
Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
I enjoyed, it felt more substantial as well, maybe due to all the scene changes, not sure. I'm definitely jonesing to get the rest of the women preggers, as well as looking forward to spending time with our nurse and swimmer.

Basically I'm just bummed that you didn't start this like 5 years ago, so I could just play through that much content.
Thanks, Tiger!
I didn't even know AVNs existed 5 years ago. My stepson showed me this world in 2021. I can't imagine doing this during the COVID lockdown. My wife would have killed me because she wouldn't see me even spending 24h in the same apartment :D

That was a fantastic and surprisingly huge update. Lots of progress and sexy times.

All of Amanda's scenes were great. She's really coming into her own as a character, Eva too though we didn't see as much of her this update.

Megan seems to be overlooking Kate for her beauty pageant, because Megan and Kate have incredibly similar figures and builds. Kate's boobs are bigger, but not massively bigger. Also, I would kill for a threesome with Megan and Kate. The two curvy girls together would be amazing.

Also also, if Megan thinks things are complicated with what little she knows, I can't wait to see her mind actually explode when she knows everything.

I do like how the living situation was raised, time to start looking at harem mansions. But that'll probably be a good while off, after the last students get moved in and absorbed into the family/harem.

Betty seems to be caring less and less about all the incest and dating multiple women the more she gets to play detective. Gods have mercy on us all when there's nothing more for her to discover and she starts getting bored.

I loved Eileen's speech to her mother. Brilliantly multilayered.

Very much looking forward to the next update
Thanks, S1nsational!

I needed to start differentiating Amanda from Eva on one hand and from Erika/Daphne on the other. Until now we saw her as a pack with Eva, but they are as different as the girls at home and that should show up.

Megan's sentence about the pageant shows her intelligence. She knows Kate and she, even Betty, play in the same league, the THICC league (no witty meaning comes to mind). But she won't say anything bad about the other girls (and she thinks being thicc is bad). She's the newcomer and she still doesn't know that she can banter with Kate about weight, or if Kate and Betty are in the harem and the MC can feel offended. So better focus on the girls she thinks are in a different league with their sculptural bodies.

The day everything goes public, there will be some unhinged jaws hitting the ground, not only Megan's. This update the only reveal was Debbie's to Lisa. How will Lisa act on that information?

The living situation will be an issue when the new students arrive. Meemaw, Betty, and Eileen/Kiara are using their rooms. Obviously some temporary arrangements will be made until a definitive solution can be reached, like Erika moving to Emma's room and leaving hers to Meemaw/Betty, and Eileen/Kiara moving to MC's room (who will be in Aruba then). But a definitive solution should be in progress by then.

Betty's at a crossroads but she hasn't realized until the after-Kiara conversation. She's very intuitive when it comes to others, but not so much for her own feelings since she has restrained them for years. Meemaw's conversation in the bathroom (and what we didn't see after they kicked the MC out) opened her eyes to that even Meemaw is having incestuous dreams. The "That strong, handsome, sexy, and adorable guy... Considering that Kiara has never said any of that... Is that how you see me?" took her by surprise. How will she react once she has time to think?

Eileen doesn't want to leave. And, especially, doesn't want her mother to leave. Kiara is as stubborn as anyone can be (remember the "And you know the best way to cram 300 Irishmen into a car is to tell them they can't fit." sentence), but Eileen knows how to touch the correct buttons for her (she has been trying different combinations in the days since the swing).

But Kiara is at the same crossroads as Betty (the "dragon scene" shows how she sees the MC) but she knows she is there and that's why she has been avoiding the MC since the visit to her house. Eileen doesn't know that, but the MC is starting to get it into his thick skull. It's a difficult situation for her. And remember her now-pregnant daughter teased her and she thought "(No! Eile is right! These thoughts are dangerous and I shouldn't have them... and I'm a married woman.)". A difficult place to be.
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Active Member
Nov 6, 2017
I would like, for those of you willing and with time to do it, if you could give some feedback on the update. Which scenes did you like or dislike? Did you try more than one of Maddie's scenes? Did you like the differences between them? How you compare Eva family meeting from the previous update with Amanda 's in this one? And any other feedback you can provide. Remember that, without knowing what works and what doesn't, I can't improve.

