My Bully Is My Lover - (Ch.1 - Ep.3) - [Preview #3] + [Status Report #4]
Hey, guys!
I'm back for a post on this batch of previews and decided to include the 4th status report for a reason.
First of all, here's our current numbers:
Current numbers:
Lines of codes: 2505
Renders: 551
Animations: 11
Music & SFX: 6
I must apologize for taking almost a month to finish this batch of renders. I was trying a new way(at least for me) of animating by using items such as pistons. I believed it should make me animate lewd scenes faster than manually animating each body part I want to move. And well... I ultimately failed. Some animators can make it work, but not in my case, I guess. I'm just not comfortable with them at all.
Body parts glitching, hips swaying from Earth to Mars, broken character spines.
Those are only some of the problems I've encountered while experimenting. While I had some successful tests, the movements weren't that realistic to my taste, so I just scraped it and made the animations from scratch again.
That said, we got to cover a massive chunk of this update regarding renders. So I can finally breathe a little bit.
Now, why did I do both the preview and status report at the same time?
I want to rest for a bit after finishing the rest of the renders, which is expected to be tomorrow or the day after. I still need to code them into the game and apply some music and sfx, but those take little time compared to the renders.
I want to take my time and finalize Aine's next arc before I write it. I feel her current outline is subpar. I want more of her. I want to give her more effort even if it kills me(just kidding ). Something main girl worthy. We've done 120% for Emma and Gwen, but what about her? There's nothing for her yet. Heck, we could consider Gwen or Emma standing as the main girl in terms of audience impact.
I don't want her to become the forgotten one like Sky or Lily. I could've done them so much better, but couldn't with my poor writing back then. So I'm eager to give this one girl justice, and I hope I can deliver. If not, then I'll just go cry in the corner for failing my main girl.
Anyways, I wish you all a productive day, so as for myself.
That will be all for now. See you guys on the next one.
- NiiChan out
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