Ren'Py - Completed - My Cute Roommate [v1.6.1 Ex Beta] [Astaros3D]

  1. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1425696

    First of all i want to say that its great that someone goes though the effort to create a game such as this and that deserves some respect!

    Now to the rating:
    I would advise aginst playing this game!
    The main Strenght of this game are renders are the nice renders (thats the reason for 2 stars)
    the gameplay/ interface is gruesome!! The player does not get a decent introduction to the game goals and mechanics! The interfaces are all very slow to react -.- and not user friendly .... they vanish when using or pop up in unwnated circumstances.
    Teh story design is also quite poor-.-^even though the idea behind the game is rather standard it is an absolute no go That one has to guess around in order to meet essential characters and that those events are not hinted at AND can not be repated if missed... that is a fatal design flaw!

    This game is way to time consuming due to desing flaws ... such as no overview over possible locations or hints. a sanbox design has great potential but only if the user is slowly introduced to it and has a good over view of important stats and possible events!

    the game has great porn potential but tbh.... u really have to consider wherther the struggle through the gruesome system is worth it.

    For a finished version the game still ahs a lot to imporve on.

    However the gameplay and event mechanics are gruesome....
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I'll barely round up to 3 because I like the renders but this game has always had issues with the mess of things you need to help complete it, from walkthroughs to mods to bug fixes, even in it's final form it's confusing.
    It's not a bad game and if you haven't and you like the CG give it a go but know there's grind and the game ended development with some issues still being patched over.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This game needs an NTR tag. It's unavoidable NTR so if that's not your cup of tea, like it isn't mine, stay away. This game is divided into 2 halves and the NTR happens in the end of the first half and in the 2nd half. Had I known this, I wouldn't have played it.

    The first half of this game is purely Russian Grind. Come to think of it, this site should invent a Russian Grind tag as well. This part of the game is nonstop raising 3 stats to max and getting money, but you can only raise 1 stat per day or make money once or twice because your character becomes tired after almost every action. To increase your stats or get money, you have to play minigames like mashing the space button, a matching memory game, and a click things in a certain order within the time limit game. These games take too damn long and are even, in some cases, really hard, especially if you're trying to do them when your character is tired, which'll lead you to fail most of the time. There is a cheats menu, and if you do want to play this garbage game, please use it, or else you'll be playing it forever. In the cheats menu, there is a button that lets you skip minigames, but it only works for some of them and only when you're not tired, which is just stupid. Plus this is made in Renpy, but it feels like it shouldn't have been. The game itself is super sluggish, as saving and loading take longer than in other games, and there's no autosave or quicksave. Also, the Renpy rollback feature only works sometimes. All of these design choices for the gameplay feel like they're intended to punish the player. Aren't games supposed to be fun?

    The story is almost nonexistent except that you moved in with your roommate/cousin and you have to fuck 9 girls because you have a disease or you'll die (there's no actual time limit) and you are trying to get into a college. In order to accomplish this, you gotta get the girls to like you right? So you have to grind money and buy them things to increase their affection toward you, so that they're willing to go further with you in bed. However, the protagonist ends up drugging and/or raping half of them anyway, so what was the fucking point of the grind? Most of the tasks are cryptic as hell too so I had to use a walkthrough to play this game. Everything also has to be done in a certain order or else you won't be able to progress. It's hard to figure out even with the walkthroughs on here.

    All of the girls look weird, especially their faces, and their bodies look surgical and gross, except for Anna. Also, none of them have any personality whatsoever. They're all just there for photoshoots and fucking. The only good part about this game is the animations, and there's quite a lot of them. Even your roommate/cousin, who I'm assuming is supposed to be the main love interest, doesn't have any redeeming qualities. There's no affection shown between you two and yet she claims you two are together and if you fuck her boss, you're cheating on her. More on this later. Anyway, after you fuck everyone and get into college, the 2nd half of the game starts and everyone comes after your girls. Other women come after your roommate/cousin and you can't stop them, so you end up joining them. Remember when she said that if you fucked someone else, it'd be cheating and she'd be upset? Yet you and her are now both okay with her fucking others. Also, a little kid fucks the dean of your college, who, after many ups and downs, finally likes you and fucks you willingly, and you can't stop him so you end up joining him. Then the main antagonist of the game randomly fucks a girl who claims to be a lesbian, but she also likes your dick so she's questioning if she really is a lesbian, but still claims she's a lesbian, and you can't stop him, so you end up watching it. And then the "ending" is a nonsensical cliffhanger on top of all of this.

