4.80 star(s) 19 Votes


Game Developer
May 29, 2020
Yo! Just got back from a two week vacation, and I'm jet-lagged the fuck out, so I'll be resting for a few days. But now that I'm back I'm gonna keep working on the game! Didn't think much about it while I was away, but I did come up with a few ideas. But I wanna address a few comments first.

Some people didn't like the condom thing very much. Others did like it but explained it as a power dynamic with Kanade holding the power. A power dynamic miiiight be a part of it, I have no clue really, but here is my explanation as to how I think Kanade's actual reasoning goes which is actually really sweet.

You know how some food, while quite tasty, you don't really care about so you sometimes just down it quickly so you can feel satiated? Maybe you're running late on your lunch break and you need to eat fast to be on time. But some food is different. Those select few or single favorite food item? You'd hate to rush it. If you don't have time for it you put it in the fridge until you do have time. Because you want to savor every single bite and sensation. You want to fully finish tasting one section of the food before moving on to the even better tasting other sections. That's kinda like her boyfriend to her.

There's also the special connection she feels. The emotional connection and infatuation you can only feel with the one person you are totally and hopelessly in love with. Maybe even someone you've known your whole life? The pleasure of a raw dick is great and all especially if it's a big and fat one, but ultimately she just doesn't put much value on who takes her first rawdogging or creampie. She doesn't care about other dicks that aren't her boyfriend's beyond the physical pleasure they give her. She considers her boyfriend's feelings of course and she knows the importance society attributes to it, but to HER it isn't a significant event.

But the idea of finally becoming one in heart and flesh? With the person she loves more than anything in the whole world? Not even hindered by the separation provided by the flimsy material that is a condom. Quite frankly the closest you can ever be with your soulmate? It must seem absolutely mind blowing to her. Like, once she has had a taste of that she would fall even deeper in love with MC. That's why she wants to savor the feeling of this stage in their relationship, basically when they're still dating and everything's relatively casual, perhaps not even that different from their friendship before. Or maybe it's just the sheer state of arousal and love she knows she'd feel in that instance that she just straight up needs to prepare her heart for.

Basically like if I had the opportunity to make out with a random hot model, I probably would. But it's just not the same as finally getting to kiss your (high school) crush.

(but I absolutely love this character)
This one has a lot of potential for sure. As others have already said a million times, the lack of build up and instant corruption is the big downside here.

Other than that... honestly, after having beaten it earlier and stewing in my thoughts... I'm really looking forward to more.

At first, I did hate that she just easily lets another guy rawdog and creampie her, after her whole speech to MC that she wants to save their first raw penetration for a special occasion that she isn't ready for. But I totally get what you're saying. With anyone else it doesn't matter and doesn't give her the same feeling. But with MC, it's special, and she wants to savor it as much as possible. I'm on board with this now.

I love love LOVE how much MC and Kanade adore and love each other. That's a big thing I enjoy in Netorase, when the couple clearly show how much they love each other, and the kink is all about the love. I also really love that MC isn't useless here and sex between him and Kanade is actually really good, and he can make her cum multiple times, especially after the reclamation sex when they get home near the end.

So, yeah, to Fanorase, my only issue is the neckbreaking speed of the build up to instant sluttification. Work on that and slow it down some, and this could be a banger Netorase game that we so sorely need.
Glad to see y'all agree. I find this sorta thing extremely hot, so that's why I did it lmfao. There are a lot of netorase games that have similar lines akin to "my heart's only for you", and that's extremely hot, yes, but I want to take that a step further. I'll be changing and rearranging most of the prologue, but this aspect will still be present.

well i left a comment back then, But the more i play the game the more i start thinking of certain issues tho,
Firstly i want to say that the game and story telling is really great but some points not so good...
As other people have said, The point where the female mc goes raw instantly and all slutty feels to rushed...
As some and me as well, I feel like their should be a build up before she accepts doing it raw and then starting go full slut,
I have a few opinions tho, I think that going with the EX BF was a good idea but i think you should make a build up before the MC spectates them, For example he should let her contact her ex and sleep privately and later on she reports what they have done, leaving up to ones imagination on what her report entails, and one of these reports she comments on how they did it raw but it ends with no creampie until the MC hides somewhere to spy on them which the FMC would later get creampied.

2nd thought: Their should be choice of people who the MC would want her to sleep with, Like your typical Neterose hentai games, For example could be another friend, or the janitor, Principal, Black transfer student, Homeless guy, neighbor, boss from the part time job, The bully, You get the point.

