New Member
Apr 12, 2020
The incest tag is needed, also seems to be a harem game, so that tag should also be added.
Found also something regarding the variables, there should at least one variable be added. Because, if you add some definitions, the variable "brodname" don't always fit. It's basically lacking a variable to define the relationship between the two "tenants" (sisters) and the MC, e.g. if you play it with incest, it would be siblings, but ATM it shows in the conversions that they are "brothers" which makes no sense with a girl involved. For this release, I added the variable "sibname" and changed the dialog at specific points to use it. Don't know if I found everything, where it fits. Sadly I'm not as skilled that I could make it a option to change it during the game play, you have to change it in the "VARIABLES.rpy" file or with the console ingame, if you don't want incest. And you should use the singular term (e.g. sibling instead of siblings or friend instead of friends) to avoid double s. Just extract the files into the game folder, for anyone, who is interested.

Also the hide button seems to be disabled... I don't know, why devs tend to mess with the basic functionality of renpy... I'm not able to change that, again because of my lacking python skills.

If you find a line missing or still doesn't make sense, please report, so I can fix it.

EDIT (April 29th '24): Updated the files for game version 0.1.3 . As always, if you find something, that I may have missed, please let me know.

Using this patch caused a permanent black window after the splash screen. It was due to null bytes in some of the .rpy files.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/cheese_making.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default CHEESE_MAKER_holder = 50

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/gallery_sys.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default list_of_girls_GALERY = []

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/iten_checker_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/miilking_domain.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default had_event_on_milk_domain_today = False

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/aurora_milkin_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/marian_milking_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label marian_cow_talk_to:

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/ryo_milking_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label ryo_cow_talk_to:

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/new_day_screen.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default timer_to_daynight_c = 5

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/SETS_FOR_CH_TREE.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default all_set_for_end_of_chaopter_treee = 0

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/cow_domain_ch3.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/isabellach3domstart.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/marian_ch3_hidem.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label mc_receives_pic_from_marian_rock:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/aurora_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/bianca_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    image dryhumoing_bianca = Movie(play="7-patchs/c4/dryhumping_bianca_on_the_living_room/dryhumping_loop.webm",loop=True)

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/clube_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/cow_domain_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/isabela_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/marian_of_CH4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/misc_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/night_evets_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/preg_bia_content.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label first_tests_arrive_by_mail:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/rival_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label riley_work_very_had_ondafarm:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/sophia_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/Akari_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label akari_discover_about_cow_conventio:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/SETS_FOR_CH_FIVE.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default charlet_hotel_rrom = False

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/bastet_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label bastet_upgrading_the_ring_ch5:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/cow_events_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/himari_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/isabella_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/izanami_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/marian_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/misck_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/olivia_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/riley_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/sophia_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/tania_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/aurora_events_ps2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default can_add_you_wom_me_one = False

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/inside_bastet_domain_p2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label bia_and_isa_sex_in_cow_area1:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/izanami.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/marian_pt2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label marian_send_mc_invite_to_somehwre:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/miscs_of_chapter2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/night_events_of_p2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/initialRelease/init_extracontent.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label spoting_for_yoga_classes:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/initialRelease/initial.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label prologue:

File "game/3-GIRLSTALKTO/charlenneTalkto.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
To fix it, I ran this script:


# Root directory containing subdirectories with .rpy files

# Recursively find all .rpy files in the root directory
find "$ROOT_DIR" -type f -name "*.rpy" | while read -r file; do
    # Remove leading null bytes from each .rpy file
    sed -i 's/^\x00*//' "$file"
    echo "Processed: $file"

echo "All .rpy files processed."
After this, it boots up correctly. I've attached the fixed patch in this post. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2020
Using this patch caused a permanent black window after the splash screen. It was due to null bytes in some of the .rpy files.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/cheese_making.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default CHEESE_MAKER_holder = 50

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/gallery_sys.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default list_of_girls_GALERY = []

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/iten_checker_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/miilking_domain.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default had_event_on_milk_domain_today = False

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/aurora_milkin_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/marian_milking_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label marian_cow_talk_to:

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/milking_girls_eve/ryo_milking_event.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label ryo_cow_talk_to:

