Ren'Py - My Best Friend's Daughter [S2 Ep. 7] [CeLaVie Group]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    If you actually have a life this game is not for you.
    Excessive GRIND. To the point where I have lost interest in the game.
    I understand the concept of build up, But even a full movie only asks for 2-3 hours of your life from beginning to end. The amount of time needed to play this game for any meaningful change far exceeds that.

    The Dev made a point of not wanting the player to skip or fast forward.
    But the game just gets tedious after x number of times doing the same thing.

    I rated it as a two because I actually liked the models and art. But imho the art is not worth the time and effort to play
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Anyone recall how Cyberpunk 2077 was reviewed as being 9/10?
    It was so "good" that even Sony did a refund, something they had never done before. When reading the early glowing reviews on this 'game' it reminds me of that situation.

    This game thinks that super grindy drip fed progress without any kind of real indication what to do is what the players want.

    Unless you plan on killing hours of your time being bored out of your mind, don't bother.

    Things that should be changed to improve this game to mediocre :
    - story
    - more diverse models (not just hair styles)
    - pacing
    to name just a few
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Attractive character models. Seriously, this is most of why the game gets more than the minimum 1 star.
    Reasonably nice scenery.
    Sexy outfits.

    Grind. Endless grind. Repeat the same fourteen interactions four hundred times to get any progress.
    Minimal action. Nip slips, peeking, groping, and that was all I found.
    Grind without guidance.
    Useless skip. Because so many of the parts you need to grind through are QTE style protagonist changes, you can't use the Skip Repeated Text function without failing your play through.
    The author demands that you read the mediocre dialogue by hiding QTE and the handful of guidance in the poorly structured conversations.
    Lengthy transitions. Every conversation transitions through three key frames - need to back up and reread something? Brace yourself for a ten second series of still images.
    No animations. Not that I could find. Everything is a static image, or a series of static images at least seven seconds apart.
    Forced stat resets reinforce the grind. Even with a cheat mod - because ten minutes showed me that the grind was real - I couldn't progress because every single day the girls stats would reset to some arbitrary baseline the creator had coded in.
    Grind instead of gameplay.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Oh My Goddess

    Anyone else who has praised this game is a sadist or they only care about the girls. NOTHING in this game makes sense even with cheats. The games idea of progression is the old formula of having you click the same scene over and over for nip-slips. As of this review their is no penetration in the game. Game crashed 3 different times. The whole premise is that youre a pervy old man yet the game punishes you for being on a deserted island with half naked hot petite chicks and making any kind of move. First game I've ever seen have a built in walkthrough and youll still be stuck. The MC is basically punished for being what the dev created him to be. Aka there are GAME OVER screens you cant roll back. THIS GAME IS SO BAD IT MADE ME ANGRY. Ive played hundreds of these games and thats never happened.

    Dev. At least redeem the previous game and this current game by combining them. Its obviously without the GRIND there would be minimal content from each game but together they would at least unlock a decent hour. Make them a VN as opposed to a sandbox that doesnt even work with cheats and add a frickin gallery. Thats minimum. I say all this in hopes the Dev will produce a better product and I can eat my words/edit this review down the road. Until then STAY AWAY FROM THIS GAME, ITS GARBAGE.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Dev and game Story seems good but a little slow in progress imo but big thumbs up on graphics Just Love the girls and particularly proportions the models are more realistic to what would be actually found in the field
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    First thing first: I "fell in love with Julia".
    Never saw such a radiant person before ever. Like she is being an innocent Light Being from heaven. Havn't even be capable such a Beauty could exist, before I saw her first.

    Game in general is first class in most aspects. Not perfect, but much more than one can expect from a game which just started. I am looking so much forward. Big thanks to the dev for such an extraordinary masterpiece :)
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I agree with those who give 5 stars. Personally, I can't fault the game. I think the developer has found great supporters in his team. I love this game more than anyone else. That's why it gets 5 stars from me.
    if there is the possibility I would give more stars.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very good, it is an improvement from his previous game (which I loved as well). Art is better, writing is better, overall gameplay is better (the perspective change feature is on point). It is of course still in development and needs some polish, what I'd like to see in the future is maybe a better hint system. As it is now it is difficult sometime to know how to proceed. Another thing i wish for future releases is for the game to grow "tall" rather than "wide", exploring girls' paths in depth rather than seeing many of them added to the game, both in story and sexual development. While their prior game had many heroines (that isn't necessarily a bad thing) I still felt like their stories and even the sexual interactions were too similar. Maybe I'd like some kinks and some diversity added in the future.

