No I will not spend any money on there sites couse most of the time you get nothing but talk this talk has nothing to do with the game I shuld know I checked befor. But further more when they say their going to put it out on a surten day but do not tells me their only in it for the money and nothing els so none of them will get aney morie money from me this you can take to the bank on. Oh and yes I have bin checking for Ep 10 and Ep11 of My Early Life on the web and found nothing so you see their only in it for the money. Further morie I have found free copies of all the others on line but not of Ep 10 or Ep 11 so ask your self this why give them money to make them self rich then use it on your self in steed when you ancer this then think why shuld we give them aney morie money then.