Anyone have money/resource cheats?
"AppData\LocalLow\Witch Pantsu\My Hotel In Other World" contains your save files in plain text, you can freely edit your money, affection, unlock states, etc
You make new guests appear by setting "hasArrived" to true in GuestData.es3, you can also max their stats in that file, I put everyone at 900 mood and affection
And in GameSaveData.es3 you can unlock scenes by setting "isCompleted" : true for each character's scene. You can also cheat your energy, money, resources, in that file.
Afterwards you can freely "enjoy" the content by opening the game and either clicking the girls or from the quests log.
Putting "enjoy" between quotes because it was honestly painful to go through all the scenes. The artworks themselves are great / sexy, but all the animations feel so bland, the girls just stare at the void, they feel like dolls, in an uncanny way. Add to this that you can not speed up any animation and you have to watch it entirely, often twice, before being able to start the next one, and for most of the H scenes I ended up browsing the web on the side waiting for the "next" button to appear.
This is sad because I actually enjoyed the artstyle and even the chibis a lot, lot of potential, but wasted by very poor live2d skills.
And yeah as other said the writing / world building is also non-existent.