VN - Ren'Py - My Dorm [v0.20.1 S2 Ch.8] [Tropecita Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Had a lot of fun playing. The story is nice and positive (good thing!), animations were fine, sometimes surprising. You could argue that the affection started maybe a bit too early, but that's about it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This isn't a bad VN, but it isn't great either.

    The ladies are sexy

    Story is cluttered
    Writing needs help

    The writing needs some attention. Some sentences don't make sense, and I've caught myself fixing them mentally, and it takes away from the enjoyment of the VN.
    The story seems to be over worked, and then there is the underlying sexual tension and the introduction of the mysterious woman. Does she really need to be tossed into the VN without rhyme or reason? Who knows?

    Hire a proof reader. It will save some headaches down the line for the readers.
    Maybe give us a reason to come back for this story. Something along the lines of telling us why things are happening. I can't really elaborate because I don't want to spoil things for any new comers to this VN.
    DO NOT TOUCH THE LADIES! They are all sexy. Don't get some wild idea to fix them. Unless you give them more personality. I'm a huge fan of the "mom" and "aunt" and the best friends "mom". You can't go wrong with sexy MILFs at all.
    Not that I'm taking anything away from the other women. They are all quite sexy, especially the goth.
    Good luck. I'll try to catch this one again to see if things get any better in a few months.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Let's see, story wise this game isn't ground breaking so far, just your typical story about a college student returning home but after the last update this story may have some interesting plot twists. Even so the story and writing are decent so far.
    Now the stars of this game are the selection of love interest no doubt. I really like the girls of this game specially Erika, Daphne and Emma. Scarlett the girls with the hearing problem is my favourite so far (what you want mw ro tell you? Katawa Shoujo hit me hard) I really hope that the developer explore her disability in a more emotional way. All in all they are cute plus they aren't your typical one dimensional characters, they do have struggles and problem, even if this problems aren't monumental ones. One minor thing that bug me is Norah hair, i have seen it soooooo many times that it is starting to be annoying.
    As a side note the game is a harem confirmed by the developer wich is a big plus. By the way kudos to the developer for been open and direct with his community, it may seem something minor but todays market of AVN are plagued by milkers, liars and arrogant devs that don't give a shit about their community.
    This game is not perfect but I'm really enjoying it so far so i definitely recommend it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4406778

    So from what I've played so far I found the vn enjoyable, I liked the story further in compared to the start, not sure why, I like how the jack character was handled, I like the fact that its a slow burn with the family and its not this instant 'see brothers dick, I want' its handled with humor, its slow pace which I think is the better way to go, Scarlett and Erica hands down favorites from the get go but only by a little since the other characters are great in their own right, I just like their models

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    before I finish my review ill add this, I liked the irrelevant humor such as the matrix and using the mc in memes, last thing, how the F are you gonna do my homie like that, Gay bestfriend cliché!!! nah but he's cool I like him so far and with the small hints at secrecy going on he'll obviously be a big companion in the future

    Anyway ill stay subbed for a long time mainly because the dev has been honest with everything and I've now confirmed it for myself, its getting hard finding trustworthy devs
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    You get the expected story with games like this: MC moves in with his family when father vanishes, MC doesn't give a shit about incest, all the girls want a piece of him and don't mind sharing. I don't know why people complain about it. Yeah it's not 5-star original content but not everything will be that. Nice humor, though - it saves the story, else you'd be okay just skipping through it.

    The English version is good enough. I saw a couple of typos, and the text could use a human editor, but it's still decent.

    The models are okay, I suppose. Decent quality, but recycled. Still, it's like a good set of actresses starring in another movie. Nothing groundbreaking here, but nothing to complain about either.

    Content is lacking, but the game isn't finished yet either.

