
Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Am I right in suddenly remembering he lost his ability to walk in a car crash and it was that car crash that killed his and Simone's dad? Feels forever ago that this was mentioned, assuming I'm remembering correctly
Wasn't he born that way? Then again, my memory is basically fucked....
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
Am I right in suddenly remembering he lost his ability to walk in a car crash and it was that car crash that killed his and Simone's dad? Feels forever ago that this was mentioned, assuming I'm remembering correctly
Exactly. The fateful day at the beach, explained by Sam during the date at the beach.
He was a sportsman and one of the popular boys at 11. The car crash broke his back and left him paraplegic. His (and Simone's) dad died in the accident.
Jamaal's "then-friends" abandoned him and he started to talk with the MC. The rest is history!


Message Maven
Apr 26, 2020
Exactly. The fateful day at the beach, explained by Sam during the date at the beach.
He was a sportsman and one of the popular boys at 11. The car crash broke his back and left him paraplegic. His (and Simone's dad) died in the accident.
Jamaal's "then-friends" abandoned him and he started to talk with the MC. The rest is history!
Aaaaand my Alzheimer's Lite is confirmed..........


Active Member
Jun 26, 2023
If the horse gets tired Lisa is welcome to ride me all she wants. Preferably bareback. :love:
I find myself wanting to (mildly) injure a horse now so that I can offer myself as a subsitute. :eek:
The question designing that render was... more cheek or showing which style she wears her bush? I went for the middle one.
Coward!! :LOL:
Oh I just saw that the epiloque of the game will take place in 22 years and I realise that Scarlett can be totally deaf, I hope that the super scientist corporation in Aruba (totally random) can elaborate a medicine for that. I don't want one a the best girl can not heard the MC and the others anymore ! If you know what I mean ;) .
Honestly, I find the discussion following this cmment to be a bit jarring and (super ironically) tone deaf. Deafness is for my money the most isolating 'disability' and the one I would have tbe hardest time with by far. But to compensate for that in part, traditionally the deaf community is often a very closely knit and supportive one, and many would see the discussion of "cures" as very rude or insensitive at best (cochlear implants were quite controversial, for example). I find it ironic that in a game where diversity and appreciation of characters with all kinds of backgrounds and differences is a major theme that some members of this community are so quick to talk about "fixing" deafness/vitiligo/spinal injuries, etc.. :cry: I've got all kinds of issues but if I ever had someone offer to 'fix' me I would kick their balls out through their noses for the underlying implication that I am somehow 'lesser' than them because of those issues.
ps: is there any kind of feedback welcome? Might have some tips in dialogue construction and writing style if you do not mind :)
Trope is as open minded as any dev I can think of. It's all of us "white knights" you have to be afraid of. :D [At least according to any douchebag that comes here to troll or be overtly rude but who then cries like a little bitch when people reply to them in the same tone. :rolleyes:]


Apr 24, 2024
Maybe also vitiligo Kim too?

PS. FatGiant, nice to have you back!
That will make her nearly entirely white - as I understand, the condition tends to continue eating away at the melanin and the skintone tends to fade for life. A "cure" would allow her to regain the melanin.

Honestly, I like the way she looks. I'm sure it can be horrible for a kid growing up, so if they can find a way to stop it in children, that would probably be good. But she's a beautifully rendered character, just as Winnie Harlow is a physically beautiful woman.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2017
Trope95 I know you like going on about how many different endings there will be by throwing out some huge number, which might be correct if you were not ignoring that some combinations will be duplicated. IE a Scarlet and Emma ending would be the same as an Emma and Scarlet ending. So now your workload has been decreased and we don't want to hear any more excuses about the endings and epilogues. ;)
  • Red Heart
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2023
Am I right in suddenly remembering he lost his ability to walk in a car crash and it was that car crash that killed his and Simone's dad? Feels forever ago that this was mentioned, assuming I'm remembering correctly
It's exactly like that. Jamaal got injured in the same car crash that had killed his dad.
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Engaged Member
Game Developer
Apr 11, 2022
No-no, it is not like they should have any problems with it. I do understand this perspective, but the thing i was talking about is that they way too eager for it :D I mean, 18yo is just the beginning of their adulthood. And pregnancy on its own is important step and a lot of responsibility is involved in this case. But they do act like there is no tomorrow :D Again, its only my opinion :)

