the cigaretteman render would most probably be in update 4 and the dev titled that as climax.
you can see the reflection of the overhead light in the eyes so she is probably handstanding or in a similar gymnastic pose.
they dont need condoms... chris says he is sniped... but maybe he wants to get vivian pregnant... who knows.
xert you are right in saying that. there are different way to react to each situation both the husband and wife react to. like a typical example would be vivian's happy reaction at the end of the code talk... it can be take as a reference to her dialogue in the bathroom scene where she says she will convince her husband to let her go. contradicting this is vivian is happy that hutch just loves her even after all that she did. and to counter this again... there is one secret she didnt tell hutch and that is the first meeting with the boss and the dress she wore for the fuckfest. until the next two updates are done and the story having no branching paths will automatically elimiate the variables for us(the readers). so for now opinions vary but going forward the option will be narrowed down by story progression.
you are finally seeing the light ...

, that's possibly a better of the worst ending for hutch and the cigarette man theories most if not all have hutch getting revenge which is nice.
as much as i want to defend vivian for now i only see the flaws every way you look. either its totally her fault or hutch is partially to blame. there is no scenario where she can be defended in the current update. and what's more the way she interacts with the side interests just goes against her caring personality that the dev wants to convey.(that's how i see it)
luc made a nice theory on how vivian is changing from a loving wife and mother due to christian and some of my thoughts were posted as well. when you look the full update from vivians point of view at first she is sacrifising herself for the family but later in the dinner night she is just doing it for herself as she enjoys what is going on. there are instance through out that show the change in vivian. im just stating what i think is vivian thoughts from how the dev depicts and portrays her in this update.
only one thing i have to argue with in the above quote there is no right and wrong in a relationship(if you love your spouse and its reciprocated anyone would go the extra mile to make the relationship work)... it's just their respective views. we can say that hutch opening the marriage is him viewing vivians actions as moment of weakness in their 22 year relationship. yes have to agree vivian is the dumbest fmc. can't debate that. that just makes it harder to go nuclear on her.