It's Patreon's own fault, unlike SS they won't do what's necessary to get Visa/MC's boot off their necks, who are in turn mostly doing it due to fear of litigation from some morality-policing dumbasses like the American Family Association, as things like bestiality, rape and incest are extra repulsive to them, more so than just regular porn, though with $50B/year profits it's not like they can't afford lawyers and just ignore them. And while broadcast TV is mostly slaves to the FCC and advertisers with cable TV that people pay extra for channels like HBO (what GoT was originally on and funded production for) can basically do whatever the fuck want, not just shows with minor incest scenes but literally anything legal, including all-out porno movies if they wanted to (though not very profitable due to free internet porn everywhere). And how do most people pay their cable bill? It's usually ACH or cash in person to avoid that 3% convenience fee, so Visa/MC has 0 say in what's on TV.