Ren'Py - Completed - My First Love [Ep.12] [CeLaVie Group]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Nice setup.
    Nice renders.
    Horrendous grindfest.
    The house screen is delayed, so you can't click through it fast to find the girl.
    The game doesn't give you any clues or aids to where or how to continue the story.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Ugh.... Why did I download this game after my experiences with the first two? Perhaps I hoped that something had changed and that the same pointless grinding and repetition of the previous games was not going to happen in this game. Sadly that is not the case. It is exactly like the two previous games. The same grind, hidden activities and pointless repetition as the first two games.

    Its really disappointing and it just just makes me hate sandbox style games even more, although I don't think that this qualifies as a sandbox game. I mean all you do every day is move between three rooms in the house, following the same time schedule over and over without deviation.

    Dont make the same mistake I did. Just avoid this one and save yourself the frustration.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Actually a pretty decent game if you can get past the grind & event finding.

    Its a corruption/teasing game, where you are trying to get a lady's shy daughter & her friends to keep exposing themselves further & further. And I'm going to guess to eventually fk her, no penetration up to episode 5 but getting quite close with MC pleasuring some girls.

    + Great character models
    +Multiple girls
    +very nice corruption pacing
    +decent writing

    -Sandbox event searching, to find last event to open up next set of events
    -Grind from repeating events to keep stats up and checking encase new event opened up
    -Bugs, specially dealing with the clothes shop (Episode 2 also seems to have missing scenes had to skip to 3 at the end)
    -Clicking the character portrait to stop the girl locking the door was redundant after doing it the first time. Needing to click that from episode 2-4 made no sense.

    All in All its Great game and I definitely recommend it, but beware of the grind... searching for some events that triggers the next set of events, can take a bit of time and get tiresome. A hint/walkthrough system would have been nice.
    The bugs also can be quite messy, id recommend only get the clothes in the afternoon so she can check them straight after you get them.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    An author to get bored with his own games is a problem, and this one has left two in the lurch.

    While it is true that the graphics improve, all his games are based on the same thing. You go round and round in various rooms in order to make something happen, in order to make the girl (or girls) become more interested in nudity and sex.

    I like the games of corruption and exhibitionism, but it's boring to always get to the same point in this author's games, because it seems that he doesn't know, or is not interested, in adding more fetishes than oral or vaginal sex.

    We will see how many updates he gets before he abandons it, as he always does.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    I like the girls and the general idea of the games, but it's like the developer learned nothing of past mistakes or doesn't want to and that's why I'm only giving 1 star.
    Always putting the other games in the series on hold in the middle of the story (none of them are finished yet!) and starting another game.
    Always grindy as hell and unplayable without hints, not to mention that the "sandbox" adds nothing to the game.
    Now we're waiting again for a year to get something substantial and have a bare bones game, instead of advancing at the old once.
    Scenes with no text and only CGs are plain boring.
    It could all be so good if the same mistakes wouldn't be repeated over and over again.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really like the game, the story line along with the progression makes you wanting more. The girls are wonderfully designed and like perfect eye candy. Just wish we could play through the whole story, the waiting for new episodes is rough. Keep up the great work.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    your models don´t need to be naked all the time.
    also nice to undress them.
    would be more fun if it would be more realistic...
    they should also be a little bit less naiv.
    but I ´m not complaining .

    hope you keep on going like you do!
    maybe your best game so far.

    exelent game
    hoping for some more updates
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my first time writing a review so forgive me if there are some flaws.

    As many have said, this is the third game in a series that stars the same main character in all three. Setting, and time for each is different, but the premise and overall gameplay loop are the same. If you look through the comments of any of the three you are going to get effectively two groups of people.

    Ones that say the game is overall quite good, bringing to the table a mix of ideas that are rather unique, though perhaps execution isn't necessarily perfect. I don't think anyone is going to complain that a free adult game isn't perfect, but the other side you frequently see is people saying how the game does have some rather fundamental flaws.

    In all three soft locks are present where you accidentally do the events in an incorrect order, and thus skipped an event that you no longer can go back to. This results in you having to repeat the chapter again trying to make sure that you don't trigger the soft lock.

    I will say that I personally do enjoy the flow of the game and seeing the characters change overtime, but it does become rather frustrating at times when you just cannot figure out how to trigger the next event. The common argument made is that this adds challenge to the game to keep it from being to easy, but in actuality, most tend to agree that is becomes rather tedious.

    If you play the game for a few updates, you will come to recognize the general pattern pretty quickly, a girl comes in claiming to be shy, eventually gets convince to go topless, then naked, perform a BJ, then finally sex. After this the girl often gets thrown to the side for the next one to come up and repeat the cycle. I'm not saying that its terrible or anything, but revisiting old characters, adding a bit of personality to them, and small interactions with them would add a considerable amount to the game in my opinion.

    This review is already quite long so I will summarize the rest, there are grammatical errors, for me this isn't a big issue, but be aware if that is something that bothers you. Performance is fine, as of now the game isn't that big, writing this as of update 4 it sits at around 600mb. Updates are typically monthly, and generally provide a decent amount of content.

