Thank you for your extensive and detailed - let's call it a kind of WT

I would like to make some small comments to explain why I have made the game this way. The game is build up around our MC and the the 3 sisters. It's the players job to corrupt them. I have done my utmost to make it as realistic as possible imcluding the girls reactions and behaviour. As an example - 9:30 in the kitchen that you have comment as 'even worse' : For each time our MC meet her in the kitchen he's able to make minor progress with her. If you read the dialog instead of open Renpy SDK you'll realize what is needed to make further progress. There are 8 steps of progress in this bookmark so it will take some game weeks to almost undress her. It's still a game for fun so - of course -many things are still unrealistic. The bookmarks are organized so there is 1 bookmark for each timeslot (30 minutes timeslot from 7:00 to 24:00 per girl minus some slots that are not active) Depending how the game will be played there will always be some slots that haven't been fully triggered in the end. To trigger them you'll need to forward time to reach these bookmarks. As long as there are endless ways to play the game it's impossible to avoid - or at least I haven't figured out how to do it.
You mentioned the kitchen bookmark at 18:30 as a bookmark with no hints: Sorry but you're wrong

. In the beginning of episode 1 the girls asked our MC to make dinner. If you read that - you'll know that you have to be in the kitchen (Remember it's a game - not a novel

I have previous given hints here - how to play the game so you can avoid most of the problems - simply start with 1 girl and make her happy 24/7 and earn money by taken pictures of these girls and ignore that they are in bad mood.After 1 week switch to next girl etc. If you play the game this way and read the dialogs you'll be able to play the game with almost no grind.
If you just click around and don't read the dialogs you'll never be able to finish any episode.
I believe that is mainly the free players that have problems. My supporters invest their money in my game and is much more motivated to play the game asit has to be played. Please also keep in mind that Imake this game myself with 1 huy that helps me with some of the images. I have monthly updates with more than 1000 new images so it'simpossible to make a 100 % perfect game that everybody likes.
Thanks again for the nice words about my game - I appreciate it very much