Overall the game has potential, it's the road you wish to take.
Tho i wish you goodluck and I look forward In seeing how you flesh out the game in the later future and I wish you goodluck
Big agree on it being rushed. It was my first draft of the prologue, so I needed fresh eyes to see where I fucked up. So I'll be having more buildup there. Interesting idea on the report part... I might make that an option to let her do it by themselves some time later down the road, but right now I want their first time with him together.

And yes, I'll be making NPCs you can let her fuck. Six of those are already in my plans, but I'll take note of the others.

wow this game has a ton of potential i really like the way Kanade and Mc interact with each other and show they have complete faith and love for one another.

however maybe i sound like an echo chamber now with the other comments at this point but i feel like she just goes insta slut mode way too fast. Also the whole making mc wear a condom cause she wants it to be "special" but then goes straight into letting her ex bf and others go raw and creampie her without a care doesn't make any sense to me.

IMO when the game releases fully it will be way hotter if she keeps the condom rule for everyone But the ex bf (secretly) since she clearly feels at least something for him. maybe a scenario where she tells the mc she makes everyone wear a condom but then he spys on her and ex bf only to see them going raw and her letting him end it with a creampie. it would really hammer in the fact she could get completely taken from mc because of his fetish.
Maybe. Everyone else wearing a condom except her ex is a good idea and I'm planning on that, but I don't think I'll make it a secret. I want this game to be open communication between the couple, with hints of doubt toward the end game. I just personally think them being honest is hotter lol. But I'll definitely consider it, because, frankly, her doing it in secret is hot lmfao.

I quite enjoyed the prologue, but as others said it ran faster than it should.

Some ideas set some rules, including a x amount of fucks rules, so Yuuji has only so many left (guessing he is the main antagonist)
determine who is the dom and sub, as the GF is trying to please your kink it would make sense for the MC to be the dom so she can't do XYZ without permission including use of condoms.
Are you going to have her stolen away (multiple endings) or are you going to have a happily ever after? If so maybe determine that she uses condoms until she is ready for the MC. In this situation it makes sense if he is the first to cum in her as she wants him to be the first for most things.
I see i see, I'll keep that in mind. I'll ((((try to)))) make a system where you can decide through dialogue how controlling you want to be. If you're more dom, you get more options on how she does stuff, but if you choose sub options, she'll decide what she likes (you'll still have options to pick from, just less so).

BUT, she won't be stolen away. Everything she does is for her boyfriend. So right now, no multiple endings. I'll finish what I have in mind first before deciding what I should do.

at least that's the plan lmaooo

This game is a gem, I really enjoyed it

1: we can give it a score of 5 out of 5 only because of its writing, its writing is so strong, it means that you can enjoy every dialogue very much! It does not contain extra dialogue at all, it does not contain weak dialogue at all, every dialogue has been worked on, every dialogue is either full of love or full of feelings related to sharing

2: This game has a strong point that I have not experienced until now, even though it is an NTS game, this game also induces feelings related to the NTR tag! I mean the feelings of jealousy and fear etc, this is great because I never want to see NTR in this game, I never want to see drama between this very cute couple

3: FMC's appearance and personality are extremely great, that means I officially fell in love with this girl, she drives me crazy every moment

4: The relationship between MC and FMC is very deep, and this is very, very great. The romance is very great. Strong romance is rarely seen in the Adult Game, and the stronger the romance, the more enjoyable NTS is

5: The story of the game is excellent, it is relationship-oriented, there is a lot of tension, we are not on the side of simple and boring relationships

and Etc

I hope we will never see NTR or its path will be separated from NTS, so I have no problem with NTR, the separation of this lovely couple is definitely not enjoyable.

A wish:
I hope that many choices will be added to the game, for example, a choice that leads to the continuation of fmc's sexual event with another, and a choice that prevents fmc from continuing, in this way, more weight is given to mc, which means that mc does not become a loser, for example, when fmc sex with another choose whether the mc wants to witness NTR's dialogues or not, when the first option is selected, the mc and the player will no longer feel like losers,i just want there to always be the fact that MC is in control, it doesn't matter when it comes to sex, I mean whether or not it happens, two choices, in the first one, the mc accepts, in the second one, he does not accept, after he accepts, if the mc has no control over that sexual event, there is no problem, it is even great!

Most importantly, I hope that this amazing couple never gets upset with each other or that something bad happens to them

Amazing Game
There will be no hard NTR in this game. There are a lot already out there. I want to see a happy couple for once dammit LOL. I decided to make this game for that reason after all.

