Others - Onhold - My Forest Home [v0.08] [ChimeraZak]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art looks nice, but there isn't really any content to the game right now, and the game definitely isn't worth the grind. I sold some blue slime before knowing that it would be the limiter for every upgrade, and doing that slowed things down. I ended up being glad that the game didn't have much content since it was such a grind to get through the small amount that is currently there.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Stability: The only bug I found was a strang massive slow-down/lag that occasionally happens at the base camp area after you've been there a minute or two- though I only noticed it after building the fence. Leave and coming back fixes it until to starts slowing down again. Overall not a gamebreaker, but can be mildly annoying.

    Gameplay: Pretty straight-forward, not exactly thrilling, but not bad either. Mostly just gets a little monotonous after a while. But the controls are rational and responsive. Timing your swings can be important, depending on who you are attacking.

    Aesthetics: Nice, cute spritework, if not especially unique looking. Music is pretty mundane and un-noteworthy, but by that token it also isn't very obtrusive or annoying- it's just there as background noise, and does the job fine.

    Content (General): Not a whole lot, and the playtime is padded out by grind. That said, I'd love if it were less grindy and otherwise expanded out further. It definitely feels like it could easily be the start to a much longer and complex game that'd be fun to play.

    Content (XXX): There are 5 types of enemies, and I loved pretty much all their sex animations. (less so the obligatory worm-things, but the rest were right up my alley) It really boils down to your preferences- they're all non-humanoid monsters, which is a huge plus for me, but some might be offput by it. There are also masturbation scenes, as well as an end-game.... futa? strap on? scene with the girl you've been buying stuff from. So there is that. As well as a milking scene with a cowgirl you rescue, if that's your thing. (Very much not mine, but hey, at least it's totally avoidable and optional) The animations themselves are smooth and decently put together.

    Overall: I quite enjoyed this charming little game- though, having said that, it helps to have cheat engine after a while, because the grind CAN get hugely monotonous. (Money and inventory are 'double type' variables in case you decide to go the same route!) It has that cute 2d sprite style that we can always use more of, and the survival base camp construction idea is neat, and should be used more in these kinds of games. My biggest complaint is that there should be MORE of it! (...but less grind.) I hope the dev just used this as practice or the start of something bigger, because this could easily grow into something great.

    Honestly I WOULD rate this a 3.5, but seeing as how that's not an option and the only other review is a 3, I'll just go for a 4 and let the system split the difference, heh.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The game felt OK. The pixel animation was good, the monsters had some variety too.
    The main downside is that it felt like a demo more then anything else. The systems in place are all solid, but they don't do much,for example:
    -randomly generated level, but it's only one. And only one scripted event on it too(finding cowgirl). Could've been much more with checkpoint/fast travel system allowing you to progress further into the forest;
    -crafting system from loot drops is there, but it's only ever used as gating for content in the home area.
    -combat is basic at best, with good system to balance your health\arousal, but no health drops or inventory to speak of(which are not really needed 'cus it's only single level)
    If it wasn't for the grind for crafting materials, the whole game could've been finished in 10 minutes. As it is, it takes 40.

    Download if you have lot of free time and love pixel animation, otherwise safely pass