Ren'Py - My Best Friend's Daughter [S2 Ep. 7] [CeLaVie Group]

  1. 4.00 star(s)



    - For lovers of the genre, slow and elaborate corruption. None of those typical "hello, shall we fuck?" games that bore you after 10 minutes because you've already seen it all. Seeing the girls as they gradually adopt more suggestive outfits and behaviours is what encourages you to keep discovering how far you can go with them.

    - Quality renderings. The girls look beautiful and the story is interesting. Finding a mix of this point and the previous one is like looking for a needle in a haystack and maybe that's why this game is a must have. Ideal for those who want to have their own harem, but they have to work at it.


    - Progressing through this game can be confusing at times, getting to points where you're stuck going through scenes and not quite knowing what you're supposed to be doing. A guide that gives hints would help. There is one, but you have to be visiting the gallery for it and it's awkward and impractical. You may decide to move on to the next episode and miss some scenes, and with it the continuity of the story.

    - The interface is not very user-friendly. At the beginning you have to guess where the points are that you can click on to access the particular stage, and on the other hand, the presence of the dotted image to make decisions at the top of the screen is a bit

    - In my opinion, the decisions to accept or reject the player's actions should be made by the girls themselves, not the player having to decide between "I don't like being touched or "I do like being touched". It's obvious which one will always be chosen, isn't it?
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Version: Ep.6.01 Public

    Do not fool yourself by appearance. If there was a worst game vote, this game would surely be competing.
    The little plot makes it look interesting, your daughter hates you and you try to approach her by inviting her to travel to a paradise island. But before the plot begins, there is a little story that is quite boring and there are some answers that make the game close. Arriving on the island, you will meet two girls the same age as the MC's daughter, and then the hell of gameplay begins.
    Think about a game that contains an absolute grindfest that the cheat function doesn't work and the tips don't either. It is one of the worst sandboxes I have ever played, the level of progression is extremely slow, tiring and very bad.
    Graphics & Sexual Content:
    Beautiful little girls with a little sexy body, but make no mistake, the contents are tremendous blue balls. You spend several hours and the reward is not even worth your effort, so there is not much content, to tell you the truth, there's almost nothing.

    Why I did gave 0 star?
    If I could choose the worst game, it would be competing. I only have two words to describe it: grindfest and blue balls. Don't waste your time playing or downloading this.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Nice renders, but quite technically deficient, especially the clothes, which are very poorly adjusted. There are even feet that don't touch the ground or sink into it. Beginner mistakes that are not expected from someone who has been making games for a long time. Idleness or disinterest is called that.
    The dialogues could not be more childish, they are from elementary school.
    Beautiful girls, beautiful environment and despite everything, it's the most boring game I've encountered in a very long time.
    Situations are repeated over and over again with no way to see how to progress. The author hasn't even bothered to do anything logical. You have to guess what happens, because nothing logical happens, just a succession of the same situation with the only change in the clothes of each girl. And as I said before, the clothes are very poorly adjusted to the models.

    It's a shame, with a little interest it could have been a good game.

    But currently it is a very very very very boring game.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    It's one of those "guess what the dev wants you to pick to progress" games.

    Right from the start too, click start and be faced with a bunch of hidden game over try again.
    Then you repeat the same events hundreds of times, because grinding is fun, even if you follow that poor excuse of a hint system.
    More on that, this is one of the worst GUI possible, from white text on white sand background as clickable events, to the "gallery" that's just the pictures, no text, in a laggy, hard to navigate overlay.

    Do yourself a favor, if you really want to see the renders, just extract them and move on.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    This game have so many potential but these history whos never move up, I never played a game so boring and potentially good at the same time. The models and renders are good, very human, sexy etc...This game need a help tool more functional or walkthrough, besisdes the game will become a bad experience. I will play this game once released and see if changes something for making my review change. Sorry my bad english, gratz from Brazil :)~
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I once heard golf described as a pleasant walk, constantly interrupted by a silly game. I think a lot of the reason for the controversy re the merits of MBFD is that Bobson has created such beautiful scenery that many find the game a distraction and just want to get to the good bits.

