VN - Ren'Py - My Dorm [v0.20.1 S2 Ch.8] [Tropecita Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my top 3 fav AVNs. Great storytelling and excellent graphics. Updates have been released regularly as promised. It has one of the hottest and most realistic MILF in any game. Yes, I'm a big Martha fan. Not one of those bimbo-fied MILFs you see in most games. Definitely worth trying for anyone who has not yet.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Interesting story with some funny aspects, well written. Not too much typos and misspelling. Good work in my opinion. You also can rename the characters, a function which I love.
    And really nice, beautiful, cute and lovely girls too !
    IMO Worth a try !
    I'm really looking forward to the next update.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    this "game" isnt a game, it is kinetic novel masked as a visual novel.

    mc does have some choices here or there (peep on her, knock on the door or not etc) yet where it matters the most (choice of ladies) he has no choices at all.
    it is kinda like "here we go lads, you see this "hottie" (obviously all chicks in porn games have to be hot, and mc has to say or think that, obviously), now we have to fuck her, include her into our harem-to-be, and she is perfectly fine, because she (and every other chick in this game) like to share me".

    if you are up for harem power fantasy (as (too) many other games with similar concept have) you will enjoy this project, no doubt, as many of those reviews are already pointing that out.

    otherwise if you are for a meaningful story and mcs/players right to choose or not chicks he wanna to engage with, you will be disappointed and you should look elsewhere.

    two stars is about right rating, perhaps even too generous - it has some hot chicks, while it lacks decent story, choices and almost everything else.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really liked it

    The characters, the story, the animations, everything has been incredible.

    I wish I could enjoy the updates very soon

    The plot and the mystery are on the right track, there is still much to discover
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it's interesting (day 7 content)
    It reminds me of the "Grandma's House" but with less content and a some sсi-fi back story, that was not developed yet ,
    As pluses I should mention dialogs and graphics, renders look really god. Also the number of the girls involved, till this moment it's around 10 and according to the story the developer can introduce around 10 easily.
    As a minor minus - its a straight visual novel, there are few choices, most of them are to prompt if you want to pursue a relationships with a girl or not.
    From my point of view it's a solid 4.5/5 plus 0.5 for frequent updates.
    A separate thanks to the author of the thread for mentioning the date of the update in the change log.
    Definitely will wait for the next update to se how the story develops.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this, was genuinely disappointed when I reached the end of the update cos I wanted more lol, one of the very few VN where I actually like every single character and MC is no pussy.
    Story is kind of mediocre but if you read through it certain interesting plot points turn up. Renders are amazing but animation could use a bit more fluidity, but no real complaints in that department.
    Sex scenes are pretty vanilla and no forced kinks or anything like that, something I'm thankful for
    All in all I'm going to see this one through to the end (y)
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    I like the game,

    the story writing is quite good. sometimes its a bit frustrating how the girls are just desperate to drop on him but still dont

    Graphics 4/5: they are good enough.
    Writing 5/5:
    Story 4/5: I would expect the Mc to be more active, maybe allow for a more evil path, and harem path where he is more in control

    Looking out for the next update!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ My Dorm v0.7A]


    Art's nice. Bit of taterface but nothing horrible.

    Writing is fine; narrative wanders quite a bit but I'm all for wandering if it means more romance. Fluency is well done and readable. Scenario is Yet Another Mom + 2 Hot Sisters section 12b: Plenty of Others, but that hasn't ever stopped me from partaking.

    Nothing in the porn squicked me. Tags are promising, but as of this release nothing goes far enough yet.

    TLDR: Yep, watched~
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Call of Booty

    I love this game. I can say that along with "Grandma's House" is one of my favorites. They are similar in many things,but yet very different.
    Pretty often updates,light story,no big dramas. A lot of different personalities,girls (with students arriving).
    Plenty of humor(everybody saw MC's dick already,lol),story unique.
    Renders are great,both milfs attractive,younger ones not so much for my taste,but plenty on the way.
    With harem picking up the numbers already,the future is bright.
    I wish MC is moving around more,discovering more new different girls,but what he has in house,can't blame him. They all see heroe and savior in him and they won't let him breathe,haha. Wondering how pregnancy will be affecting the story and relations.
    Keep up the great work, Tropecita Games (y)
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I really like how this is one of the few games where the MC says "fuck it I'm gonna do my harem like it or not" and the girls are in a battle royale, unlike most harems where the MC is a pussy that takes up to 75% of the history to realize the shit he's doing and all the women accept each other instantly