And yes, I agree on not making the MC feel like a loser. I'm struggling with it, because there aren't any good examples for this specific type of game(!!!), but that's my intention.

No clue when a new update will be. No promises, but maybe sometime in July. I'll be checking in here a bit since this is my first project. I have a better understanding of the more technical stuff in rpgm now, so it'll mostly be on the writing part.

So yeah(y)


New Member
Mar 15, 2018
Really enjoyed the game!

Has a ton of potential, played the game this one was inspired by (someone need to translate it!) and really enjoyed the concept.
Im not the biggest fan when the MC has a tiny penis and is useless and made fun of, not really my cup of tea, so this one finally check all the boxes for me, artwork is good, and I really like the look of Kanade, and love me a good loyal slut, that being said i look forward to the updates!

side note
Link for the game

Would like to see some sort of gloryhole perhaps in one of the school bathroom stalls?
Also another thing I wish the other game had was maybe a event where you can be the female mc, would be great if you could have a event or option to roam around as Kanade.
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New Member
Oct 30, 2020
Really enjoyed the game! I can't wait to see what you have in store.

This has probably been mentioned elsewhere, but it would be really neat to see this develop to where Kanade has more autonomy and can start making decisions on what she's doing (letting the MC know of course). I'd find it so hot if there was a way the MC could track her whereabouts on his phone. Would love to see Kanade start spending a night (or more) at a friend's/classmate's house (or even the MC's room) with MC's approval. MC would get text updates of their playtime and could even bring them water/refreshments to keep going. Would love to see a steamy, hot room after a full weekend of sex, and cum stains all over the sheets.

If you've played Ruins of Luxoria, I'd also find it hot for some of the boys to make bets with MC/Kanade that they can "steal her heart" with MC and Kanade both knowing that's not possible. Would be funny to see a rival suitor fuck Kanade for a day or days on end with a big dick, attempt to talk his way into her heart and try to "make her his" only for Kanade to play into it and then jump right back into MC's arms at the end of it and win the bet.

Anyways, food for thought, and thanks so much again!


Game Developer
May 29, 2020
Really enjoyed the game! I can't wait to see what you have in store.

This has probably been mentioned elsewhere, but it would be really neat to see this develop to where Kanade has more autonomy and can start making decisions on what she's doing (letting the MC know of course). I'd find it so hot if there was a way the MC could track her whereabouts on his phone. Would love to see Kanade start spending a night (or more) at a friend's/classmate's house (or even the MC's room) with MC's approval. MC would get text updates of their playtime and could even bring them water/refreshments to keep going. Would love to see a steamy, hot room after a full weekend of sex, and cum stains all over the sheets.

If you've played Ruins of Luxoria, I'd also find it hot for some of the boys to make bets with MC/Kanade that they can "steal her heart" with MC and Kanade both knowing that's not possible. Would be funny to see a rival suitor fuck Kanade for a day or days on end with a big dick, attempt to talk his way into her heart and try to "make her his" only for Kanade to play into it and then jump right back into MC's arms at the end of it and win the bet.

Anyways, food for thought, and thanks so much again!
Hey thanks! Ruins of Luxoria is one of the first ones that converted me to NTS so that's a good idea. I already have that in mind for one character, but doing it for multiple could be fun as well.

There will also be an option to let her go on her own and do what she wants. For multiple days would be interesting. Gotta figure out how that'd work. The text updates idea is great. I'll keep it in mind.

As a general update, I've finished touching up the first sex scene. It's gonna diverge a bit from what I originally had, so hope yall can look forward to the new stuff. I think it's pretty neat.


New Member
Oct 30, 2020
Hey thanks! Ruins of Luxoria is one of the first ones that converted me to NTS so that's a good idea. I already have that in mind for one character, but doing it for multiple could be fun as well.

There will also be an option to let her go on her own and do what she wants. For multiple days would be interesting. Gotta figure out how that'd work. The text updates idea is great. I'll keep it in mind.

As a general update, I've finished touching up the first sex scene. It's gonna diverge a bit from what I originally had, so hope yall can look forward to the new stuff. I think it's pretty neat.
Thanks so much for the reply! Always have been a huge netorase fan and it's a shame there's not more similar content out there. Based on the size of the Netorase Master List thread, it seems to have garnered a lot of interest and pretty good following.

