honestly main reason why I would never support this devs as things stand, luckily I decided to wait a bit to make sure and I was right, according to what people are saying here, he did pull a rug and pull and is going full NTR on us. Miss me with that shit, don't want within even a lightyear of me. If only devs were more transparents, they say something is avoidable, they boom unavoidable. And for the record, if you have to option to not see it but it still canonically happens, then it's unavoidable
Naaah ain't no way man!! are you sure it's not just bc he could only progress one path during this update? Maybe if you choose another personality to lvl up we can avoid that.
But wait wdym by NTR bc smt ppl go this NTR blabla and in the end bro you didn't even get in a relationship with the girl. However honestly I kinda expected smt similar to happen in the family bc well it was hinted that they were freaky lol.Technically aren't we the one doing the NTR in this case since we came after?
Wouldn't it fall more under sharing than NTR since they are basically part of your "harem" or you are part of theirs if you go down a sub path. I still think we should be offered the choices like some games do
Honestly, I didn't play for 2 or 3 updates so I don't rly know what it's all abt.
Specially considering that Riko is not even much of a self-insert protagonist (can't rename him, not an "anon face" silhouette, pretty much no choices to customize his characterization at the start), I think that's a complete overreaction, similar to someone watching straight porn and then getting offended and complaining that it should be tagged as bisexual porn because in one shot a man's ass was visible while he was fucking a girl.
At 1st I agreed with that and was going to delete the game but the whole personality system changed things and gave the player a lot more freedom to immerse himself in the story. And Ik that's prbbly why you said at the start. I just wanted to point it out.
I think most will agree when I say that one of the biggest reasons ppl enjoy a good prologue that introduces your character well is bc it lets you immerse yourslef in that character. "You're ... , an orphan who's been bullied his entire life. It's the main reason as to why you've always like being alone more. However, you always dreamed to achieve greatnes, to show those who mocked you that you can prove them wrong blabla". Just from this I can kinda assume that I shouldn't expect to see MC being a chad from the start. I can also assume that maybe we'll have choices that could include moral/success choices. I shouldn't expect MC to be extrovert, outgoing and having some games with the girls. We'll most prbbly see him grow as the plot advances.
I, myself don't necessarily immerse 100 of me in a character I play but I always even if a little bit. I mean that's kinda why a lot of people don't play this game or another. It's bc they don't see or fantasize abt themself doing it this or that way.
Now don't get me wrong, there is the fap material category where you basically have beautiful art/renders, but rather boring plot/gameplay/choices. In this one most of the time ppl don't care who the MC is and just immerse themself in whatever character fit their psyche the most. That's even true in good plot games, that's why smt ppl have secondary paths where some kinks of theirs are fufilled but unfortunately it's not the MC doing the kink but rather he is on the receiving end.
I mean it's a pretty complex concept but I hope I was atleast a bit understandable. I don't rly know how to put word into wit myself lol
So yeah, even though sure we couldn't customize MC's name. We can still immerse in his character by knowing abt his origins how he acts, his habits... Plus you've to account for that this isn't a show, a book or whatever. It's a renpy choice based game. Last time I checked, this doesn't have the kinetic tag.
Plus it's the start of a story which will involve a lot of character development wether for MC himself or for those around him as the story evolves.
WE choose the days he goes to shcool, WE choose when to advance certain events, WE choose other things lol.
Also, it wouldn't make sense for him to have an anon face or invisible body lol. The fact that he is a femboy is obviously there to attract certain types of players. Also, since he doesn't look super manly (body hairs, manly face...) makes it a lot easier for those who wants to see him get screwed up to enjoy it. Yk like the guys who enjoy female protag games with corruption where she ends up as a cumsl$t lol. I doubt all of them immerse themselves as the protagonist in most of these cases. It's their kink seeing smn they manipulated into getting "corrupted".
Oh and b4 smn get offended for no reason, I have nothin against such players, I'm just using them as an exemple lol.
Onori x Yui delivers on the futa incest anyone would be expecting from this game's premise and introduction (ffs the very prologue of the game had Onori playfully smacking Yui's ass), sorry if it made you feel cucked or whatever but I think it is really silly to blame the dev on this one. This is the wrong place to be looking for total vanilla romance with completely "normal" relationships.
Mmmm, I completely agree with the fact that if MC isn't in a relationship with any of them it'd be weird for them to commit to him. However (generally) if smt is clearly growing between him and an LI and she still went and did smt with other ppl. Then maybe it's part of the plot and is required to move on with their relationship with MC discovering and having the option to
1- end whatever was blooming between them
2- He wants her to stop seeing other if he's not participating in the fun
3- doesn't care as long as it's a girl, sterile futa (that girl part has nothing objective though lol).
It's not rly NTR if they are just seggsbuddies.
Abt that spank Onori gave Yui. Honestly, it doesn't hint much, sure you could think, oh kinky. But a lot of games have such scenes and nothing is going on between the best firends/sisters/... Until MC often comes in and interferes in their relationship often leading to a choice similar to the one I presented above. If this was going on from even b4 MC settled in the house it'd have been better to show or even just hint at it sooner. SO that the Players would feel more as the NeToRi guy rather than the NeToraRe guy.
Apart from that Idk what ppl expected, it's obvious MC isn't the dominant type. Atleast when he's intorduced. It's heavily hinted just from his behavior that he'll be a sub and this often involves NTR. I myself was going to drop the game when I saw the personality system which gave me hope to see other paths. However, even I know that MC can't turn from a shy, bullied MC to a confident, dominant chad overnight lol. This is actually more entertaining since we'll get to see how ppl will change their behavior around him as he grows into the version we want him to be.
I also like this guy's point so I'll include it in my reasoning :
For me, I didn't like how the bigger sister seemed reserved and bashful like when she was freaking out over her butt being exposed in the library and then bam turns out she's been fucking her little sister for years. It didn't feel earned from the perspective of the VN. It's not an implausible scenario in the context of the world within the game but, the readers have been with these characters for all of five minutes and there's been character development in only certain directions (no hints to the contrary either) then we get a 180.
Well, yk what they say be aware of the quiet ones they're often the freakiest lol. It's a trop though, having a character being comfortable doing the craziest sh1t as long it's not known lol or with a specific person
One last thing, is we ALL KNOW HOW PPL GET WHEN IT COMES TO NTR or anything related to it. Idk if dev/s didn't play AVNs b4 but if he did I think it's a rookie mistake not to prepare the field for what's to come.
Hey man, no hate I still think you made some serious points which I agree with. I just wanted to give my opinion on some of them. Also take into account that I didn't playe the latest (2-3) updates (bc I'm kinda affraid that dev/s go only sub paths, so I'm putting the game onhold until maybe dev make an announcement or clearly sattate that there will be more than a sub path).
(feel free to correct or point out anything I said my keyboard is buggy so smt I miss letter or words. I'm also too lazy to review if anything I wrote made sense or organize it so it does lol. Sry if it ends up being non understandable lol)