    Game itself needs to work on overlay and menu issues, apart on some animations being on loop instead of being an actual fluid animation but this is mostly due to being a partially new game, so it's alright for now, props for not giving all the girls the bread and butter models, funny story, overall pretty good game so far.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are very good, there is a storyline emerging and the MC has to work hard to get the girls as they don't just flop onto their backs with their legs open. At time a little too much text but then again, he is taking the trouble to explain the plot. Looking out for the next update!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Its not often I give a game 5 stars. While the English could be better it was an upfront statement that it was not the native language. The story is really good, very easy to get into, and easy to understand despite the language issue. All the characters look great and are all different in appearance. I really like that pubic hair is present in the game as well. Too many games portray every woman as shaved. I like that it is an option as to whether you choose to impregnate them or simply just to creampie or come outside them. Not many games offer that option. True it is a slow burn but it is not entirely very slow though is it. You do have some sex in it (V. 0.5) even if it isn't a lot. There is a ton of teasing but that is to be expected since the majority of the characters are young virgins. Really looking forward to future versions of this game and seeing how the background mystery pans out as well.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Review Updated February 2023

    Replaying the game after a few updates, I'd like to make some addendums.

    Firstly, the cloning has become integral to the plot, which is good, though what is done with it remains to be seen.

    However, the other problems seem to have been exacerbated. Now there's even more monologuing and more stilted interactions, which combined with the lack of unique voices and the Google translate English make the game an absolute slog to read through. I haven't even finished the new update and I'm not sure if I will.

    Finally, I'd like to mitigate my praise for the MC. While it is nice that he acts more like an actual adult and that he's allowed to fail, I've started to grow quite tired of his sanctimonious, holier-than-thou attitude. He always has something to say, he always has a deep insight into the psyches of everyone around him, he's always the white knight who stops girls from "going too far". Worst of all: he never shuts the fuck up. Whenever anyone is doing anything, he always has to get his word in (normally to dissuade them so they realize they're actually making a mistake), like the infuriating white-knight he is.

    I also find it irritating how he constantly talks about not planning things and just going with the flow but whenever one of the many virgin girls just wants to have sex he's all "Would you really like to lose your virginity in this scenario?" and they immediately back down. This happens several times. Pick a lane, bro.

    I still think there's plenty of potential here, but as of now the game has only gotten worse.
    Average definitely describes this game, which is a shame because there's clearly something great here wanting to burst out. You can see it in the little details like the blinking eyes and the more artistic shots.

    Unfortunately, the game is riddled with flaws. The writing, for example, is a bit headache-inducing. There's liberal use of Google translator, there are too many monologues of people explaining how they feel, and the dialogue is generally stilted. Still, my biggest issue is that the characters don't have distinct voices. They all read as if they're the same person, using the same idioms and sentence structures (a byproduct of Google translator,) which makes the whole text kind of blend together and a slog to read.

    The premise is quite generic, though the whole cloning thing is such a contrived way of not offending Patreon it's kind of funny because of the level of absurdity. A shame that it's really not used beyond that, I'm sure there's something interesting one could do with a world where cloning is commonplace (or at the very least viable.)

    The renders are average, I've seen much worse but also much better.

    I have some praise when it comes to characters, specifically the MC. It's a bit of a trend right now to have these meek, barely-out-of-their-teens virgin boys who can barely be in the same room as a woman and somehow end up drowning in pussy, so it's incredibly nice to see an actual man as the main character. More than that, he's not just some hyper-competent Gary Stu who can do no wrong (though the game does flirt with that notion at times).

    Still, the litany of writing issues and generic plot drag this game down, so I feel 3 stars is fair.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    A good game on all accounts - in particular of course there is a plethora of hot women but i also really liked the story and varied personalities. It is a slow burn given the nature of the relationships but at same time it isnt resting on its laurels with progressions between the cast.

