Does anyone else absolutely hate the mc? How could anyone be this stupid. He makes the worst decisions and is completely oblivious to the obvious consequences of his decisions. He completely misses the obvious solutions to problems and instead makes decisions to actively make them worse. Either the dev is a terrible writer and also can't figure out the right thing, or he's writing the mc as an utter idiot intentionally. The problem is we play as the MC and aren't even given the option to make a different decision. Nobody would be dumb enough to think that
is a good idea that will somehow help the situation. The MC had plenty of idiotic decisions leading up to that but each of them was at least a little bit understandable but this one takes the cake. Nobody is that stupid. I feel like the writer is just throwing things in willy nillly to create drama or suspense when there's no reason to do so. The dev does a great job in so many other aspects and I was loving the game until that idiotic decision. I'm sure the dev has some idea on how to finagle out of this but there was absolutely no reason to be in the situation to begin with.
Let us have the option to not make absolutely ridiculously idiotic decisions that will quite obviously lead to disaster. Sorry I might even support the dev, but dear God not if the MC remains an utter and complete moron. Ugh it was going so well and then it just crashed and burned through a decision so stupid it unfathomable.