Thor had, rather obviously, disgracefully not enough screen time for a character of such importance in the game.

MC's face/head had rather too much screen time in my opinion. Not that he's ugly. Just seeing his, as you already know and informed everyone about it, face just... feels weird. As it's hard to immerse myself into MC if I see his face too often, when it's supposed to be me. I'm just not that handsome.

Eva's hairstyle (bun was it called?) feels weird and in my opinion doesn't feel like her style, but might be just my personal preference though, as I am used to girls not having hairs shorter than Martha's.

Both family meetings were equally cheesy and corny. Wouldn't change a damn thing about them. Well, maybe for the fact it should be just one family reunion dinner with both girls.

I heard girls moaning in my headphones. Were those sounds addded in the current update or I just never noticed them before? If the first one, then it's nice. Sound can be huge part of the experience. Listening only music can be... boring.

After reading the conversation with Betty I feel MC shouldn't be that dumb, for the lack of better word. An I'm writting this as full blown and known retard of 1d4chan and f95zone. It's impossible to be more retarded, because If I do, I'll just turn like India in Civilization. Just instead of throwing nukes I'll become a mastermind or something.

I know those last updates were about clones, but I find the lack of Martha... disturbing.

Sex with Nana?
Which one. Betty or Meemaw?


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
I have to say, people are being way too harsh on MC about not getting what's going on with Kiara.

You have to remember, nearly every other girl and woman in the game have practically thrown themselves at him once they realized they like him. Like even among the family members, there was remarkably little resistance, and at least with them MC had a very obvious reason to understand their reluctance. Olivia, and to a lesser extent Betty are two outliers of the family.

Like after establishing 14 romantic relationships pretty easily, i think getting confused at the first relationship of any dynamic not going smoothly is understandable.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
I am trying to imagine how on earth that conversation came up/progressed! Good on your stepson!
TropecitaGames: What's that?

Stepson: Adult Visual Novels...

TropecitaGames: ....okay?

Stepson: I fap to NTR AVNs every day... God, I love it so much.

TropecitaGames: WTF is going on?

Stepson. You know how to code, right?

TropecitaGames: ...yeah?

Stepson: Can you make me an AVN with GILF and NTR?

TropecitaGames: ...eeeeeeeeh.... maybe...



Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
I can't wait for Kiara to join the harem. :cool:
Me neither. Unfortunately, I want to do it in a reasonable way, so it will take some in-game days.

ya know what the problem with awesome vn's like this one ..... i fucking hate when the update ends ...... dammmitttttt
Awesome awesome awesome .... TropecitaGames your vn has become a dam drug for me .. i'm addicted:love::love::love::love:

I should stop somewhere or I would never publish. At least this time we saw Eva in that ultra-sexy dress.

Thor had, rather obviously, disgracefully not enough screen time for a character of such importance in the game.

MC's face/head had rather too much screen time in my opinion. Not that he's ugly. Just seeing his, as you already know and informed everyone about it, face just... feels weird. As it's hard to immerse myself into MC if I see his face too often, when it's supposed to be me. I'm just not that handsome.

Eva's hairstyle (bun was it called?) feels weird and in my opinion doesn't feel like her style, but might be just my personal preference though, as I am used to girls not having hairs shorter than Martha's.

Both family meetings were equally cheesy and corny. Wouldn't change a damn thing about them. Well, maybe for the fact it should be just one family reunion dinner with both girls.

I heard girls moaning in my headphones. Were those sounds addded in the current update or I just never noticed them before? If the first one, then it's nice. Sound can be huge part of the experience. Listening only music can be... boring.

After reading the conversation with Betty I feel MC shouldn't be that dumb, for the lack of better word. An I'm writting this as full blown and known retard of 1d4chan and f95zone. It's impossible to be more retarded, because If I do, I'll just turn like India in Civilization. Just instead of throwing nukes I'll become a mastermind or something.

I know those last updates were about clones, but I find the lack of Martha... disturbing.