File "game/1-GAMESYSTEM/new_day_screen.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default timer_to_daynight_c = 5

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/SETS_FOR_CH_TREE.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default all_set_for_end_of_chaopter_treee = 0

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/cow_domain_ch3.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/isabellach3domstart.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch3short/marian_ch3_hidem.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label mc_receives_pic_from_marian_rock:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/aurora_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/bianca_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    image dryhumoing_bianca = Movie(play="7-patchs/c4/dryhumping_bianca_on_the_living_room/dryhumping_loop.webm",loop=True)

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/clube_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/cow_domain_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/isabela_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/marian_of_CH4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/misc_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/night_evets_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/preg_bia_content.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label first_tests_arrive_by_mail:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/rival_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label riley_work_very_had_ondafarm:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch4content/sophia_of_ch4.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/Akari_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label akari_discover_about_cow_conventio:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/SETS_FOR_CH_FIVE.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default charlet_hotel_rrom = False

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/bastet_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label bastet_upgrading_the_ring_ch5:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/cow_events_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/himari_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/isabella_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/izanami_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/marian_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/misck_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/olivia_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/riley_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/sophia_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/ch5content/tania_ch5.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/aurora_events_ps2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    default can_add_you_wom_me_one = False

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/inside_bastet_domain_p2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label bia_and_isa_sex_in_cow_area1:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/izanami.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/marian_pt2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label marian_send_mc_invite_to_somehwre:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/miscs_of_chapter2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/chapterTwo/night_events_of_p2.rpy", line 1: expected statement.

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/initialRelease/init_extracontent.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label spoting_for_yoga_classes:

File "game/2-PLOTPROG/initialRelease/initial.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
    label prologue:

File "game/3-GIRLSTALKTO/charlenneTalkto.rpy", line 1: expected statement.
To fix it, I ran this script:


# Root directory containing subdirectories with .rpy files

# Recursively find all .rpy files in the root directory
find "$ROOT_DIR" -type f -name "*.rpy" | while read -r file; do
    # Remove leading null bytes from each .rpy file
    sed -i 's/^\x00*//' "$file"
    echo "Processed: $file"

echo "All .rpy files processed."
After this, it boots up correctly. I've attached the fixed patch in this post. Hope this helps.
That wasn't caused by my changes. I only edit some of the variables to make the incest patch work properly. The files that you listed in your error report, don't have a variables in them, that would need editing. So I have no clue, what happend at you end, but thanks for a fix nonetheless in case someone else experiences the same issues. Please also note, I'm not the dev of this game, just a user of this forum, that decided to mod the incest part of the story, because it didn't make sense in some parts.


New Member
Apr 12, 2020
That wasn't caused by my changes. I only edit some of the variables to make the incest patch work properly. The files that you listed in your error report, don't have a variables in them, that would need editing. So I have no clue, what happend at you end, but thanks for a fix nonetheless in case someone else experiences the same issues. Please also note, I'm not the dev of this game, just a user of this forum, that decided to mod the incest part of the story, because it didn't make sense in some parts.
I do realize you're not the dev. But I don't think this was an issue on my end. If I download & unzip your game.rar file, and then run `cat -v 1-GAMESYSTEM/cheese_making.rpy | head`, it'll show those leading null bytes. These aren't present in the base game files.


Active Member
May 24, 2020
I'm surprised this hasn't had the abandoned tag yet. I also won't be surprised if it takes a few more months before the update comes out. I know it's just one person making this game, but I play quite a few other games that come out with updates monthly being made by one person.


Active Member
May 24, 2020
They were active Xmas eve on their SS page and have been milling along working on characters to add to the game.
I was specifically talking about an abandoned tag here on F95. I used to play another game where the devs wanted to basically redo the game from scratch because they didn't think about everything in the long term and had to fix things. They only posted something on F95 after the moderators put an abandoned tag on their page. And went right back to milking all their patrons coming up with excuse after excuse. I'm not saying that is what FarmGuy is doing, but considering it's been over 8 months since the last update makes me weary about supporting the game now and in the future. Being active on their SS page and being active here are two separate things. I just hope with the amount of time that has passed since the last update that there will be a huge amount of new storyline and events. If not, it will make me wonder what's been being done game wise for this amount of time.