    The animations are great, story is fun and i do like whilst the MC is a kind soul to the girls hes stil and alpha through and through and openly declares from offset he is all about open relationships with other women (no cheating scheming here needed) and it caters for pregnancy fans withs options for future content. Speaking of options if you dont a girl then all can be refused.

    Honestly nothing i didnt like about game. Sure some girls have flaws and bicker a lot but that adds to realism and character diversity and could do with more sexy scenes but its early days yet in a game planning SIXTEEN girls lol. Not sure how he will handle that many but based on the dozen so far i dont think weve much to worry about in that regards.

    I assume there will be seasons as its a dorm themed game months in game from said dorm and instead more a feel good family harem at the moment so be mindful of that but its done so well i dont even care myself, just giving a headsup. Dev takes great care in pacing so to fully flesh characters out and its the best direction for the game so it'll all be worth the wait.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    This game shows some good potential. The story and scenes thus far set the stage for interesting developments. Watching to see how it progresses. May up the rating depending upon how the next update pans out. Time will tell.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed playing the game and I am waiting for the next update.
    First of all I like the proportions of the girls, they have realistic bodies and not all are just women woth a pair of bowling balls as tits.
    However, I would prefer to have a game with more meaningful choices and a game wehere you have to develop a relation and character. Only if you achieved certain things, you can kiss a character etc.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing this game, I can say it's really good. The story is interesting. The girls are very sexy and we have milfs and later gilfs.
    Also I would like to say that the dev of this game is super friendly. I asked him questions about some tags that I don't like, that already reocurred but he replied them nontheless.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    As you may suspect this is a harem game, and the main aspect of it will be the the quality of the women in it, and - at least for me - is where lies the biggest problem with this game, and for this motive i will start with the ones i didn't like and why i didn't. (It will contain spoilers)

    1- Eileen (purple one piece bikini on game's banner): MC's ex-girlfriend, while talking to him she suggests a "non-exclusive" relationship, if MC agrees she says that she dated and fucked several guys since they broke up, and that none of them "fulfilled" her like him. MC has a big dick, so...i think its easy to undertand what she meant, what she is and why she is a BIG NO.

    2- Erika (Black bikini, far right): MC's sister (if I.Patch enabled). First problem: She has a boyfriend.
    Second problem: She only ends their relationship after MC proves that he is cheating on her... this implies that if he was a good guy she would not and we can safely stretch and say MC is the second option. Third problem: For me, it was clear that she wanted to lose her virgnity with BF but was insecure. Her having a BF only works if she decided by herself end their relationship because she likes MC better and wants to pursue a relationship with him. But the way it is, a NO for me.

    3- Emma (red bikini): The other sister. In this case i just didn't like her model, face and hair are not good....Later on dev does some touch up/fix on her hair, it gets better than before but still not good enough in my opinion, she is weird.

    4- Daphne and Scarlett (pink bikini and blonde/blue bikini):
    Cousin and her friend. At one point they practice kissing with each other in front of MC, im not fond of lesbian content and this made me lose interest in both of them, lesbian is a HUGE turn off for me. Later on dev gives the player the chance to turn off interactions between girls, but it was too late as they were already ruined for me. So NO and NO.

    5- Samantha: Black Milf, i just didn't like her model, but her daughter is fine.

    For me is a deal breaker having so many girls i dont like in a harem game.

    Other problems:
    *Translation: I'm not a native english speaker and i usually don't care much about translation, but this one is really distracting, needs some work done on it.
    *This game has a weird characteristc, its slow burn and fast paced at the same time...hard to explain.
    *MC looks way older than he is supposed to be.
    *Seems all gils share the same personality, having only their appearances to say who is who.

    On the bright side the render quality is consistent and there is no bugs or crashes.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent story, good writing, lovely characters with different personalities, an acceptable MC , wholesome relationships, gorgeous models and the icing on the cake is harem
    so it has pretty much what you expect from a porn game
    keep up the good work dev
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am liking the game and think it has a great potential. I hope it keeps improving. The story is new and interesting. Each character has different story which it good. I hope these stories interwine and lead to expanded dynamics between the ladies.