    Overall its an okay game, but you have to be very patient with it, understand the way it flows, and accept that you likely will encounter a soft lock. I frequently find myself looking for posted saves to help get past the soft locks. Writing this, the most frustrating thing is seeing potential in it, but watching as yet again that potential is barely tapped into.

    Looking at other reviews, most ratings are lopsided at either a 1 or 5 star. I went with a three because, I think the game could easily become more, but as of now I cannot justify a higher rating even if I find many aspects unique or interesting.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the game and the girls are fantastic. I know many will disagree, but it is nice to see some more realistic tits than a lot of balloon size. Yes, there is a grind, but if you pay attention, it is not that hard to get through.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Third game in a row of this dev and the same game-type, and therefore still the same boring stuff.
    Same renders as previous games (which could be a pro)
    - senseless repeating the same stuff over and over again for one image more (the dev calls that "corruption", i call that nonsense-grind)
    - boring click-grind during the whole game
    - dialogues are blunt
    - settings are feeling kind of "unreal"
    - finally as usual, you need to hit EXACTLY the right button at the right day at the right time to be even able to continue your grind

    This dev NEVER learns as it seems - i mean: look ... if a dev needs to provide savegames to skip 2 chapters, he definitively knows how horrible his grind is.

    I waited until now, as i wanted the dev to react on the bad reviews and might change something, but it really gets worse and worse.

    Nothing against a slow burn game - which has it's charm. But this one is a massive grind-feast for a few images - nothing more.
    After 4 chapters and about 300+ "bookmarks", the most you can get is to touch her tits and ONE simple, short kiss.
    Olivia reacts and behaves like a shy 14 year old, but whenever another girl gets near MC, she turns into a furie - so not only SHE is a slowburn, she cockblocks even more MC.

    Asides all the above mentionned, i should have known earlier -> "My FIRST Love" and "Corrupt all girls" doesn't even match at all storywise.
    Either you are in love the very first time - then you care only about her, or you are ready to corrupt all girls, but then please don't talk about "love" - that doesn't make ANY sense.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good game with awesome renders. Really like the intro and character progression. The grind builds up expectation. If you expect that the girls will jump MCs dick after some sweet talking this is the wrong game for you. Improvements could be a better overview where a new story progression could take place.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down one of the best games on this site imo.

    It provides a good story, nice renders and a unique gameplay, which I personally love. It feels like an actual game, where you have to think and follow the story to advance, instead of clicking all the time, like most of the VN. If you like a slow paced story, that also provides a nice challenge, this game is perfect for you
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Third story of the series And as bad as the second story
    Game has same mechanic as the previous story

    Always doing the same boring things

    Wake her up in the morning
    Have breakfest
    Go jogging wich is not happening because she says she is to lazy
    Bring her to school
    promise Help her with here homework
    She falls asleep on the couch
    Help her with homework
    Then sleep

    No bugs
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    In short you can sum up this game as "Olivia is not here"(LI) and repeating the same dialog over and over....and over.....and over until you hit some trigger be it time passing or some stat. It is the worst grind of any game I have ever played with so little to do you will find the "skip time" button and ctrl to skip dialog(that is just repeating) your most used buttons. It is not a slow burn,no that would a game where dialog develops and you progress at a reasonable pace. This is straight a grind to suck time out of your life.

    I have played some terrible games. This one now has the top spot by a wide margin. This is the harshest review I have ever left,but for good reason. I have no idea how this much grind with so little actually happening could ever be even remotely enjoyable to anyone.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    The English needs work.
    The dialogs need work
    The setting needs work
    The renders are doable, but considering the amount of time you see the exact same image over and over again... you quickly realise that there's not that much effort put into it.

    Oh and the story needs lots of work. As per usual by him. Also as per usual by this 'dev' the MC is called Bob.

    It would be nice if the 'dev' could be bothered to invest in more then one range of model because as in all in his previous games, the fast majority, if not all, look extremely similiar.

    You love spending real time days on destroying mouse after mouse, getting carpal tunnel from doing the same mouse movements and seeing the same text over and over again then you'll love this game.

    And no, it isn't about hating a slow burn. It's about the fact that for the 3rd time in a row this 'dev' thinks that cutting up a VN and making the player spend hours upon hours searching for where to click and at what in game time of day equals not only a game but a fun game. If you're definition of 'open world' is that you can choose to visit different places, even although there is only 1 place that advances the story by a tiny weeny very miniscule bit, then you can call this open world. The rest of us see it for what it is, namely a dog's breakfast.

    I have the game a go for about 4 hours before giving up because I couldn't handle it anymore seeing the same identical text, the same identical renders, the same identical choices ad nauseum. And this was while making decent progress thru the 'story' because after his previous games I kind sorta know how the 'dev' minds work and what and where to click. God help you if this is your first time dealing with one of his games.