    Whether you find the game-play a delight or a grind will depend on how much you like solving puzzles. If you do, and enjoy being rewarded by stunningly beautiful young women wearing less and less clothing and gradually (v-e-r-y g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y) responding to the MCs advances, you will likely love this game. If not, even with the new help system, many people will find the game-play tedious and the reward for effort insufficient.

    Another complication is that, going by Bobson's previous effort, there will be a story here, and various hints of plot are starting to emerge by Ep. 5. For many games, especially those that use Renpy, whatever game-play exists is used primarily to advance the plot or plots. Bobson's games are different - the game is the game!

    Having said that, Bobson and his team are clearly listening to the feedback from those that don't share this problem-solving passion but do love the scenery. The new help feature makes the game enjoyable for a wider variety of players, although there are clearly some who would still prefer a very different game style.

    I rate MBFD 4 rather than 5 stars because there are still quite a few glitches and errors. That, of course, is what beta-testing is for so perhaps that rating is unfair, but I think a 5-star rating should indicate that a beta version is "production ready" which this is not.

    I would urge others to remember that the "price" of beta software has always been that you provide constructive feedback when encountering problems, rather than bitching.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Too many grinds. If you play without walkthrough mod, then this game pain in ass to play. Game have chapters with event. For progress, you need done every event. Some events are not easy to trigger, and you can stick for a long time.
    Models 5/5
    Story 3/5
    Gameplay 2/5
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    I don't really made alot of reviews. Games that are good on here already got so many positive stuff on them you don't need to repeat that over and over. But i really like the last game. even though it had a weird system to progress. at least it was not unsolvable.

    But this game here it triggers me so much that i can't leave it uncommented.

    Pro: I really love the Renders of this game and the last game had ton of nice scenes with different girls. This one already features a couple of cuties. So in the future there will be alot sweet things to look at.

    Gameplay... i dunno how other players can figure out what is supposed to be done to make progress. you click you do daily events over and over and over and over nothing changes. Ppl say its slow progress. I can't see any progress and the scene or eventcounter hasn't moved since chapter 2. I really tried, played for 200 ingame days and about 4 real days in hours already.

    Dev tells you there is gonna be a hint system to aid when you stuck. But its no where to be seen.
    So calling this abomination a game is mildy put a joke.
    The navigation on the "map" is horrible maybe make an icon for the location to click on instead of invisible text?

    Conclusion: for me right now. I can't play the game. Other reviewers say its a riddle game. I've thats the case give me a sodoku to solve and ill do that to see tiddies. I'd rather solve a sudoku than trying any longer to figure this mess of a game out. So until something gets changed: get it, unren it, and enjoy pretty pics. Maybe someone can make a nice kinetic novel out of the artwork atleast. Would enjoy that. Maybe a nice modder reads that and thinks the same.

    P.S.: Since i wasn't able to play I can't judge on the story but it seems generic till now and from the picture it looks like a black man is trying to rape one of your LIs -.- dats racist. By the end of this game we prolly been 3 ingame years on this summer holliday trip.

    PPS.: this is getting even more rediculous, if would make a better game without bullshit mechanics you wouldn't need anytime invested in a hint system, that also sucks so hard. I honestly ask myself, if the dev ever played another porn game on this website with tons of games, that already figured out how to be fun and sexy at the same time.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Frustating and boring click and find new scenes game Raising stats sucks
    fly sucks
    This game needs a walktrough with all events clearly written down
    Cheat mod isnt helping either stats reset back at end of the day
    Story is bad to
    to much grind
    Dont waste you're time (n)
    Only good thing are renders
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3363005

    It reminds me of the time my dentist missed the nerve and started drilling without enough anesthesia. The art, impeccable...The models, ultimate hotties...BUT. Zero action, just the same grind over and over again hoping for something to happen. I even tried the cheat mod and reduced their shyness to -100 and jacked their horniness and love to over 100 and you know what happened? NOTHING! the game kept resetting itself to where the game wanted their settings to be. Insanity

