VN - Ren'Py - My Dorm [v0.20.1 S2 Ch.8] [Tropecita Games]

  1. 3.00 star(s)



    There's a wide range of fetishes and they're optional.

    The girls design is quite hot and sexy.

    Story seems pretty interesting.

    protagonist acting like a lovestruck fool without the player having an option for him to act differently.

    Render quality is grainy, blurry and just overall terrible.

    Protagonist's personality is blander than water and has no interesting or unique qualities whatso ever, just your typical good guy gary stu.

    The dialogue is awkward as fuck and written in a way that feel like it doesn't have a flow

    Edit: I bumped my rating up from 2 star to 3 star because the dev decided to be a good sport and like my review despite my negative as fuck comments, lol.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I agree with with pretty much everything @LordOfMurder wrote in their review before me, although my opinion of the game seems to be a lot more negative in the end.

    My thoughts on the game:

    - abysmal porn logic from start to finish
    - one of the worst Gary Stu protagonists I encountered so far
    - boring and artificial dialogue (the writing in general is pretty poor)
    - uninteresting and shallow girls
    - too many girls
    - (some?) of the choices don't seem to make any difference, even big ones like avoiding someone sexually
    I honestly don't have much positive to say about the game. The reasons I'm giving this 2 stars are the diverse women (their models, not their personalities) and the decent technical aspects of the game.

    If you are looking for an uninspired harem game where lots of boring women have lots of sex with a boring and irritating MC this game is for you.
    That wasn't sarcasm by the way. I know there's a market for these games and if you are into that, the game is probably worth a look. But in my opinion the game leaves a lot to be desired.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Not that great. This game has several problems some of which come down to taste and some which come down to execution.

    It's your standard mega-harem where the MC has a magical penis or something so every loves him and thinks the sun shines out of his ass for no apparent reason, which is fine but it'd be nice if there was more onscreen justification for it.

    The one nice thing we seem him do is warn his cousin her boyfriends cheating on her, but this is immediately undercut by this being a harem game and the MC basically cheating on everyone at the beginning.

    I guess to the games credit after a while the MC starts opening his hookups with by telling the girl of the day that he has another girlfriend and the relationship will have to be an open one. Only open one way though because again this is a porn game. The reasons for the girls to accept this are a little weak and depend a lot on how far you're willing to stretch suspension of disbelief. There probably should have been a better explanation like, pheremones or mind control or an explicitly magical penis to better convince us that 20+ girls are all willing to share this pretty average guy.

    I'd be fine if the game leaned into and the MC admitted he was just being a horny bastard but I'm supposed to believe the MC is a saint for letting all these girls bang him at the same time. At one point the cousin even catches you cheating on her with mum and she talks to your mum about it. We get the absolutely absurd explanation that banging other people immediately after talking about entering a relationship is totally fine as long as you didn't explicitly say it wasn't allowed. And this is coming from the MC's mother who starts the game being furious about her husband cheating on her without saying anything?!

    The next issue is that there are just too many girls in this game. The game starts off with just 6 family members but the number quickly balloons out of control until theres something like 16 girls just staying at your dorm/house + another couple of handfulls living elsewhere in the area.

    The upside of this is theres a fairly wide range of body types on offer. The downside is the dialogue. There is way too much dialogue. If it was all different it wouldn't be so bad, but it's the same stuff over and over. Introductions, hobbies, lifestyle choices up till now, the mc replies with the same stuff, then a variety of sob stories presumably to flesh them out. It's not all bad but because it has to be done 20+ times all the good gets buried under the mediocre.

    Even if you try and limit the size of the harem to just the girls you happen to be interested in which is at least offered as an option, it turns out not to matter since you still have to sit through most of the dialogue with them, you're just skipping the sex scenes.

    As for the scenes themselves, the models can be a bit hit or miss but there's a wide enough range that at least some of them will be attractive to everyone but by the same token some of them are going to turn people off.

    The animations are also often jerky and the positions obscure a lot of the action most of the time. They're reasonably frequent but again because there's so many girls you'll be waiting a while to see your favorites.

