Animations 5/5
Story 2/5
Gameplay 3/5
This game is about 90% reading, meaning you'll be spending most of your playthrough pressing the * enter button, and the animations are few and far between at times. There was so much reading and heartstring pulling that I had to delete this game, halfway through, on my first playthrough. This is also a A to B game, so not much freeraoming.
Basically this is a Incest game in the Landlady Roommate format, and horribly written. For most games like this that I played, the landlady roommate style is done so well, that you'd never know there was incest, but not with this game. This game gives full Incest vibes, and while that may be great for some, it annoys me, as I am Not Into Incest.
The animations are very well done, and that alone is why this game gets 2 stars. There are also times where, you choose an option and you still get the dialog for the option that you didn't choose.
My rating may change if I do another playthrough, after some updates. I do like the romance and femdom in the game.
0.7 Edit: No changes on my review, but I am going to give the game 3 stars, since I can edit the script. I edited the script and removed all of the half words. Now the roommate is called roommate and not half roommate.