As for feedback:
1- in complex dialogues: jokes are marked with *laught* in the end. Might be good idea to mark it in the start instead. Like *laught* text instead of text *laught*. For people who are not have English as native lang it might be much more easy to understand the mood or tone of the line from the start as they will be reading it slower. For example, i am not translating anything but reading slower. Sometimes i am not getting it right away and in my case its kinda blends. Not really important but just makes things smoother for people without fluent level :)
2- at some point "my love/my life" starts to seem a bit mechanic due to harem expansion. Might be good to add some more "sweetheart", "sweety", "honey", etc. I mean, making this lines more personalized might be a lot of work in general, but will improve text on my opinion.
3- not sure if its local thing or just personal, but looks like everyone likes jazz and Cava :D This part impacts a lot. For a reader it is usually takes 2 differences vs 1 similarity. Depends on how much this dif/sim is expressed. Less repeating = better overall.

PS: only my opinion and i was thinking it might be useful. Usually i am not bothered much, but your work is really cool so i decided to drop my point of view here.
1.- The *Laugh* is where it's needed. Perhaps it's my way of talking or my sense of humor, but a lot of times I start a sentence in a totally serious tone to end it with a joke. That bleeds into my writing style. Other times the *Laugh* is at the start of the sentence, because the person saying it is actually laughing. After reading your comment, I've written several scenes, considering where the *Laugh* should be for every sentence. I have changed a couple of the locations, but most of them remained where I originally planned.
2.- "Sweety" is used in that family for the (older) ladies to refer to the younger ones. When I tried to use "honey", someone told me in the US it's used more for married couples, so I stopped using it. But, as always when writing, my personal life transfers to the characters. I've been calling my wife "my life" and "sky" (it makes sense in Spanish) for the last 23 years. I haven't used her real name for the last 20 years when talking directly to her (it would be useful if I had a lover to not confuse names :D ). And the great thing about a harem (like My Dorm's) is that the MC is in love with every one of the girls. So calling them "my love" or "my life" is totally fitting. When he's with one of them, the others don't exist in his mind.
3.- Nope. The MC likes Cava and he orders it when he goes on a date (settling for Prosecco when there isn't another option). Norah, the one who makes the home purchases, doesn't have any preference about gassed wines, so she goes with what the MC (the only one with a preference) likes. She likes red wine and there are always some bottles at home. Look at her kitchen, on the left side of the counter, and you will see a big wine fridge. About Jazz, the place is called Jazz Corner, but it's been stated that, on weekends, they play varied music. Daphne likes pop (Taylor "Shift" has been named). Erika likes electro-goth. Erika/Daphne/Emma/Scarlett like disco (remember the ABBA song scene)

Geez! Don't everybody get bent out of shape about whether she'll still be deaf or not in 22 years. Whether "her" hearing loss or recovery will be fixed 22 years from now is not an issue for me. Heck, at MY current age I'LL be DEAD from "old age" 22 years from now. And that's even with the CURRENT genetically altered medical treatment I'm receiving for my current disease. Just sayin'. :ROFLMAO:

(Keep up the good work Trope. It's a great "fantasy" story you have produced. (y) )
I don't think I will be walking this world in 22 years either (unless there's a zombie apocalypse and I become one :D )
But the 22 year gap is between the end-game and the epilogue. I hope to not take that long to write it. But considering the last 20 in-game days took 830 real-world days to write... ;)

I love Scarlet, and as both MCs sister and girlfriend she of course deserves all the help we have at our disposal, but I feel obligated to mention that if we're going to wield our not inconsiderable medical and scientific resources to help our family, that we should also look into helping our brother no longer need a wheelchair, if he so wishes. He was already in a wheelchair as a young kid, so by the 20 years ahead mark we're all seemingly working off, he'll have been using a wheelchair the majority of his life of roughly 40 year, if not his entire life.
It all depends on which direction NTR evolves. Obviously, the cloning will be gone as we know it. They already diversified into high-tech medical equipment, so having Jamaal walk once again is a possibility down the road. How will it be done? That's something I prefer to keep secret until it's done.