    By the time the students arrive at the dorm which is like 6+ hours in I just couldn't put up with the dialogue anymore for such a small payoff and gave up.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent AVN. You can probably tell from the screenshots that the artwork is top-notch, the girls are beautiful, and there's some diversity of shape, ethnicity, hair color, etc., etc. But what sets My Dorm apart is the story line. It's not a slow burn with all tease and little action, and it does feel like the relationships are going exactly the MC's way pretty fast and without any setbacks, but the characters feel real enough that it's still enjoyable. Tropecita also breaks the fourth wall every now and then, referencing the MC's favorite AVN site, a game just like My Dorm (only different), the characters wondering if they're in a porn game, etc. Really looking forward to the next update. My Dorm deserves a place on your shortlist.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    There aren't many redeeming qualities for this game. Every character, and I do mean every one of them, is shallow and banal. No one acts or talks like they do. The writing gives off the same vibe as writing assignments in high school. The girls are so artificial and it really ruins the whole experience.

    Tropes tropes and more tropes. Silly situations that's not even charming with scenes that you've seen a thousand times before.

    Pretty nice models though.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by this game. A good harem incest fantasy with some twists.

    • Good story
    • Good writing
    • Good sound effects
    • Good characters
    • Good character development
    • Good character models overall
    • Good to excellent sex scenes
    • Good to excellent animations
    • Unique path choices with the girls

    • Environments are mostly stock, generic, and mundane
    • The character models have good facial and hair detail but the rest of their bodies lack detail overall (skin mostly; some of the nipples and areola are detailed). Some of the girls have bushes with hair that is too long and straight (and also too thick). Pussies don't have the same hair density as the top of the head. I prefer girls to be clean shaven but that isn't even a complaint really
    • A bit of a slow burn but I've seen much worse
    • English problems throughout the game - misused words, missing words, and awkwardly worded sentences are fairly common (the dev even mentioned that he has proofreaders which was shocking for the English to be in this state)
    • The MC has some core logic problems and a possessive personality which I don't care for (more on that below)

    Overall, it's a solid visual novel. "My Dorm" is a misleading title for this game as it is largely an incest focused game currently.

    I was very happy to see an author do real animations in Ren'Py! It shouldn't be rare but it kind of is.

    The MC has a possessive personality and double standards that I don't like. He basically tells all the girls that he can be with as many girls as he wants but they can only be with him. Take it or leave it. If you want to be with me, those are my rules that you must follow. My way or the highway. It is a hypocritical and selfish attitude which I am not fond of.

    He then tells the girls that he doesn't want to get STDs spread around so that is one of the main reasons why they can only be with him. More failed logic here. So the MC can sleep with lots of girls and have no chance of catching an STD but if the girls sleep around they likely will. I'm still scratching my head over that one!

    The dev then says that it's NTR if the girls can be with other guys even if it's never shown or never happens. I'm scratching my head yet again. I would have been happier with the story if the dev just said he is OK with possessive personalities and that is how he scripted the MC instead of trying to make excuses for it.

    The game is very close to 5 stars for me but due to the cons I listed I had to remove one star.

    Overall, a solid visual novel that doesn't disappoint! It will be interesting to see how the two girls doing surveillance on the MC plays out. That is still very much a mystery.

    I recommend this game and encourage others to give it a try!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game so far. It has room for improvement, it has a few rough edges, but it's very relaxing, comfy game.
    My 2 favorite things about this that stands out from other games are:

    1. The choices actually tell you the possible outcome of them as opposed to some games where you have to chose between some arbitrary options and hope for the best before reloading a save.
    2. You get to know what everyone is thinking. It's so refreshing and ads so much to the story to know how everyone is feeling all the time and it's exactly what I needed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite enjoyable and it's nice to see a developer passionate about his game and having discussions with people on the forums. I'm interested to see where this is going and how it will eventually end. Just hopefully not for a few more years worth of content.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Zero depth to the lighting, horribly uninteresting story written as if by someone who has no idea how people communicate with each other, weird obsession with strange details (reggaeton, really?) - This isn't abysmal, but it's close.

