Exactly what HP and Mommy, said.
Now she's Unique. She's special. Dare I say it, it's Yours and by extension, Ours.
We've all seen that asset a hundred times. Pretty, yeah, pretty boring too. If it HAD to be, well, we would never know better was possible, right? Now that we do? Hell no.
Some of you that read this, may think that I am... what was it... "White Knighting" or something silly like that. But, no.
This game may have some defects here and there, but, the way the "girls" were made to look, is actually it's stronger facet. All of them look special in some way, is special in some way. Just like people we can find on the streets. From the fabulous vitiligo model, to the overweight ladies, each and everyone feels special, while being as "normal" as possible.
This genre (AVN's) is plagued with the Perfection disease. Each and every game (with delightful exceptions) tries to out-perfect the other, creating impossibly sculptural women and men, attempting to fill a fantasy based on the exploitation of a beauty standard that wants to make everyone in the world feel ugly.
Then, My Dorm comes around. Tropecita tries something different. Instead of cookie cutter beauties that everyone expected, he creates and brings to us, models like Martha, Norah, Megan, Betty and all the others. While none of them are exactly beauty standards ready, all of them are amazingly "normal" and beautiful in it's own way. Some of the players are shocked, it is an unexpected (therefor upsetting) form of filling their fantasies.
Instead of cookie-cutter beauties, now you have a fantasy filled with almost "normal" women. It is still a fantasy. It is still a world where breasts don't comply with gravity, where large breasts don't break, where every girl has tons of Colagen on their skin, where giving birth doesn't affect women's bodies, and so on... But, it has taken this step, it is going against the disease of perfection. It is a place where female characters like Megan, can exist, can feel real, can incite our fantasies.
Let's put this Lancelot to sleep, ok??