This is probably a really dumb question, but is there a way to save the game during a dialogue in RPGM? If I'm frank, I'm not the biggest fan of RPGM, but if you have a suggestion for how to save at key decision points/moments in the story, that would be great!

Finally, do you have a rough road map for the frequency of updates within this game?
  • Red Heart
Reactions: Enlight432


Game Developer
May 29, 2020
Thanks so much for the reply! Always have been a huge netorase fan and it's a shame there's not more similar content out there. Based on the size of the Netorase Master List thread, it seems to have garnered a lot of interest and pretty good following.

This is probably a really dumb question, but is there a way to save the game during a dialogue in RPGM? If I'm frank, I'm not the biggest fan of RPGM, but if you have a suggestion for how to save at key decision points/moments in the story, that would be great!

Finally, do you have a rough road map for the frequency of updates within this game?
Glad to see the master list get mentioned. I was there at its inception! And knowing how desperate people in there, including me, are to get any ounce of netorase I wanted to make this game.

First question: No. My dumbass just didn't make any save points at all LOL. I'm updating it so that you can save frequently, and importantly, before sex scenes. So I recommend save-scumming until I figure out how to do a gallery. Which might not be that hard? We'll see. It's a technical thing I gotta figure out.

Second: Nooo? Hard maybe. Right now I plan on releasing the new update after I finish the new prologue + three NPCs you can choose to let her have fun with. Whether they be fully complete yet, I dunno. And maaaybe the first part of the ""main story"". That part shouldn't be too hard.

After that, it's all about me getting new ideas for NPCs, writing their event chains, figuring out the dom/sub (adjacent) system, writing the main story, and rolling the dice on the AI program to get good images LMAO. So no guarantees at all at the moment. I'll try to give consistent progress reports here at least.


New Member
Oct 30, 2020
Glad to see the master list get mentioned. I was there at its inception! And knowing how desperate people in there, including me, are to get any ounce of netorase I wanted to make this game.

First question: No. My dumbass just didn't make any save points at all LOL. I'm updating it so that you can save frequently, and importantly, before sex scenes. So I recommend save-scumming until I figure out how to do a gallery. Which might not be that hard? We'll see. It's a technical thing I gotta figure out.

Second: Nooo? Hard maybe. Right now I plan on releasing the new update after I finish the new prologue + three NPCs you can choose to let her have fun with. Whether they be fully complete yet, I dunno. And maaaybe the first part of the ""main story"". That part shouldn't be too hard.

After that, it's all about me getting new ideas for NPCs, writing their event chains, figuring out the dom/sub (adjacent) system, writing the main story, and rolling the dice on the AI program to get good images LMAO. So no guarantees at all at the moment. I'll try to give consistent progress reports here at least.
Excellent to hear!

Sorry to keep pestering you with questions, but I'm very excited to see more content from this game.

1. Do you have or are you planning to set up a Discord server for the game? Do you have a Patreon/SubscribeStar or would you prefer to keep everything in "the zone"?

2. Regarding the change to the first sex scene (I assume this is with Yuuji?), are you making major changes to it or perhaps adjusting the pacing of that first scene? I too, thought it was really hot that Kanade allowed him to go raw and even encouraged the creampie at the end.

3. Will we see the potential for other recurring "boyfriends" in the story? I know her heart will always belong with MC, but it might be cool to see a little something build up by allowing her to go on "dates" with some of the classmates and have some level of "affection" (points system maybe?) built up over time depending on the frequency with which she sleeps with certain characters which might change the flavor of dialogue she has with that character or in her convos with MC (Again, not a concern as MC & Kanade have built enormous trust as their foundation).

Would also be neat for Kanade to develop a more nonchalant attitude (becomes a tad bit less novel over time and they end up doing more extreme things like gloryholes/gangbangs, etc.) towards other conquests and give MC the option to "loan her out" whenever he desires.
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Reactions: Fanorase


Game Developer
May 29, 2020
Excellent to hear!

Sorry to keep pestering you with questions, but I'm very excited to see more content from this game.

1. Do you have or are you planning to set up a Discord server for the game? Do you have a Patreon/SubscribeStar or would you prefer to keep everything in "the zone"?

2. Regarding the change to the first sex scene (I assume this is with Yuuji?), are you making major changes to it or perhaps adjusting the pacing of that first scene? I too, thought it was really hot that Kanade allowed him to go raw and even encouraged the creampie at the end.