    On a positive note, there is variety in character skins (I say skins because the models are largely similar aside from skin/hair colors) and it seems to want to focus on one of my favorite kinks. It just feels like it's all in the service of nothing.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    My Dorm [v0.9B.2] 2*


    Renders are average at best
    pacing is inconsistent

    Character Models
    The Girls are dull and uninteresting
    Story is uninteresting and has a corny porn logic
    Boring Sex Scenes


    I think this game lacks in every department.
    I can ignore the silly incest/harem story, but everything in this game feels so boring. The Character Models are the ones you see in every other "smaller" game and their look and personality are just not interesting, which is something that can make or break this game. The Story is not intriguing and has this weird porn logic where even your relatives jump on your dick in no time. I can´t give this game more than 2* because there is nothing for me that is mildly interesting.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An ambitious first project with updates every month has a great sense of "good" humor, The story (yet to be discovered but I hate giving spoilers)

    The graphic quality is very good, the setting also, at the beginning the game has animations of 2/5 I am very critical until the last update there have been no major changes in this aspect but Tropecita has also improved and in this latest update the animations are some from 3.5/5 and some from 4/5. In short, it is a nice game where many memes have been created and the community 5/5 :love:
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is decent, but I want to give 4 stars just for how great the dev is, listens to feedback, posts consistent updates and has demonstrated their talent.

    Now coming back to the game, this is the type of game a lot of people will like, good diversity of characters and even looks. Somewhat of a slow burn but with good pacing. Nice renders and decent animations. The scene writing is also very good, and has just the right length to engage you. It seems to have almost everything.

    My issue is that there really is no hook apart from the girls and their looks. There is no stakes anywhere. I am generally not a big fan of slice of life, but I can appreciate it if I have something to look forward to. Here I have nothing to hook me on the game except for the fact that I might get to bang some of the girls in the future. And the girls are not so amazing for that to be enough.

    Good game for those that look for something lighthearted with good visuals and scenes and a harem, but not for me.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    I would rate that 3 1/2 if I could. It is not bad, and I believe many people would like it, but it doesn't work very well for me. There are a lot of pretty women and there's the not-so-rare issue of everyone wanting the MC for a long time and all. The quality of the images and animations is good and there's enough spicy content coming regularly.

    So, why it doesn't work that well for me? In short, the game tries to do too much and often fails.
    - Too many characters = too much going on and I struggle to remember who is who. There are half a dozen women interested about the MC in the prologue. I find myself skipping parts of the dialogue of less interesting girls often because the cast is big.
    - The changelong at some point rights: More words than Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Yeah, that's another problem. The game is too wordy. In HP the plot and characters move much faster.

    And yet, the art is good, the developer updates often and I like many of the girls. So 4/5 from me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been enjoying this game. The story line though not the most captivating has given the player enough choices to keep things lively and entertaining. The ladies and graphics look good and the discipline of the MC is on par for a character that most guys wish they could be. Looking forward to future updates.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a generally good game. Dialogs drag out sometimes, gotta beat that dead horse into the ground, eh. But what killed this for me was the stiff, unnatural animations. Pivoting on ridiculous pivot points, parts of the body waving around that make NO sense, either aesthetically OR from a standpoint of physics. Bodies don't move that way. Combine that with the fact I find foreskins revolting, and this thing focuses on it All the Fucking Time, skipping forward to miss it just means I'm missing most of the game anyway, so I'm out. Though is was the disjointed and stiff animations that put me off more, thatt was just the skin-icing on the cake. Most will like this, I suspect. Even moreso if he can deal with the jankass animations.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Another harem / incest game, nothing too special about it. Looks and performs okay. The renders need a lot more polish and so do the animations, there are times that you can see the granulation in the renders, I think that's maybe because they are compressed, so a higher resolution version would improve this. The story is not at all that interesting. The only girl I liked was the aunt, the others don't look as good sadly. Couldn't really fap to this.

