that was incorrect information that is part of the new sex scene for 1.6.0 at the end of the game do you know image right beside when your cousin lying down with her hand between the pillow and her head it's part of that you don't need to use the sex pills
here is spoiler maybe this will help you to understand you don't need the sex pill or sleeping pills
label nightcousin_fuck:
kk "What are you doing?"
scene night_sex_cous1 with dissolve
"\"I want to fuck you\"":
gg "I want to fuck you."
$ love(cousin,5)
gg "Nothing."
scene night_sex_cous2 with dissolve
kk "Hmm, it seems to me that you want to fuck me."
if cousin.heart <35:
scene night_sex_cous3 with dissolve
kk "You know, I'm not in the mood right now. Get out of my bedroom."
scene night_sex_cous1 with dissolve
"I think I need to improve my relationship with her."
$ bedroomlock = True
jump menumain
scene night_sex_cous4 with dissolve
kk "Great idea."
Is work perfectly! Why is incorrect?
Because is not
your solution? Because i do not use walkthrough? Not cheat? Not analysed code source? Simply use my mind?
well good solution but i think the pill is not a necessity. Let me explain why... Too much polite for you? Really need the warrior go out for search and destroy?
This is the third time under 24H i have to face this type of reaction. Last time is because i post a Linux portage of a game.
Need special licence to respond questions here? I begin to be really pissed now.
I'm in different internet forum about 25 years and BBS before, in the 90. Is the first time i come in place with this shitty mentality.
A discussion forum objective is to share information and each other helping. A respectuous debate is welcome too. If you want exclusivity for feeling important. Open your own website!
My solution work perfectly. What is your problem? Why do you feel menaced by this? Why is so important for you to attack it?
If is false and not work. I understand. But for the third time,
is work perfectly! This is a non constructive criticism by people, visibly, feeling menaced.
Why do you simply just post your own solution?
I have over the head of this constant personal attack and sterile argumentation for nothing.
This is simply the last drop. My apology to others member of this forum. But is really needed to go out.
have you found solutions to opening the grey scene?
Yes but if i give it to you. I'm being assaulted.