Dear Astaros3D, the beloved creator of "My Cute Roommate,"
I truly love your game and have been a loyal fan since the very first release. However, in your second game, especially the Turkish language version, there are quite a few issues. These problems include some scenes remaining in English (for example, the bowling scene is entirely in English) and some tasks not being translated into Turkish.
I am a game translator who enjoys translating games I love on f95 into my native language, allowing me to play them in Turkish. I assume your game uses automated translation, which might be the reason for these errors.
Another significant issue is that some responses seem to be misplaced. For instance, during the airplane scene with the flight attendant, there’s a dialogue where choosing between "regular water" or "soda water" works fine. However, there’s a particular line that seems out of place and repeatedly appears as an option in some scenes. This line was something like "f*** girls in Russia" or similar—I can’t recall the exact wording, and I apologize for not remembering it precisely.
I have a proposal for you. If you’re interested, I would like to offer my assistance in providing Turkish language support for your game without any request or obligation from you.
Additionally, I’d like to report another issue. I’m not sure if it’s caused by my actions, but it’s worth mentioning. When I try to open and edit your game's .rpy and .rpyc files using unren.bat, the game completely crashes. I thought it would be important to bring this to your attention.
Best regards,
Translator Kid