Word. I hate having to start the game over again just to re-read something i missed or when you have to grind instead of playing the story. Who actually likes grind??As always with TremmiGames: very nice graphics and animations but "blah" story... not to mention the impossibility of rollback or modifying the skip text options and having to rely on mods to have access to basic options of Ren'Py.
Hello!I'm hoping that once the current set of polls finishes that the notifications from their patreon will die down. I don't like getting several emails per day about which girl I like more than another in the game... day after day... week after week... promotions for "tremmi points" that seem like a huge marketing gimmick... the way you have to jump through all these hoops to even become a supporter... and then an associated site where you spend these "tremmicoins" etc...
I hate all of it.
I literally just want to follow Grace's story, maybe her mom and sister. I don't care about most of the rest... I don't care at all about tremmicoins and wish they didn't exist. I don't want to go on the tremmi site because it's nothing but time wasters to try to get my money (come back every day to click things and you can get little cards here on the website that aren't useful for anything!), etc... I don't care about tremmicoin sales, etc.
Just let me subscribe on patreon, give me direct access to the game when I subscribe, and then leave me alone unless you're sharing special renders, or have a meaningful update on development progress.
If all these polls were the fault of subscribing to too high a tier, then you're actually incentivizing me to give less.
I've never subscribed to another patreon page that was so convoluted and full of gimmicks and pestered you so much to try to get more money out of you for superfluous crap... and made it so hard to just GET THE GAME.
While that is certainly an option, I just looked at my email, and I have 35 email notifications from your Patreon in the just first 10 days of February so far.Hello!
Thank you for your long feedback. Just remove notify of tremmgames page on patreon and get your link in private messages![]()
Хотя это, безусловно, вариант, я только что просмотрел свою электронную почту, и у меня есть 35 уведомлений по электронной почте от вашего Patreon только за первые 10 дней февраля.
Вы не находите это немного чрезмерным?
Я имею в виду, что приятно поддерживать связь со своими покровителями и т. д., но есть кое-что, что следует сказать об умеренности.
На модерации
1. избегание излишеств или крайностей, особенно в поведении или политических взглядах
Пример: «он призвал их к умеренности»
- сдержанность
- сдержанность
- самоконтроль
- самодисциплина
Тем не менее, кажется, что некоторые из ваших опросов проходят несколько раз? Клянусь, я голосовал в нескольких случаях, когда один и тот же опрос проводился либо дважды в один и тот же день, либо два дня подряд, либо что-то в этом роде. Вы делаете несколько опросов для разных уровней или что-то в этом роде? Я пытаюсь понять, почему я вижу их и могу голосовать за них несколько раз.
1 опрос для посетителей
2 poll for followers (followers posts automatically send to patrons too) there are 2 different posts per day. 1 for patrons 1 for followers and patrons participate in 2 posts![]()
I always bet on Red.Who will you choose?