Mar 1, 2020
I was specifically talking about an abandoned tag here on F95. I used to play another game where the devs wanted to basically redo the game from scratch because they didn't think about everything in the long term and had to fix things. They only posted something on F95 after the moderators put an abandoned tag on their page. And went right back to milking all their patrons coming up with excuse after excuse. I'm not saying that is what FarmGuy is doing, but considering it's been over 8 months since the last update makes me weary about supporting the game now and in the future. Being active on their SS page and being active here are two separate things. I just hope with the amount of time that has passed since the last update that there will be a huge amount of new storyline and events. If not, it will make me wonder what's been being done game wise for this amount of time.
hmm, sounds like HHG


New Member
Jul 11, 2023
I was specifically talking about an abandoned tag here on F95. I used to play another game where the devs wanted to basically redo the game from scratch because they didn't think about everything in the long term and had to fix things. They only posted something on F95 after the moderators put an abandoned tag on their page. And went right back to milking all their patrons coming up with excuse after excuse. I'm not saying that is what FarmGuy is doing, but considering it's been over 8 months since the last update makes me weary about supporting the game now and in the future. Being active on their SS page and being active here are two separate things. I just hope with the amount of time that has passed since the last update that there will be a huge amount of new storyline and events. If not, it will make me wonder what's been being done game wise for this amount of time.
On their Discord server (free, recommended) FarmGuy is engaging basically daily and puts up a preview from a scene every few days - suggesting probably 50-100 new major scenes. I think clearly some scope creep and a single author with a passion getting distracted by things that interest them rather than efficiently delivering stuff, but it believably sounds like it's about another 25% of content compared to the current game at least. If anything it sounds like a danger of being a bit of a disjointed game when it comes out as so many characters now and lots of new features promised. Reading between the lines it sounds like would be a surprise if out before March.


Mar 15, 2020
hmm, sounds like HHG
If you mean the game hes refering to, sure. If you mean this game though, no way, that's a super special case. Especially because Komi comes into the thread to argue with people like a lolcow, accomplishing nothing.


May 18, 2022
I'm surprised this hasn't had the abandoned tag yet. I also won't be surprised if it takes a few more months before the update comes out. I know it's just one person making this game, but I play quite a few other games that come out with updates monthly being made by one person.
This game's track record is very rare, but very large updates. Not the biggest I've seen for the relative time it takes, but some devs are just damn machines. Farmguy's not a slacker, though.


Jul 16, 2023
I dunno where I am in the story (got the aurora lady in cow mode), so I was wondering if there are any scenes with the following later on in this version?

-The mom
-The aunt

Don't want to spend the time going through the story just to be cockblocked.


New Member
Jul 11, 2023
I dunno where I am in the story (got the aurora lady in cow mode), so I was wondering if there are any scenes with the following later on in this version?

-The mom
-The aunt

Don't want to spend the time going through the story just to be cockblocked.
Not 100% sure but:

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Joey's Conscience

Active Member
Sep 28, 2020
I was specifically talking about an abandoned tag here on F95. I used to play another game where the devs wanted to basically redo the game from scratch because they didn't think about everything in the long term and had to fix things. They only posted something on F95 after the moderators put an abandoned tag on their page. And went right back to milking all their patrons coming up with excuse after excuse. I'm not saying that is what FarmGuy is doing, but considering it's been over 8 months since the last update makes me weary about supporting the game now and in the future. Being active on their SS page and being active here are two separate things. I just hope with the amount of time that has passed since the last update that there will be a huge amount of new storyline and events. If not, it will make me wonder what's been being done game wise for this amount of time.
They don't just add an abandoned tag if they feel like it, there are rules to it. It's either 3 months with no reports on Dev's Patreon/SS, or 18 months with no game update. Meaning as long as the devs is active on their billing page, they get a long ass time before they actually need to update the game. Most games get labled abandoned because the Dev stops reporting, rather than update deadline.


Jul 3, 2017
if i remember correctly Farmguy said, that the next update will be the size of the current game and he reworked nearly everything .. so there is a chance :)
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