Using the Mac version. When I open Ch. 3 it's in Spanish with no way to get to the options/settings to change it to english. It automatically starts the questionnaire, and pressing esc will not bring up the menu.
Thanks, couldn't get to that screen because I didn't realize the first question was asking about age. Google translate helped there. Then I was able to advance and choose option 4.
HUH, What are you Talking ?? And YES I have played MANYHarem AVN's where the MC Progresses in ability, skill, suaveness, etc. and Character Progression is very much a thing. (and I'm not going to Name them because this is a "My Dorm" Thread) A trogolodtye? Don't be ridiculous, no one wants to play a dense dumb-ass, at least not me and so I don't point for your reply!
I kind of agreed with you this skin of the character is quite use in another game. The first time I saw the character I said to myself she will probably be the bitchy one but after I saw that she will be good friend with Scarlett and Daphne I was a little suprise. Charlotte is for me a better choice just by the look. What reassure me is that is her who is replace and not Christy, nobody touch her not even Trope she must stay in the game !