Because a silver member decided to leak an unfinished version of episode 5. I have a tracker in the version that is leaked here so he'll never be able to do it again. He'll be banned right after he has paid for next months membership

I have no influence on what the F95 decide to post here. This site wouldn't exist if there wasn't any dev's of this kind of games - even tough they have decided to destroy the devs by leaking their work. I must admit that it might be okay if they only leaked dev's that never make public versions - but really don't understand why they destroy dev's that make public versions. Besides that - people who aren't able to support the devs or don't want to support - they always gets version with bugs with no change for support etc. If F95 team was persons with some kind of fairness to devs and players here - they should never accept leaked versions of games from devs that offer public versions and ban members that do it, but I doubt that it will ever happen. Thank you for your support. On Patreon site please let me know if you need any help.
It could be because there are a LOT of scummy unscrupulous devs out there, whose only preoccupation is taking patron's money and going on long hiatuses and giving their subs either nothing for long periods of time or the extreme bare minimum. Or ignoring their patrons when they put up polls, or ask them what they want to see in the game etc. Then there are others far worse. I won't name them, because I don't want to give them even more exposure than I have over the last year.
Patreon+renpy is well known as scam heaven for certain developers. Just throw out a basic scene or two, and claim your making a game, and if you have half decent pr, you get subscribers, the way the dev thinks is like this, the more subs he gets the money he gets, and the more money he gets, then he he/she makes up some story about how the game development is going. This can last months, in the mean time even more people subscribe, and he/she just keeps the pretense up. He/She could make quite a sizeable amount of money by doing this, and the game? It was just a ploy to get subscribers, may be throw a few renders to the subscribers from elsewhere, there will never be a story, eventually people will get pissed and stop subbing, but the real kicker is this, the dev doesn't care, because once he has his money from his subscribers he simply closes his page down and vanishes, and starts again with a different name, same outcome. This is more common than people realize.
By the way, the good devs, don't throw their game out for free riddled with bugs and no support. The fact your game was pirated and put here, think of it as a good thing, why? because people are showing interest, who very well may end up becoming your subscriber, it's not cool or good to give buggy versions of your game out for free.
Oh and lastly, it's usually a great idea to say nothing about the person doing the leaking. This is private between you and him and no one else. Trackers in these games can be removed.