3. Will we see the potential for other recurring "boyfriends" in the story? I know her heart will always belong with MC, but it might be cool to see a little something build up by allowing her to go on "dates" with some of the classmates and have some level of "affection" (points system maybe?) built up over time depending on the frequency with which she sleeps with certain characters which might change the flavor of dialogue she has with that character or in her convos with MC (Again, not a concern as MC & Kanade have built enormous trust as their foundation).

Would also be neat for Kanade to develop a more nonchalant attitude (becomes a tad bit less novel over time and they end up doing more extreme things like gloryholes/gangbangs, etc.) towards other conquests and give MC the option to "loan her out" whenever he desires.
No problem with the questions, keep em coming. It gives me ideas.

1. I don't currently have one. And I'm hesitant to make one because frankly I've never done it before lol. And I don't plan on having either paid services because I've heard they're all a bit finnicky with porn shit. And I don't want to make any money off this at the moment, since it'll make me complacent in actually finishing the damn thing lmao. When it's almost done, maybe. If there are other alternatives where dolling out announcements is easier I'll consider it, but right now I guess I'll stick to the zone.

2. First sex scene as in with the MC. I just wanted to touch it up a bit and make it better(?). You'll see in the update, but the Yuuji stuff is gonna happen towards the mid-game. It'll still play out the same though :cool:

3. Interesting idea. Maaaybe sometime down the road? I'll stick with more simpler ideas at the moment and finish the game as I planned, and then I'll try to get into the more complex stuff. 'Cause this project started out really simple and it kinda spiraled LOL.

4. Gangbangs and gloryholes absolutely, and MC will definitely be having that option. To what extent, I'll still find out. But great ideas.


Engaged Member
Sep 22, 2016
Please make a working save at the end of this update with the next, because the game didn't let me save during the game, especially at the end
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New Member
Mar 15, 2018
No problem with the questions, keep em coming. It gives me ideas.

1. I don't currently have one. And I'm hesitant to make one because frankly I've never done it before lol. And I don't plan on having either paid services because I've heard they're all a bit finnicky with porn shit. And I don't want to make any money off this at the moment, since it'll make me complacent in actually finishing the damn thing lmao. When it's almost done, maybe. If there are other alternatives where dolling out announcements is easier I'll consider it, but right now I guess I'll stick to the zone.

2. First sex scene as in with the MC. I just wanted to touch it up a bit and make it better(?). You'll see in the update, but the Yuuji stuff is gonna happen towards the mid-game. It'll still play out the same though :cool:

3. Interesting idea. Maaaybe sometime down the road? I'll stick with more simpler ideas at the moment and finish the game as I planned, and then I'll try to get into the more complex stuff. 'Cause this project started out really simple and it kinda spiraled LOL.

4. Gangbangs and gloryholes absolutely, and MC will definitely be having that option. To what extent, I'll still find out. But great ideas.
Really cool to see your engagement and enthusiasm on here! Thanks for addressing as much as you can.

I had a interesting idea again, I played a game a long time ago where the female mc is tied and blindfolded in a “free use” room and the mc had the option to join in or watch from a chair, basically it was just a bound gangbang room where anyone can walk in and bang her, would be cool to see something like this where maybe her reputation depends on how many people go into the room or having to find spots to put up a advertisement of sorts in random spots (bathrooms, alleyways, gloryhole) and the more posters you put up the more people show up? Just an idea


Jul 11, 2023
No problem with the questions, keep em coming. It gives me ideas.

1. I don't currently have one. And I'm hesitant to make one because frankly I've never done it before lol. And I don't plan on having either paid services because I've heard they're all a bit finnicky with porn shit. And I don't want to make any money off this at the moment, since it'll make me complacent in actually finishing the damn thing lmao. When it's almost done, maybe. If there are other alternatives where dolling out announcements is easier I'll consider it, but right now I guess I'll stick to the zone.

2. First sex scene as in with the MC. I just wanted to touch it up a bit and make it better(?). You'll see in the update, but the Yuuji stuff is gonna happen towards the mid-game. It'll still play out the same though :cool:

3. Interesting idea. Maaaybe sometime down the road? I'll stick with more simpler ideas at the moment and finish the game as I planned, and then I'll try to get into the more complex stuff. 'Cause this project started out really simple and it kinda spiraled LOL.

4. Gangbangs and gloryholes absolutely, and MC will definitely be having that option. To what extent, I'll still find out. But great ideas.
a custom system would be nice to allowing to choose what she is wearing being able to give her belly piercing whore clothing or other stuff changing it at our own if we want


Game Developer
May 29, 2020
Really cool to see your engagement and enthusiasm on here! Thanks for addressing as much as you can.