    So...if you are looking for something groundbreaking, this is not it. If you're looking for an okay diversion, then enjoy.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    English: 4
    User Interface: 2
    User Experience: 5
    Art: 6
    Dialogue: 3
    Story: 3
    Opinion: 0

    To spoil my low rating right away; Default RenPy UI, robotic translation that gets worse and worse, and the same story you see all the time. "MC returns home after X(3) years and the whole family wants to have sex suddenly." And the big kicker is the scope of the love interests is already big, however there's still girls not even in the story yet? That's absurd. And does no one realize you can make a sex game where the MC doesn't have sex with his family? Because that's a thing. This one is gonna be short from me, and I don't think I'll update my opinions on this later. But if any of my criticisms are addressed later let me know, please, I'd love to be surprised.

    On to the "story." Like I said, MC was away at college, his dad cheats on his mom, embezzles money from his job, and runs away with the other girl. Naturally, MC being the oh-so-great white knight, runs home to help manage the business... Which is just a dorm for college girls? What they could possibly need him for outside of emotional support, god only knows. And he's taken classes on anything and everything to get the job done, because Gary-Stu can do no wrong. Mom is essentially a supermodel that has self esteem issues, his aunt has always been over affectionate and is now suddenly also a supermodel. His sister that missed her brother too much and acts like an eight year old because the 45 year-old guys that write these games have no reference for a girl under the age of 30 outside of their kids that aren't teenagers yet. And his twin cousins that feel and act the same. None of the dorm management has come in at all yet, and it's just gonna add more girls that have maybe one personality trait. Can't wait... And there's a whole bit in the prologue about cloning and stuff? I guess it's some future plot point that will either make MC more rich or one of the females were cloned. All I know is it's gonna be poorly translated and not make sense.

    I honestly don't know why everyone is so easily pleased by the same shovelware porn games. It has the barebones, samey plot points, but wants to act like a slow burn. I'm a big fan of slow burn stories. However, THIS is banal and boring so you just want it to be over. A slow burn should be sweet or interesting in the meantime, not "I have too many love interests to actually focus on one." This is also another one of those games that focus on MCs penis a lot, like, thank you? I really wanted to stare at his penis and ass so much. I never understood why they do this, and there's a large section of the story so far dedicated to every girl talking about and seeing his penis. Almost ALL of the current love interests walk in on him in the shower the SAME DAY and have a lengthy conversation about it. Am I the only one who doesn't get that at all? Oh well. And the MC model is some 35 year old dude but everyone is insisting he's 20something it made me laugh. And lastly, literally EVERY TIME the MC is alone, he spends that time recapping something that JUST HAPPENED. Or when he's dreaming, it's his subconscious justifying why he should sleep with his family on top of RECAPPING EVERYTHING AGAIN.

    To elaborate on my number ratings. The english is not good. And it doesn't have consistent quality so you can't even know what to expect.It's either stale and robotic, sounding like a business transaction, or the end of the sentence trails off into nonsense. The UI is 100% default Ren'Py which means the dev couldn't be bothered to edit a few simple pictures or even get a free font. So lazy. The UX is standard Ren'Py, but the broke the multiple speaker ui and didn't do anything better, so 5. The art/renders the posing is okay at best, the same DAZ over exaggerated emotions. And the animations are your same jerky animation loops where all the bones are tweened between point A and point B. The dialogue suffers from the bad english on top of the girls all acting like children. The story suffers from Patreon syndrome. Which is an endless scope that is probably dictated by reader polls and won't ever go anywhere to milk those monthly payments.

    This is... Serviceable, maybe. Hire a translator and proofreader. Edit the UI. Clamp down on the scope. And give the women more of a personality. And stop padding out the story with recaps.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Very very very beautiful models (especially eyes - BEST EVER IN ANY GAME) but plot is kind a shitty.

    As I said graphics deserves 5 stars insta, but somehow story and plot is too simple or casual, like any other game (xamp: father gone so multi sis and mom on the plate)

    While I just found out game , i cant comment about developer or updates, weather are fast or delay milking , but Im on 50-50 opinion right now cause I really love the models and design , but not story so much. Maybe later I will increase rating to 4 stars but right now its all Ive got.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Big Ass Big Tits

    I like it! Well written and nice images. I think this can be really promising. There's a couple minor mistakes in the English version but not even worth noting. Whoever did the trranslation did a good job. Just a personal preference but I always like to see a coule charachters with huge tits. and ass.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 220423

    There is no real point in having choices in the game since you are being pushed into a not-really-believable fuck-all-that-moves story. The English (even for a non-native speaker such as myself) is in need of proofreading. The animation is alright.