    This game fucking sucks. I implore you to stay away. There are many better games out there.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I have a bit of a soft spot for the game because it was one of the first games I played on here. I think it got a bit of an unfair reputation of being absurdly grindy and complicated. It definitly is to an extend but there are worse offenders out there which are not so harshly judged. And at least you get some rewards here. I would still recommend to play it with an occasional look in the walkthrough and at least some cheats.
    The biggest problem in my opinion is is that some of the stats are degrading over time (i.e. the love of your cousin) so you have to do some actions over and over again just to stabilize them.

    The sex scenes are great and there are quite a few. I really liked most of the girls but you have to like stereotypical big titties/ass girls Some of the animations are bit clunky but it's fine overall.

    The story is pretty meh but I actually don't mind it that much. That's not my main focus in these games ;)
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    enjoyable game, well made if not alittle standard. alot of these games feel very similar and its hard to get past the oh another roomate/landlady story, gameplay is well setup and fun so this gives the game an edge over alot of the other ones. will be looking for updates to the story.
  6. M
    5.00 star(s)


    Great 3D models, great sex scenes, great story progression. It feels kinda short compared to other big games from this website, but it's still very nice to play. It's great that it has been completed and not abandoned, but I'd love to see more from it.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is complete, but you can only make it from start to finish with some serious trial and error. Steps largely have to be done in a very precise (and poorly explained) order.

    Some animations and CGs are great, others are real janky. I'd rewatch some scenes but never play this through again.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Empty game with no story or characters what-so-ever. It's basically a glorified errand boy simulator. The dev should be working as a level designer for Assassin's Creed games with gameplay understanding being as basic as in this game. Not even worth any in-depth reviewing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a well made and beautiful game. Thanks for it. Thanks for the possibility of cheating and for the walkthrough. The games within the story should be a bit easier, because their third round is a vasted effort, that is, they may inhibit to end the game. If anybody interested in having skills in these small tasks, one have other possibilities.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't need to add anything more than what Tokoy wrote below, I agree with him on every point. Just want to give a piece of advice to those who like me were cursing at this game and are thinking about simply stopping midgame:

    Just soldier on till you get that admission to college (fuck the 8 girls you can at that point). The game gets waaaaaay better afterwards. IMO goes from a 1 star to a five star rating really.

    Animations are way better, though still wierd and mechanical. That cousin is by far the best character. Once you've completed the game, you can pretty much fuck her 5 times a day (shower morning, at office, kitchen, after evening massage, at night by waking her up/letting her come to you) and some of the other girls as well. IMO its worth it.

    Plus, its completed. Good reason to congratulate the dev for that, right?
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    First play through up to the finish, will say the story is decent. It seems to be all over the place with having to keep up with several girls at once to progress properly. If it wasn't for the walkthrough could easily get stuck by skipping the read content. Story /dialog 8/10 sex scene's and body renders 9/10 Fairly good game, and nice job dev. (y)
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    It starts with the setting of moving in with your cousin and you want to go to college. Then proceeds the most grindy clicky sluggish game I have played in a long time.

    It had no soul for me, wooden, lifeless, unintuitive. Felt like the shoddy story which you will grind through is just there for some sex scenes. As the game goes on, the story or what fake illusion there is of it, is thrown full force out the window and the final run in to the games ending is a mess. The ending is atrocious and cousin whom you are supposed to be going for, well does things you will be like what in gods name is going on.

    O and that ending boy o boy, if you get there I hope you remember what I said, lazy and just there because there is no ending. Either that or the devs got sick of this and cut there losses. The game actually should of finished when his quest to have sex with all the women concluded.

    I have no idea why it kept going, but if you do play it, do so with a walkthrough to speed up what suffering you will have to endure. I f you enjoy more power to you, but this is my review and I can only give it what I felt it deserved and I explained why I felt this way.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    After replayed the first few days at least 20 times, I gave up and bought the latest walkthrough on developer's patreon and followed the video walkthrough bit by bit. The video walkthrough has a few continuity problems in it, fortunately I managed to figure them out.

    I can't shake the feeling that the story is cut short and this game still has wasted potential.
    Renders are great, but this roommate character's facial expressions are kinda weird.
    Music is fitting most of the time.
    Mini games are not fun but okay.