I had a interesting idea again, I played a game a long time ago where the female mc is tied and blindfolded in a “free use” room and the mc had the option to join in or watch from a chair, basically it was just a bound gangbang room where anyone can walk in and bang her, would be cool to see something like this where maybe her reputation depends on how many people go into the room or having to find spots to put up a advertisement of sorts in random spots (bathrooms, alleyways, gloryhole) and the more posters you put up the more people show up? Just an idea
Ooh, interesting. I already had a plan for the end of the game where scenes would vary depending on who you shared her with, etc. An advertisement idea for something like that, though, sounds really cool. Hmm... I might just use that somewhere down the line. Great suggestion.

a custom system would be nice to allowing to choose what she is wearing being able to give her belly piercing whore clothing or other stuff changing it at our own if we want
I do have plans on letting you dress her how you want. Something similar to Acerola games. There'll be sort of an "escalation" variable that'll basically be the progression of her slutiness. So more exposing clothing could be unlocked as that happens.

Maybe? Hopefully? LOL, I've been thinking about it, but I don't know how to do it technically yet. It's definitely on my mind though. Because with AI, it'd be easier to change her clothing in scenes to match what she wears in the overworld. Well, "easier", it's still annoying. So we'll see.

Quick update: I've decided I'll open up an itch.io page. There will not be an option for donations, so it'll mostly be used as a development page. I'll finalize everything when I'm ready to send out the next update (y)


New Member
Feb 24, 2024
love the game!

4. Gangbangs and gloryholes absolutely, and MC will definitely be having that option. To what extent, I'll still find out. But great ideas.
so for me i like that she doesn't use condoms with others (because i have a cum kink) and her using a condom with me is kinka cute. i don't really have a strong opinion on MC using a condom, other then, the answer GF gives is cute.

1. my biggest question is will there be any cum play. (cleanup yes but not just that, things like cum kissing and sloppy 2nds)
if so, will it be in both the sub and dom path or just the sub path? ( i normally play sub paths because they're more likely to have cum play, but i was very Dom using a NTR GF chat ai (that's supposed to Dom and humiliate me, i turned her into a nts Sub XD) i would like to play more Dom

2. my next question will there be a path that focuses on body count and having her have sex with as many as possible, instead of just a bull or 2? ( like a lot of faceless people she has sex with)
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Game Developer
May 29, 2020
love the game!

so for me i like that she doesn't use condoms with others (because i have a cum kink) and her using a condom with me is kinka cute. i don't really have a strong opinion on MC using a condom, other then, the answer GF gives is cute.

1. my biggest question is will there be any cum play. (cleanup yes but not just that, things like cum kissing and sloppy 2nds)
if so, will it be in both the sub and dom path or just the sub path? ( i normally play sub paths because they're more likely to have cum play, but i was very Dom using a NTR GF chat ai (that's supposed to Dom and humiliate me, i turned her into a nts Sub XD) i would like to play more Dom

2. my next question will there be a path that focuses on body count and having her have sex with as many as possible, instead of just a bull or 2? ( like a lot of faceless people she has sex with)

1. Maybe some time later down the road. I can see the appeal, but honestly it's just not what I get off to. I can probably add some scenes with it after I put in all of my own stuff.

2. Great question actually. I can see this working with the advertisement suggestion PervyWoody made. There can be a split in where the story goes if you take things in that direction. Definitely gonna keep that in mind.


Jul 11, 2023
Ooh, interesting. I already had a plan for the end of the game where scenes would vary depending on who you shared her with, etc. An advertisement idea for something like that, though, sounds really cool. Hmm... I might just use that somewhere down the line. Great suggestion.

I do have plans on letting you dress her how you want. Something similar to Acerola games. There'll be sort of an "escalation" variable that'll basically be the progression of her slutiness. So more exposing clothing could be unlocked as that happens.

Maybe? Hopefully? LOL, I've been thinking about it, but I don't know how to do it technically yet. It's definitely on my mind though. Because with AI, it'd be easier to change her clothing in scenes to match what she wears in the overworld. Well, "easier", it's still annoying. So we'll see.

Quick update: I've decided I'll open up an itch.io page. There will not be an option for donations, so it'll mostly be used as a development page. I'll finalize everything when I'm ready to send out the next update (y)
Donations are good but i hope the game remains free some of us live in some hellish country that can't use paid services to others :(
Even being here is possible thanks to vpn
4.80 star(s) 19 Votes