Which one. Betty or Meemaw?
Unfortunately for my taste, I had to show MC's face more than in other updates because PoV framing won't work the same for Amanda's scene, the raccoon part (didn't work at all when she caught his hand), or Maddie/Megan.

Eva's bun was an exigence from my wife. I started with a different hairstyle and ended up doing 6 renders for her to choose from. She hasn't cut her hair, only did that magic only women can do of hiding that much hair in a not-so-small bun.

Having both girls in the same meeting would dilute the differences between them and wouldn't allow me to show Amanda's fears of not being accepted as Eva was. Nor showing her having a different agenda.

The girls moaning were there in Season 1, but I removed them in Part 2 until I could find better ones. I liked Megan and Maddie's from Part 1, so I reused them. Every girl has her own moaning sound. It's an issue to synch it with what's really happening on screen, though.

The MC looks dumber than he is when it comes to notice the girls feeling attracted to him. But that has an explanation in my head. Remember he was fat until he went to college, he doesn't see himself as handsome or sexy, so he can't think someone can feel attracted to him physically (Norah, Megan, and Kate are in the same boat for different reasons). And what he does for the girls (Kiara in this case) isn't so important to him to spark an attraction, because he sees it as "normal behavior" (he hasn't seen the "dragon animation" in Kiara's head). So he can't conceive someone like Kiara, who said she didn't like him when they met for the first time, can think about him as anything more than her daughter's boyfriend.

He will start to ask. He did it with Amanda. And she ducked the question. Will someone like Eva be able to duck it?


Engaged Member
Aug 15, 2023
I would like to sex scene with Kate before she goes through her weight loss journey. Seeing her face down ass up and that ass getting spanked and her hair pulled then a thumb up her bum.:devilish:
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Trope95


Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
I am trying to imagine how on earth that conversation came up/progressed! Good on your stepson!
He has played Japanese VNs (both hentai and not hentai) since I knew him. I did some experiments with Poser/Daz Studio in 2010-2014 and he knew it, so when he discovered "Daz AVNs" he told me like "You could do something like this! You know how to code and how to do renders" (as you can see from the first chapters the "knowing how to do renders" was too generous).
He recommended me some games and I played some of them for fun, not thinking about doing one myself, and I started thinking what every player thinks when playing an AVN: "I would do this differently", "I don't like this mechanic (sandbox, in my case)", "I don't like this kink (NTR, in my case)", etc. And talking about it with him, he told me "Do your own game". And here we are.

I have to say, people are being way too harsh on MC about not getting what's going on with Kiara.

You have to remember, nearly every other girl and woman in the game have practically thrown themselves at him once they realized they like him. Like even among the family members, there was remarkably little resistance, and at least with them MC had a very obvious reason to understand their reluctance. Olivia, and to a lesser extent Betty are two outliers of the family.

Like after establishing 14 romantic relationships pretty easily, i think getting confused at the first relationship of any dynamic not going smoothly is understandable.
As I said in another post, he is not a guy who thinks girls should be throwing their panties at him. He considers himself "a normal nice guy", even if experience tells him the opposite.
He was surprised at Meemaw's reaction at the doctor's office, but he chalked it to something purely physical.
He did for Kiara what "any decent guy would do", right? Not something to spark attraction.
He didn't know how Betty saw him until that conversation.
Eva rings an alarm in his brain because her behavior is too similar to Emma's so he can recognize it. And she said the "I didn't like you, but you were hot" sentence.
And, if Eva accuses Amanda of flirting, there's a chance she's right, so better ask.
Kim demonstrated she's attracted to him at the beach, so no issue there.
Lisa... how their relationship started, he can't think she can be attracted to the "bellboy". Even if he acknowledges her change in behavior.
Kate is a lesbian, so not interested in men, right? All the nice words have a banter component.

I would like to sex scene with Kate before she goes through her weight loss journey. Seeing her face down ass up and that ass getting spanked and her hair pulled then a thumb up her bum.:devilish:
Remember her weight loss will be visible in Act III. We are in Act II and she "should" have a chance to become pregnant before Act III, so there will be (optional) sex with her in her current shape.
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