    Overall I feel it's worth it, but definitely don't play this game without walkthrough.
  14. 2.00 star(s)



    So I'll start with the one positive ... the renders are done well enough, and the animations while kinda basic get the job done.

    The neutral would be the attractiveness of the characters... very disproportionate and over-boobed in my opinion, but I get that's subjective and lots of games seem like that so it should suit a fair few people's tastes.

    The the absolutely terrible - pretty much every facet of the gameplay.
    So even little things, like despite being in Renpy (which I love) they seem to have purposefully made it so you can't rollback to a decision if you chose the option that upset someone, there's no quick save button at the bottom like you often get, even manually saving seems super sluggish for some reason and you'll have to do it before every decision due to the above ... it's like the devs were trying to make it as un-userfriendly as possible.
    The writing of the characters and options you're presented with is pretty poor and does nothing to help the game.
    The smut is fairly tame and uninspired, despite the 'rape' tag, that's just one bit of a woman mildly trapped who leaks buckets at your slightest touch, and even says that it was good afterwards, so barely counts in my opinion.
    The minigames are terrible - thankfully there's a way to skip them.
    Even going around and having events is a pain ... you need a health certificate to get into college, they'll tell you were to go to get your smarts up (library) but not where the hospital is to get your certificate ... the only way to find that seems to be to fight a dude, get beaten up and then end up in hospital ... but if you're inclined to just not open the door to him and tell him to go away whenever he appears then expect to be stuck... there's no point giving choices when they fully block progression... everything in the game is tedious and mind-numbing.

    So it's a 1 star in my mind, but there are worse games out there, and to try to be objective I've given it 2 ... but I wouldn't waste your time on it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Was a great game I really liked the art and animations. I also really liked the story and having to work toward getting to the main female character. There were a few scenes though that made it a little confusing but altogether it is a great game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I really really like this game. Because this game have perfect girls and perfect animations.
    This game is really good but it would be better if we could fuck the nurse once more at the end of the game.
  17. 3.00 star(s)

    Zoey Raven

    I've giving this a 3 because the art is good and the girls are hot, render good all that stuff, However the game play IMO is just not that great. I don't mind grinding a little in a game, but even w the cheat mod you just really don't know where to go next of what to do a lot of the time, and hey some people love that. I love that in regular RPG's. I'll compare this to Man of the House another grindy game. At least in that one with a walkthrough there are clear cut steps and times of day. This one is just kind all over the place, you kinda have to get lucky to find what it is you are looking for. In a fap game, that's just not fun to me. Also the mini game are just the worst. I don't wanna play mind sweeper in order to get lost in a universe. If I wanted to play mind sweeper I would play that.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    - Renders are of good quality.
    - Leveling system is above average and a nice addition.

    - Sorry, but I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes of play. Some of the available responses and encounters are so preposterous that my "intellect" rebels.

    Bottom Line: The story is just too silly to be worth the time to continue.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    A pure fap-game that I personally had no interest in fapping to, and here's the reasons why.

    The good: The sex scenes offer different viewing angles, are animated to be seamless, somewhat life-like and happen to be some of the best I've seen.

    The bad: During and outside sex the dialogue is so cartoonish that you don't care. The characters are as shallow as a male teen's fantasy. Story--what story?

    And the ugly: Well, beauty's in the eye of the beholder. The models have blow-up doll proportions with giant bosoms.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The plot is simple but acceptable. Renders are excellent and animation is good but somehow robotic. Better play using cheats otherwise you need to spend too much time developing skills and cleanning yourself. The characters are really enjoyable. Most of them got athletic bodies and large fake breats. The quests are well developed and not boring. For the first time in a game i didn't got lost in a quest objective and i played without walkthrough. There're many scenes variation: 3some, FFM, MMF. But i missed the possibility to repeat scenes (while playing without using gallery) with some characters. However after ending the game, all the scenes can be replayed. A big fault is character reaction, even after you have sex with them a lot of times, the dialog don't change, and they will talk with you the same way they talked in your first day.

    My only BIG complain is the save and load time. For sure isn't my computer. When saving or loading the game takes some time.

    - Good Characters - hot ladies with big faked breast
    - Plot simple but good enough
    - Good interface
    - Cheat menu available
    - Gallery
    - Show which content you are missing

    - Save, loading takes some time. Not too much time tho.