    The corruption is as per usual by this 'dev'. Don't do x because she'll think you're a perv and set you back a whole deal but do x at this particular time in this particular place so as to advance the story but don't dare it do again until the time that has been deemed fitting. A time that is non-disclosed nor hinted at. In other words, don't be a perv unless you should be one but we're not going to tell you when that is and if you select the wrong moment to do it then we'll punish you for it.

    Unlike his previous tries though it does look that the penalty to choose the wrong moment to perv is less. So there is some advancement

    At the moment the 'dev' himself offers save files so as to fast track you to the next chapter which clearly shows that instead of making the game better by providing in game hints and nudges to what to do when he throws in the towel just so you can by pass all the previous chapters.

    Perhaps he should cut to the chase and just gives a save that just brings us to the final screen of the game, the one that says 'The End'. That way we can just by-pass the entire game.
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Complete degradation, a stupid clicker on events, waiting for something to happen. The gameplay is dull to the point of impossibility. At least something happened in the last game of the author. Here, the event counter changes, and as a result, only a couple of words in the dialogue have changed. This eternal question "Lock the door?" annoying from the first ten repetitions.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Once you master the game mechanics, the game is actually quite enjoyable and rewarding in its own way. That said, "mastering" the game (i.e. basically figuring out the patterns that unlock events) requires some doing (without a cheat mod/hints system), so for those lacking patience and seeking instant gratification, I can see that as a definite barrier to enjoyment and this is probably not the game for you.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    The Wicked One


    The real title of this game should be "Olivia is Not Here", because you're going to see that message a ton while you arbitrarily click throughout the home. As per usual with CeLaViGroup games, the rules are incredibly vague, and it matches the game design.
    Not to mention, the beginning of the game is a a literal hellscape, where you're trapped in a void of nothing to do except guess where the stupid love-interest is, where every other room contains nothing except the message "Olivia is Not Here".
    As per usual, like "My Bestfriend's Daugther", My First Love could've been great! Hell, I would settle for mediocre from this dev, but instead it is a vague mess that has you doing the same dang thing over, and over again, with very little in the means of feeling satisfied or rewarded.

    Update V2.04

    My First Love is still COMPLETELY unplayable. If you look at the thread here on F95, you'll see that pretty much everyone who has played is either asking for a guide, a walkthrough mod, or begging others who have bumbled through this mess for a save-point. I ask you, CeLaVieGroup, directly, after all the complaints, and just sheer confusion as to how your games work, why not shift gears and try some other game mechanics? Obviously, this type of game-play isn't working for your games.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Meaning Less

    In a sea of recycled VNs/kinectic novels, with no gameplay and dumb plots devices as excuses to show some porn CeLaViE games are between the few that actually bring some refreshing elements to the table.

    Instead of having to read through 20 pages of weak dialogue between each image, the game is actually visual based, meaning the gameplay is in focus and the plot is delivered subtly alongside with only a few lines of dialogue here and there as necessary, this works much better for erotic games already.

    Teasing is always the focus of CeLaVieGroup, nip slip, downblouse, flashing, skimpy clothing, nudity, foreplay. If you enjoy any or all of those this game is heavenly. The ammount of teasing it delivers is exceptional, games like this are designed for people that like to take their time and enjoy the ride instead of explicit gratuitous sex the teasing is much more rewarding, not only that but it also augments the value of actual sex scenes when they end up showing later.

    The sandbox elements and the slow burn also help with both teasing and voyeur elements a lot, with each day only slight variations in behavior can be observed, and only by exploring around and interacting with her that you will start seeing these changes.

    I understand that this style of game is not for everyone (longer games with lots of teasing are always love/hate around here), but for those that do enjoy that I highly recommend checking this and its prequels out.

    [Edit: Updated review after playing the "complete" version]
    While the game teasing was as good as expected I was disappointed by many bugs and programming mistakes left in the final version.
    I had to manualy fix several silly bugs left that locked progress and unless you edit the game yourself be prepared to skip chapters when nearing the end of each episode. Good game but messy programming.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    It's just like the guy bellow me wrote, typicall celavie work...

    Horrible writing, like if machine programmed the game, it's not rare to find dialogues like "Are you a patient here? - Yes, Ive got cancer. - I see. Your husband know? - No. - I see. Bye. - Bye."

    Grind without a proper reward, day after day you watch the same scenes, changed only by some tiny detail like her night gown is a bit lower and you see her shoulder, the next day its 2 inches lower, the next day another 2 inches, and repeat....

    The characters are interesting to my eyes but that's the only good thing I can say about the game.

    the gameply itself is incredibly boring, like the guy before said.
    check beach-olivia isn't here. check dinning room-olivia isn't here. check pool-olivia isn't here. ..... check bedroom-Hi,time to wake up olivia-ok bob.... check beach-olivia isn't here. Check dinning room-olivia isn't here. Check bathroom-knock,knock-please don't open the door-ok, breakfast is ready... and repeat.

    It's his/their 3rd game yet they keep doing the same style and mistakes dispite the fact none of their games have rating above 2,5...