Or the easier alternative.. Don't worry about audio.
(This is in no way a knock against My Dorm, but this is just in general)
I know people will complain of "no sound no music blah blah".. but don't care. Yea I'm pushing a bit of a personal preference point, but I play/read all of these kinds of things with the audio off, and its not because of privacy or whatever. To me the licensing of music isn't worth it.
While I understand authors' ideas and desires to create these kind of projects and add audio for the immersion, honestly its the writing and the story that make it or break it for me.
Most of the projects who have bothered with sound effects, voice, music, either its such crap that its not worth having, or its too "overdone" and fake (mostly referring to sound effects and voice) and just detracts from enjoyment of the stories. Random instrumental mood & "elevator music" aside, what serves as "popular" music for the last 20+ years can mostly go in the trash as far as Im concerned, and thats usually the type of music most authors pick.
For something "in development", if an author does desire to go the voice route especially, do it at the end, do it as a special bonus, otherwise its all a waste of time and money; especially before completion of the main aspect of the story.
Projects where they bother to get lines voiced even before their entire script is done and the game is effectively finished I see as a production/planning problem, especially when "remasters" are a common occurrence.
Now with the advent of auto-generated content, If it gets to the point of making "original" audio where then licensing isn't a concern, fits the atmosphere and scope needed, then fine. Probably sample it for about 30 seconds and then still turn it off.