    EDIT: I just played the newest release, (I know, get a life, right...) and as before, the art and story are really good. I like the new characters/situations being introduced, BUT...I really don't like to be teased unless it is a short bit of fore-play to the main event.....BTW, whats with the fly?
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art. I enjoy the slowly becoming more comfortable and increasingly more reveling. I haven't played Room for Rent but definitely will now. I cannot wait for the next chapter of this story. The fly thing is a bit strange, but guessing if I played the other it would make more sense.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I finaly played this game and really wanted to like it. The premise was good and the art work is great, but my god in the introduction I had to replay it several times to get anything good and with out a hints system it really pulls away from enjoying the game. Then you get to the island and it starts out well, but becomes a goddamn grind fest. Watching the stats i figured out that no matter what you do only one point is awarded or dropped per day. So you basically have to replay scenes sevarl times until you hit whatever bullshit number the dev came up with. I didn't mind the character selection that much, it kind of helped feeeling like I had some kind of control over where I was going.
    Basically another game that had potential, but got ruined by a devs lack of understanding how a grind fest kills a game's enjoyability. Excessive repitition is not fun!
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One

    Update V10.13

    I am very much a credit where credit is due, kind of guy, so I will say that My Best Friend's Daughter is getting better... it is still NOT GOOD, but it is getting better.

    Man, this game has all the potential to be awesome. The renders are decent, the premise of being on a secluded with cute girls is awesome and the writing isn't terrible.
    But the open world mechanics are pure trash. I know I am not alone when I say that this game is confusing, but, damn, this game is overly so. The fly mechanic, I bet on paper was a an interesting idea, is terrible. Also, there is no guidance on what comes next, or how to accomplish anything. I don't even know if I am making progress, since there is no user-friendly way to check stats.
    I think the premise is great, but I think you need to go back to square one with this game, and try again...
    UPDATE - It is now in the 9.2 update, and still no clear way to progress. Every attempt to even ask if there is clear, in-game, way to progress is merely met with a "huurrrr... check the guide or walkthrough" from the developer. If your game is designed with the intent to use a guide to make it through what is supposed to be the simple mechanics of your game, then it is not designed well at all.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably best creator ever in his theme role, at least my favourite one. He does with the Shame, corruption, teasing, and inocent role like a mastermind. My only complaint it is that sometimes you can get lost but not in this game, un Room for rent, also amazing, because there are a lot of places to go, and you can get tired without help.
    Keep going, love your work, and I am going to be patron in no time.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I give five stars because I want this game to continue, because I like it. That is my biased opinion.
    However, I would like to suggest a few simple changes.
    - try to generate some popup window for the current status, just view at the beginning
    - try to improve help. Quite nice is done in Tresury of Nadia, the point is that it is not clear whether you have bad status points or you are not going the right way
    I hope you will continue. A nice idea that can be relaxed, because the tasks are repeated and you don't need much thinking, you just let yourself be guided smoothly by the story.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    After wasting hours getting stuck missing something on several playthroughs to day 100 with no way to figure out what you missed or what you need to be doing to progress the story, I just gave up....

    Models are gorgeous and engaging.
    Sandbox aspect works great.

    You can advance the story before completing every task so you end up missing critical content with No way to figure out what you missed so you just have to start over and hope you get it right the next time.
    Ridiculous amount of grinding until either you get lost with missed content or you wanna kill yourself.
    nearly impossible to advance the game even with guide cheat assistant.

    Advice to dev, Add explanations or even hints for accomplishing the "bookmarks", without a hint system this game is just annoyingly frustrating....
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Shadow Step

    I'm reviewing this after the third sixth update.

    As the overview says, it's a parallel game for the first game of the dev, and has a somewhat same gameplay with improvements.

    If you can comply with a sandbox game and enjoy corrupting and exhibitionism, this is definitly a game you should try.

    The game focus on corrupting the girls on the island, making them less shy, wearing more sexy clothes and less clothes and so on.

    The characters on this game do give an real feel of development in the context of being less shy throught the updates that were released.

    The gameplay is a sandbox game just like the first game, but for now, there aren't many locations and girls for you to figure out what you have to do to unlock new scenes. The chapter 2 was really ridiculous discoverying what you should do, but right now we have an gallery with tips for specific events, but make sure you have more than one save at different points, because some events are out of order on the gallery and you can brick your acess to them.

