I'm sorry, I was in my job. Anyways when I said reset. I mean the creator of this project. He started the project all over again. So the old save for the old game, probably doesn't work Because the creator of this project might of change the code. Look your save file of Version 3.0. Will not work with version 4.02. I know it says 4.02 like it is a higher number than 3.0. But it is not. Mrevo Games have started the project all over again. Version 4.02 is a different code than version 3.0. Your save only works for 3.0. Not 4.02. I check again. My save for 4.02 is working. If you have an old save file for 3.0. It is looking for the files with the same direction as 3.0. The project code was change. You will have to start all over again.