    The story in itself is not very original, but with a better build-up and consequential choices I'd rate it a three and with better proofreading a four.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Good stuff
    1) There's a good variety of attractive women.

    Meh stuff
    1) Protag is a short 21 year old that looks and dresses like he's 40. Could be worse... at least he has a good sized cock and doesn't look like a creep or shota.
    2) Story ain't too original.

    Bad stuff
    1) The writing could use some work.... characters are kinda bland and share the same "voice". I wouldn't be able to tell who's speaking if I couldn't see em. There's too much justifying & explaining going on. They don't act & speak like humans.

    There's potential here. May adjust rating if game improves.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the 0.2 release, and I have to say, this one really hit all the right notes for me. Aside from the obvious non-native English (spelling and grammar are great, but the syntax could use some touch ups) this game shines in most of my favorite departments.

    The renders are great, the models are adorable and the incest is believable. The girls are hesitant, and not just willing to throw themselves at the MC simply due to his horse cock. They have real doubts and emotions about such a bizarre situation in the eyes of "normals".

    Overall I'd say this game has the potential to be on the level of some of my favorite AVNs. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this thread and hoping this story continues to get better.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: the story is interesting enough, and with a lot of sexy girls. Good humor. Overall, game quality is not perfect, but decent enough. It's not a game I'd fall in love with, but good to play.

    Details [v0.2.0b]:

    It's a decent game, with a sexy premise and good humor. It's not extremely original, but with some original details which make the story interesting enough to follow.

    Some models are from that "overused standard pool" like in dozens of other VNs, but in general the girls are sexy. Their characters might be not very original (like a shy girl secretly in love with you for years), but still pretty endearing.

    There is a good amount of various female options. The lewd scenes and animations are not bad.

    The renders might have occasional strange pose or graininess, but in general they are OK.

    The grammar might have a few errors, but there are not many of them, so it's alright. The writing is decent. The pacing of the story might seem a bit on a fast side, but not too much.

    Conclusion: the game is not that outstanding, but likeable.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A very promising start. The game is filled with likeable characters. The MC is sympathetic but not God level. He has his insecurities, but he shows flashes of competence, proposing open relationships, taking initiative with Norah. Now, to enumerate some things.

    1) The renders are top notch, all the girls are beautiful. We have 2 MILFs who I'm actually impressed by. I'm usually not into MILFs, in fact I'm more of a loli fan, but these two, especially Norah, are HOT! 1 red hot ginger who, so far is my favorite. Cute, innocent, and petite. A blonde with a disability (hearing aids) who had a crush on you 3 years ago and still does, she's tied for me with the pseudo sister for second place. A sister who is engaging, loves Pink, and shows flashes of jealousy. Finally the hot Goth who, so far, has the most content. She is the most broken of the group, the most sensitive, and the first to embrace MC (other than Norah, the MILF).

    2) The story. It is well paced, has some medium level lewds which is acceptable for a second release, it feels like the pacing is going well for a not TOO slow burn game. Side characters (2 ex GFs) show off the lewds so far (and shower scene with Norah).

    All in all, this game shows promise and hits my hot buttons of incest (carefully hidden cause they're clones) and college dorm setting. Well done and I look forward to more.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Basicially a nice game in it's early state.
    For sure it needs some more polish and some work, but given the fact it's the first game of this developer, it's pretty ok for my taste.
    The renders are decent, not the best, but also by far not the worst - maybe a bit grainy - guess based on hardware issues for now.
    The setup of the story is interesting and makes me fell to get to know more about.
    The girls are cute and theres one for different tastes aswell.
    Overall the game seems to be intersting based on what we know right now in this early state.
    Me for my part, I really liked the game, and i am looking forward for future updates.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Reviewing V1.0

    Overall, I liked most of what I saw in this release. I'd call it promising, but it's not without its flaws. Here are some of my observations.