    However I wish the dev good luck with the future of the game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    In this game you end in a big house with a bunch of hotties of different couleur, having an intimate relationship with every single of them + some girls outside of it. (Literally. So far i didn't found a female NPC that hasn't sooner or later the UI overlay asking you for adding them to your harem over them)
    I don't think, that's a bad concept, however. Even if it's not that much innovative, it checks out. It's lighthearted and makes fun to play.

    What's really, really well done is the pacing. It's more a slow-burner, but with definitive results down the road. But most of the females don't be a fuck-on-sight-event and also important, don't always accept the harem position instantly (but shortly later).

    Also a big pro are the visuals. It's not perfect, but the female characters have believable proportions, are pretty/hot and half of the time, their faces are looking natural (the other half, they do grimaces out of a horror movie).
    The backgrounds/environment are well done and good detailed, which improves everything. And it's one of the rare games, where you sometimes sleep with a blanket. So far great compliment for the details.
    On the other hand, it's unfortunately another one of those games, where the creator couldn't resist to make MCs package as huge and long as the polygons allow. *Sigh*, i don't get it. Not only it looks just weird and like a satirical joke this way, also you practically destroy so much options for renders and animations, which is likely the reason why the author manically tries to avoid blowjob scenes. However how the girls react to the big schlong is maybe a quarter of the plot.

    That leads to the more annoying part: the character, you're playing and how the creator decided the sex shall be orchestrated. MC is basically the absolute white knight, the born satfizer, always ready to help. Even if he cheats on one of the girls or seduces his stepmother or -aunt, it's done only with the best in mind ("to make them happy") and so on. I mean it's not that bad as a baseline for an adult game and I cannot put directly a finger on it, but somehow it feels a too much.
    Like MC always goes full cunni on every women he can find (leading to really much closeup pussy scenes, where you find out, that every cunt looks like the others), but if they want to return the favor, he be like "Oh no! Don't do that please. I don't want you to do this."
    I can't count how often one of the girls comes around trying to get finally fucked by you and you basically tell them everytime, "that they're not ready yet".
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    Anyway. The sex scenes are okay overall. The girls cum alot, the player sometimes. The animations are ... there and besides being always simple boomerang effects, it's better than having none.
    Also big compliment for the buildup of the intimate scenes. There is no sexual content, without the characters getting in the right atmosphere beforehand and the sex itself contains the right length. This is really well done in the most cases.

    Overall, i would say it's a good game, which lets not much to complain about. Except the MC, that is a complete facepalm, if you ask me. From the design of his tool up to the way too much caring attitude.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely give reviews, probably being too lazy, but a few games are so good that I sometimes do, and this one definitely deserve the attention. The story seems simple but is very well developed to captivate the players, and extremely well served by high quality renders. Some may say that there may be some grinding, but it does build up the flesh of the story with a large variety of characters, all very attractive and sexy in one form or another. As I write this review I have played 3 nights in a row, reaching day 6, and eager to progress in the game. Thank you and well done for the development team.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating: 4 - Version: 0.8.1

    I really enjoyed this game so far. The animations could be better but there is a lot of quality content in this version already. I'm really excited to see where some of these paths go.

    I've seen some people suggest this is a kinetic novel which just isn't true. Your choices DO MATTER. You can definitely close off certain avenues if you don't play your cards right, but this game is definitely best played as a harem in my opinion (which I believe it was intended). Overall, a lot of potential and a good start.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

    Can't fault anything else here except the amount of sillyness, for what it's worth the models are unique and hella gorgeous & inclusive of every spectrum out there. The story however hints about cleaning the mess his father/step created also setting along his career with freshly outta graduation. MC does feels odd though look wise, but animations are slick, hopefully story picks up the speed, i think the problem with silly interactions is that if the story occupies good chunk of an update wrt dialogues and interactions same amount of sillyness will come down.
    Incest vn slaps different when emotions and that uneasy yet most comforting feeling between the said characters palpates as one continue to play also without need of having to read if anyone had any prior things et al every time they interact, that's really not needed tbh. Cheers, i have faith in you guys.