    I'll keep updating my review after each update released.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Disclaimer: I'm reviewing this after only the first few episodes. Certainly, the game will evolve as future updates are released.

    Plot: 5/5. An old man is isolated on a romantic island with hot young girls. Your objective as a player is to control the old man's actions and slowly work your way into the girl's pants. It's a simple fantasy scenario, but it works!

    Gameplay: 2/5. As many people have mentioned, the game is a bit grindy. It's very repetitive, and if you play without a walkthrough you'll spend hours trying to find the next trigger that progresses the storyline. If you read through any of the forum comments, you'll see a lot of, "Help, I'm stuck at ##/74. What do I do?" For example, I had been to the kitchen at noon a dozen different times, and there wasn't ever anything to do there, so I stopped visiting the kitchen at noon. Then, after spending an hour trying to find the next progress-trigger, I wander into the kitchen at noon and suddenly there's something to do. It's tedious. There are 24 hours in a day and 8 different locations. 8*24 = 192. That's 192 different location/time combinations you have to investigate each time you get stuck. That's a lot of mindless grinding. (I know the math isn't entirely accurate, but you get the point.)

    Artwork: 4/5. The style is unique, and the author certainly put a lot of work into the images. Unfortunately, like the gameplay, it's a bit redundant. The same things keep happening over and over. Julia got sweaty in her first sleep attire, then she got sweaty in her second sleep attire, then she got sweaty again in her 3rd set of sleeping clothes. Julia asks if her dress is okay for dinner. Then the next night she asks again. Then again and again every single night. There are 3 girls on the island and all 3 of them look the same. They're all petite, 18-year-old blondes? Couldn't we get some variety? Maybe a tall girl? A girl with big tits? A brunette? An Asian girl? All of that being said, the artist behind the game is getting much better at his craft. Julia's hair and facial expressions look phenomenal! It's difficult to imagine being titillated by a dress, but the artist did such a great job with Julia's attire it made me say "wow, that's a great looking dress!"

    Satisfaction: 0/5. I'm sure this will change with future releases, but as of now there's zero nudity in the game... zero groping, zero kissing, zero blowjobs, zero sex. Even if you peep on girls while they're showering you can't see their private parts. As of now, the best you get is a nip slip and the ability to pat a girl on the butt. I get that it's supposed to be seductive and teasing, but honestly it's just frustrating. It feels like nothing is progressing. I've slept next to the same girl for 50 nights and nothing has changed. I've been playing this game for hours. There's been enough build-up, enough teasing. I just want to bury my old-man's cock balls-deep in Julia's ass already! My character has slept next to Julia for 50 nights and I still don't even have the option to spoon her? I can't rub my morning wood between her asscheeks? I can't even jack off into her bikini while I peep on her? You can get laid in real-life faster than you'll get laid in this game. Again, I'm sure this will change with future updates, but in the game's current state you're going to play for 8 hours with zero payoff.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Your "Best Friend Daughter" who happens to be pretty cute, joins your vacation and the story begins...

    Together with 2 other beautiful,bisexual girls, you have full freedom to explore a small but full of history, tropical island.

    Quite the tinderbox and plenty of opportunity to ruin not only your friendship with your best friend but also all your chances with those young cuties!

    In best "Bob Bobson" manner you learn that trust comes before lust and that each girl has to undergo their very own transformation, before all wrappers and inhibitions will drop.

    A rare Gem.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    The renders are good. The rest? Not even a little.

    The premise of the game is a middle aged man wears down the inhibitions of several teen girls on a remote tropical island. The gameplay reflects that, in that it wears down the player with constant tedious repetition. There's no plot besides that, so there's no story beats to guide any sort of decision making, so you just click around a poorly optimized map hoping something will happen, and rolling back the scene if you hit a repeat. The devs think this is "teasing" the audience, when in fact, it is simply wasting their time.

    This is a smut game equivalent of store bought noodles, but in order to cook it, every step of the meal requires you to methodically check each room of your house, hoping to arbitrarily find a step. It doesn't make you anticipate the meal, and its not a clever way for the chef to dress up a basic meal experience as something special.

    Don't waste your time.