19:00 Dining RoomWhich ones do you have left?
16:30 Lina's Room
18:00 Lina's Room
14:00 Pool
15:30 Bathroom
20:30 Bob's Room
19:00 Dining RoomWhich ones do you have left?
i need help for this scene
If that is what you get I think it has already triggered...i need help for this scene
22:00 tv room i'm stuckIf that is what you get I think it has already triggered...
Look at this post...19:00 Dining Room
16:30 Lina's Room
18:00 Lina's Room
14:00 Pool
15:30 Bathroom
20:30 Bob's Room
Make sure that you bought chips that day or day before then??? I missed getting the chips too ")22:00 tv room i'm stuck
It's a funny but quite stupid mistake. I was visiting Lina at 7:30, not Lynn... Of course, nothing could happen. That's why I wouldn't say I like similar names and lots of ppl in games. You may remember them now but next update they are all new to you again.Look up one post
I understand your point but I have to ask back: Where is the point of making earning money easy and then robbing the player regulary, because you made making money too easy, so that the player has too much of it? If it was made more intelligently by for example not being able to sell pictures, if you have more than 1500 money (like "Damn! The internet is down, I cannot sell picures at the moment. I guess I have to wait and try again later" or something similar), then, as the player, I would not feel like the dev came into my room repeatedly, left a big pile of shit on my desk and then disappeared without a word.Well, I can see your point, but getting money in the game is very easy, it is also kind of the game's way of introducing you to the story progression in a natural way. Where is the point in interacting with the girls at all if you have 100K in your wallet?
I think doing it like this is actually very player-friendly if the Dev. would decide to reduce the income dramatically, people would complain about the difficulty and grind mentality^^
So ya maybe there could be some adjustments in the future I can see that, but calling it bad design?
It actually is an important throughline in my eyes...
Будет ли в игре добавлена анимация?
Вот что сказал разработчик:
«Прекрасные, отличные новости для всех вас.
16 октября
Приветствую всех
У меня для всех вас отличные, отличные новости.
На прошлой неделе я заключил соглашение с двумя дополнительными 3D-художниками. С этого момента нас четыре 3D-художника, создающих изображения для моих игр.
Это огромные инвестиции с моего сайта, и я очень надеюсь, что смогу увеличить число сторонников для финансирования этих инвестиций.
Как это повлияет на игру?
Гораздо больше изображений в эпизоде
Гораздо лучшее качество изображений, потому что это высвободит часть моего времени для создания более качественных шаблонов.
Улучшенная помощь в игре
Более подробные подсобытия
...и многое другое.
Сейчас я занимаюсь обновлением всех сцен, добавляя им лучшее освещение и более детализированные изображения, так что уже в пятом эпизоде вы должны увидеть различия.
Я очень надеюсь, что вы все поддержите меня, чтобы я мог финансировать это гигантское обновление в будущем.
Изображение из 5 серии.
Желаю всем хорошего дня и приятной игры
Ваше здоровье
надеюсь что анимация еще будет
You need to have Eve do a nude shoot before Lin does the new dancing shoot. She's only wearing a tutu in the new dancing shoot so that's where the logic comes in.I keep getting Lin refusing a topless dancing photo shoot but she's doing a topless photo shoot in the pool. Did I miss something?
Well if you stack up so much money, then don`t feel offended by me saying so but for what? do you actually need so much more time to finish the game and your frustration is now directed at this minor point?I understand your point but I have to ask back: Where is the point of making earning money easy and then robbing the player regulary, because you made making money too easy, so that the player has too much of it? If it was made more intelligently by for example not being able to sell pictures, if you have more than 1500 money (like "Damn! The internet is down, I cannot sell picures at the moment. I guess I have to wait and try again later" or something similar), then, as the player, I would not feel like the dev came into my room repeatedly, left a big pile of shit on my desk and then disappeared without a word.
That's why I call it bad game design. It is obvious, that these scenes just need to correct a situation, which the dev did not want to happen, but failed by desining it not properly.
Honestly, I feel like the draw is too much. Leaving me with 500 when I have a 150/wk debt and then having almost an entire week where I get to make 0 because "no photos thanks" and stretching the grind is kind of annoying. I found the best way to deal with it was to pace my photo uploads to guarantee a regular income. Also, considering that there are event triggers that require me to have a solid slush fund, and the cost of outfits for the girls, it would be better if there was a set value for whatever repairs I was going to get saddled with like 1k so that my money in pocket is always at a comfortable amount rather than me having to wait an extra week to unlock new events.Well if you stack up so much money, then don`t feel offended by me saying so but for what? do you actually need so much more time to finish the game and your frustration is now directed at this minor point?
Not trying to be offensive here just pointing out that the money is kinda fair distributed if you simply are able to finish the bookmarks within let's say 1-2H of playing the game.
Maybe you are simply not used to playing sandbox art games like this.
For me, this feels like a fresh reset for each new episode to have an interesting and kinda more challenging experience...
If I would be able to take over 1mio from the last Episode, then giving out money to the girls feels lesser as an accomplishment right?
Anyways, if it's a big deal for you, we simply agree to disagree for me this is no problem at all rather a blessing in disguise.
That one was super annoying. Especially when the solution is just to take photos during each pause for last few frames of the event.That one drove me nutts trying to figure it outThe 19:00 in dinning room I never triggered, but that gave me 90/91
I found the best course of action was to not upload the photos toward the end of each episode.Honestly, I feel like the draw is too much. Leaving me with 500 when I have a 150/wk debt and then having almost an entire week where I get to make 0 because "no photos thanks" and stretching the grind is kind of annoying. I found the best way to deal with it was to pace my photo uploads to guarantee a regular income. Also, considering that there are event triggers that require me to have a solid slush fund, and the cost of outfits for the girls, it would be better if there was a set value for whatever repairs I was going to get saddled with like 1k so that my money in pocket is always at a comfortable amount rather than me having to wait an extra week to unlock new events.