you like watching animations about females getting fucked by gigant insects, what do you thing they would thing?
The issue is that this can`t be defended on a moral ground. It`s irrelevant if it`s legal or not. Those shitty company's are cockblocking us because they waving the moral high ground flag and we can`t do anything about it.
What would happen if they tried to block visa for payment option for gun trading?
Entire US would be up at arms because they see it as god given right to be able to own weapons which they can instantly kill any human in 250 meter+ radius which. 2.5k child deaths a year btw in the US alone thanks to weapons.
Germany has 120 child deaths through all means of violence a year.
Those payment company's can go fuck themselves with there hypocritical actions.
btw i thing where derailing this thread