Maybe also vitiligo Kim too?

PS. FatGiant, nice to have you back!
No, she won't be cured of vitiligo. With expensive treatments, we (real-world) can stop its spread, but can't reverse it. Kim will make peace with her vitiligo, so even if a reversal treatment (that would make her 100% black-skinned once again) was discovered in the next 22 years, she won't use it. It will become part of her identity.

I find myself wanting to (mildly) injure a horse now so that I can offer myself as a subsitute. :eek:

Coward!! :LOL:

Honestly, I find the discussion following this cmment to be a bit jarring and (super ironically) tone deaf. Deafness is for my money the most isolating 'disability' and the one I would have tbe hardest time with by far. But to compensate for that in part, traditionally the deaf community is often a very closely knit and supportive one, and many would see the discussion of "cures" as very rude or insensitive at best (cochlear implants were quite controversial, for example). I find it ironic that in a game where diversity and appreciation of characters with all kinds of backgrounds and differences is a major theme that some members of this community are so quick to talk about "fixing" deafness/vitiligo/spinal injuries, etc.. :cry: I've got all kinds of issues but if I ever had someone offer to 'fix' me I would kick their balls out through their noses for the underlying implication that I am somehow 'lesser' than them because of those issues.

Trope is as open minded as any dev I can think of. It's all of us "white knights" you have to be afraid of. :D [At least according to any douchebag that comes here to troll or be overtly rude but who then cries like a little bitch when people reply to them in the same tone. :rolleyes:]
As I wrote above, Kim won't be fixed because there's nothing wrong with her. Jamaal will get an improvement in his quality of life.
The issue is with Scarlett. Unlike Kim or Jamaal, she is concerned about her condition. It's something that sours her character and her future perspectives (even if she has accepted her fate). It makes sense for her to, having the means, try to investigate a cure/fix for her genetic disorder. If not for her, at least for other kids in the future to not go through what she and her mother have experienced.
I worked for an organization of blind people (O.N.C.E. in 2004-07) and it was one of the most enriching experiences in my professional life. One of my bosses said (on national TV, nonetheless) that he was used to being blind, but he would give an arm to recover his sight for ten minutes to see his wife naked one more time.

With Scarlett, I tried to move that feeling to deafness. She knows that she will be 100% deaf in the future, but she would give an arm to stop it from arriving at that point. If she isn't able to do it in time (she won't) she will try to find a way to stop it for future kids (including hers).

That will make her nearly entirely white - as I understand, the condition tends to continue eating away at the melanin and the skintone tends to fade for life. A "cure" would allow her to regain the melanin.

Honestly, I like the way she looks. I'm sure it can be horrible for a kid growing up, so if they can find a way to stop it in children, that would probably be good. But she's a beautifully rendered character, just as Winnie Harlow is a physically beautiful woman.
"Curing" her, and restoring her melanin would make her entirely black once again. But, as I wrote above, she has/will make peace with her vitiligo, so she won't undergo any treatment (to restore her previous skin condition). At most, one to stop it from spreading more.

And, certainly, she's based on (a less famous version of) Winnie Harlow.

height is blank for me in the profiles why ? :(
Which version and on which platform do you play?

Trope95 I know you like going on about how many different endings there will be by throwing out some huge number, which might be correct if you were not ignoring that some combinations will be duplicated. IE a Scarlet and Emma ending would be the same as an Emma and Scarlet ending. So now your workload has been decreased and we don't want to hear any more excuses about the endings and epilogues. ;)
My stats classes are more than 30 years behind me, so perhaps my (ChatGPT) calculations were wrong, although I told it that A+B was the same as B+A.
And I (try to) never use excuses. The design choices were mine and I'm the only culprit of any issues down the road. Making excuses would waste time that could be used to find a solution. ;)
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