    EDIT: I don't get btw all the negative ratings, this developer usually delivers tons of content each release, and this last game is fresh with original mechanics. A hint system, or a little more linearity (in gameplay) is all is needed, but rating this work 1 or 2 stars is just harsh.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 894997

    His other game was super grindy, and this is even worse.
    At least the other game was easier with a walkthrough mod and a lot of skipping of seen dialog, but this is not textbased choices for where to go during the day, so knowing where to go is annoying as hell.

    On top of that the 2 new functions where you can controll the girl/fly makes skipping seen text (with ctrl) even not working as it should, cos all of a sudden you have skipped past a spot where you can now choose to see the girls perspective instead.
    Absolutely horrible game play.

    If it at least had some plot or interesting dialog it could be saved, but it does not.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I decided to try this game, since it was fairly well rated. But I have to disagree on that. The game is okay. The renders are not bad, the models are nice. But the game is very time consuming. There's a lot of reading and a boatload of grinding involved. I really dislike the grinding in this game. Even if you use unren to max the values, you have to grind a lot to make progress in the game. So, all in all I can't really recommend this game. But I gave 3 stars, since the game in itself is not bad.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Loving your games. Been following both your games for a while.
    The positives:
    1. Models and renders are beautiful and breaks with the adult game norm of bigger is better.
    2. Also absolutely love a slow burn with tease. For me tease is 90% of the fun.
    3. Adding the slow corruption(?) with outfits progressively becoming more revealing really helps. Can you add more steps even? ;-)

    As for the stuff your games have been criticized for:
    1. Writing: Can't fault it. It's functional and gets the job done.
    2. Girl hunting: It really is a bit of a hunt to find the girls. Definitely does not add to the game as I don't want to start creating a spreadsheet of their schedules, especially as the cast grows. Is it a negative? To some it might be. Personally, I play with mods on 2nd and later playthroughs as the "hunting" is more tedium than challenge.
    3. Story tracking: I know the game is supposed to be a bit about exploring and figuring it out for ourselves, but things like a "To do list" for the MC might help. It acts as a quest tracker. The player knows what still needs to be done, and is the breadcrumbs to the next event. Doesn't have to be too specific. Similar to what you did with hints, but more structured. It will make the game more appealing to the speed as well as story focused players.
    4. Handling criticism: Relax, enjoy and make your interactions with the players fun. I've seen other devs do it, and it definitely adds to the hype and the positivity around the game. As for figuring out what the players want: It is very possible, as it's what I've been doing for a couple decades (not game dev though). You just have to distance yourself from the situation and sift through the comments to distinguish between what is useful and what is just bs.

    This game specific:
    1. Love the fresh characters and setting.
    2. Love the focus change away from the MC at times
    3. Still undecided on the fly system. So far it seems that once you've done it once, it becomes a bit redundant.
    3. Some form of indication whether the fly events were ended too soon could help
    4. On 1st playthrough, it took me a while to find all the locations. I think I missed bathroom because it's so close to bedroom.

    All in all, enjoying and looking forward to next update.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    As with the devs first game, if you love senseless grind, you will love this. Enjoy!

    Sadly, for those of us who like a good story delivered in an accessible way, this game is terrible.

    Episode 1 showed a bit of promise but episode 2 goes right back to nonsensical "choices" and repetition, under the guise of making the story about the build up and tease.

    I really hope the dev will one day accept that grind is not teasing, grind doesn't mean you are clever and that the people who don't want grind for grind's sake in a game are not clever enough to play their creation.

    I won't name them in a review, as that's not fair, but there are so many other games out there that do the teasing really well - I don't want to play a game that jumps into sex scenes within the first few minutes either.

    I'm guessing from the attitude of the dev on here is that they don't care about anything other than creating what they want and are happy to ignore feedback. That's fine. Of course, that also means that their games will continue to receive reviews like mine and be ignored by 95% of the gaming population. Hopefully the dev doesn't rely on Patreon income to live on.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I realy love this game-
    It has stunning models, whit nice perky tits.
    I like the slow buildup and teasing.
    The game have a meaningful plot.
    The artwork is among the best.
    Just the right amount of challenges to get all the scenes.
    This will be a great game when finished.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    In my eyes, it is an extraordinary game that has very good prerequisites to become a hit. There is a normal version and an extended version (for Platinum and Gold Patrons). There are many good game developers out there, but most of them fail to develop their skills. Personally, I am excited with the first episodes, the game has great potential. There are some new ideas that enhance the game. The game is only at the beginning (2 episodes), because I am very satisfied with the first episodes. I give 5 stars.