    What could be improved:
    • As some have pointed out the English isn't great, there are a few typos and grammar mistakes, but I think my biggest issue was that some of the phrases "sound" unnatural and directly translated from Spanish, it's not as egregious as in other games, but needs polish. BTW, I also played in Spanish and for anyone who understands it, that's the way to go (although, I did see a couple of typos there TBH).
    • The most significant issue with this game is the renders. The models look good, or even great, but the quality of the renders isn't consistent and changes dramatically at times. They go from great to soft to crappy from one scene to the next.
    What I liked:
    • Most of the models are great and there's some variety, the rest are good enough IMO. Hopefully they'll fix the rendering issues.
    • Even though some of the story isn't new (guy goes away, comes back home, dad's gone, etc.),there are some ideas that could make the plot interesting in the long run. I'm not bothered by things going fast with some characters because I think they make sense within the story.
    I think this has potential, hopefully they'll get enough support and deliver on that potential.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    I would like to say that this games has a lot of potential, however it's held back by a few glaring issues.

    Animations 4/5
    Story 2/5
    Writing 1.5/5
    Renders 4/5
    Characters 2/5
    Music/Sound 1.5/5

    I have a few suggestions that may get your game the attention it deserves. The story starts off decently, but the grammar holds it back way to often. I found myself auto-correcting full sentences/dialogue, which is something you do not want from your audience. I suggest finding an English speaker to help you out on this front, along with a proof-reader to make sure everything is ready to go. Your story would stand out much better when written properly.

    I know this is a porn game, but events take place way too fast, while also not giving a proper introduction into each character. I understand they all like the MC but a lot of the lead up to certain events seemed out of place just for the sake of having a nude/sex scene. I suggest slowing it down a bit and build up to these things, while showing how each character is developing towards the MC. It gives the reader a since of connection to each character for better or worse(depends on said character's attitude or personality type...some times even their appearance.).

    Most of the girls have the same type of personality, so outside of their look, there's really no difference between them. No one has a goal, other than to have sex with the MC.

    Music and sound define almost every living creature in the world, it can make us happy, sad, hopeful, laugh, cry and so on. With such a great tool why would you leave this from your game? Sure you have music here and there but a lot of it is out of place or doesn't t fill the mood. Use these things to your advantage such as, rain, swimming sounds, splashing, morning birds, coffee being made in the cafe/customers talking, and so on. Great music and sound can bring a story to life, while bad music/sound can make it worse.

    This game could be amazing with the proper care and love, seek out help with the English parts and fill in the music/sound department, and you'll see how much better the story is for both you and the audience. Ill change my review when/if I see any changes for the betterment of this game.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Review at version 2.0

    There isn't really much I can add from review of 1.0.
    The grammar is still an issue but there is definitely an improvement from 1.0.

    Still really enjoying the game and looking forward to the next version (again :p)

    Review from 1.0
    Really enjoyable and awaiting the next update!

    If there was one thing I'd have to put fault in, it would be the grammar used but as English isn't the primary language of the creator it's completely understandable.

    They may want to get someone to proof read but all in all 5/5 and eagerly awaiting the next update.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4301037

    Really enjoyed it has great models and the story seems pretty interesting so far and can't wait to see how it all turns out also love the mom and aunt and cousins and i cant wait for future updates dont really know why the dad left because the mom is hot as hell haha
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Not bad, basic same old story setup, but the renderings are good, while the English grammar writing is fine, the sentence structure is unnatural as soon as you get past the setup stage, But i'm guessing since Spanish is the main language of the Devs, it's understandable, Only bugs me a little bit, but i see that time and effort has been put into this beginning, allot of people have already pointed stuff out in the form and has been responded to by a Dev so im sure things will get better with new chapters. Good luck with the development.