VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all good game well played to the developer .

    ~>The game itself has bold and solid story telling.

    ~>The story has deep impact of relationship, each person has a unique personality and problem.

    ~>The music is unsatisfying when it comes to sex scene TBT I can't "FEEL THE HORNY OR LUST OF EACH FEMALE."

    ~>The sex scene dialogue need to be improved or refurnish .

    ~>There is no synchronize on music on each scene

    ~>lack of variety of sex option.It also redundant no unique.

    ~>The game play and sex scene has a lot of potential this maybe the reason the game itself lack of attention.

    ~>The story is interesting and eye candy of attention.

    my original rating would be 3/5 but because of ur solid build on story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    It has been quite a while since I found an incest game with a very good romance plot that actually develops. So far this game has become one of my all time favorite game!
    10/10 would recommend the cat puns.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that's definitely improved over time. The early scenes have some slightly stilted dialogue and minor issues like that, but the quality gets substantially better as the game progresses. Same with animation and model quality.

    The overall story is a pretty simplistic and has a bit of "porn plot" syndrome in terms of how fast things develop, but again, that's something that also improves as you meet newer characters and on the plus side, it allows a lot of ero content throughout a play through. The characters are adorable, most of the plotlines are feel-good and I haven't encountered any bugs or issues like that.

    To sum up: Simple, sweet and sexy.

    Definitely looking forward to more!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Hard to stop once you start. Compelling characters. Predictable story for the most part but still hard to put aside because you root for the characters. Leaves you wondering how each crisis is going to get resolved. Animation is smooth but not usually a fan of this style of renders, but it works for this game. Try it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has a linear storyline and your decision just make you see more or less content. The best route you can choose is to be nice to everyone and that way you can see the whole world around!
    I fell in love for Lucy and Fiona and really like to watch how their characters improve throughout story. They are not just some brainless dolls created for some fetish stuff, but really loveable girls with story and relationships. Dev does great job on opening and developing characters here!
    I really love background music it doesn't irritate even when playing 12 hours in a row. Lots of great pop culture references, yay!
    Graphics and animations at first are okay, but later in game they become better and better. Good job, overall, 5/5, can't wait for the next chapter!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with well-written story and characters. Characters are able to convey the emotion that they feel to the player, which is rare. Each character also has their own personality, so being with each of them gives us different feelings and you don't get bored talking to them too quickly. Especially that the meetings with the characters are very well laid out. In other words, it is a game of love that many will love
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    christof rauch

    Hmmmm, having spent many hours playing this Game/VN, I have to admit that it has many, if not all, of the elements I enjoy in this type of game.

    First, I will start out by saying that I was worried because of both the slow start, and the near immediate interaction between the MC and the older sister. at first, I was worried it would be a grind fest, then near the beginning, (and while i do enjoy these) I was afraid it would be a simple fap fest.

    Instead, I discovered a game truly worth playing. The "grind" was crucial to the game, and teh "fap fest" was not nearly as intensive as I thoght. Instead I discovered a well written story, with damn good storylines and tangents that fit so well within the game. I fell in love with both Lucy and Alice. their story lines were perfectly integrated and really explained their particular concerns, making me want to protect and shelter them.

    Lucy, with her experiences with school bullying, really brought out the "big Brother" in me and made me wanting to do more to protect her. Alice, with her experience with her father reminded me of RL experiences with my family, and made me glad the MC was so careful with her.

    Every detail is revealed at just the right time, every difficulty, foible, or trauma, shown at exactly the right time in order to give the MC just enough information so he responds appropriately. Even the "dragged out" events with Alice, Lucy, and the others is justified and appropriate.

    There really are few games I am willing to support with money or time (or even assistance in other respects) but this game has now hit the very top of me list. I have been considering what game to give a one time donation to, and this game. along with 4 others, is hitting the top of me list.

    If the developer continues in the manner he started, I could easily consider him/her a developer of exceptional caliper, and would fully support him/her as well as promoting others to do so.

    From me, HIGHEST praises to Killer7, a truly exceptional game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    def #1 on my f95 game list, good animation & pacing. also, characters also feel like they matter (although the protag seems a bit forgetful at times) To top it off the 4th wall jokes actually made me giggle .
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    After playing through the game for more than 4 hours this is my opinion:

    1- the characters a likable and nearly everyone has an interesting personality which doesn't make it boring.
    2-the story started somewhat heavy but turned out to be good.
    3-the soundtracks are very good and suit the scenes.
    4-i had a problem with the scenes and arts at the beginning but I think it's getting better with time.
    well, I'm not good at writing so, in a nutshell, I like this game.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    huh? Wait what ?? uh, oh, what, hm ?. Not going to go back and literally search the exact phrases the MC uses. These phrases that started off this review off the top of my head feel close enough to what the MC constantly says on loop through out the game, almost as if the developer read my mind questioning at the constant below tier story arc being shoveled out and he is expressing that through the MC.

    It genuinely feels like even if the MC turned into a pyromaniac and lit the house on fire they lived in and everyone barely made it out with their lives, it feels they would watch the house burn and gather round the MC to tell him how amazing he is for lighting the fire and now they won't have to maintain the house or clean it and they can all start afresh. That is how stupid the logic is in this game. The MC could just stand there doing nothing and everyone keeps reminding him how amazing he is and life is now only truly being lived because of him.

    The story is a black hole of logic, the renders are not great, the sex scenes are not the best. I have complemented music in games before when used in conjunction with a good story to create emotions. Music is used in this game to try to distract you during important moments in hope you don't read too heavily into what is being passed off as story telling.

    This is a visual novel, there is only one way to play, even though especially early game you are supposedly given options to choose what to do. They do nothing, in reality, you must choose one of those options as the other one is always a brick wall or a warning saying not to do this. So remove the other options and be a visual novel and stop pretending there are choices, so many games are doing this now. This always scores a negative point with me. Be what you are, a story, stop pretending to be something you are not with branching paths.

    What will follow is spoilers in game and will be tagged as such to highlight some things I want to address. If you want to view more into why I feel the way I feel in this review, the spoiler will give more insight.
    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

    Anyway, in general, this is a game if you play just don't overthink the plot, it is a bare bones harem game, women pop up. instantly want you for whatever reasons and then want you to have sex with other women. So it devolves into a game without a plot, just a lot of characters you have sex with and the quality of sex scenes is debatable. This review was based on v0.9 Everyone thinks differently, that is my honest opinion and if you play and like it and feel differently. Best of luck to you and glad you enjoyed it.
  11. G
    5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I have ever played. The storyline and writing are really great. Nothing against other devs that aren't native English speakers and use software to translate. It is nice to read text that is easy to read with proper grammar. The progression for each member of the MC's "family" is you use a patch is great.

    The writing is really great and very funny in some parts. The best writing I think is between the MC and Lucy. This is one of the top 3 games that I've played. And I have played quite a few adult games over the last year.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't write reviews. In fact, this might be my first on this website and the first one in decades online. However, this game deserves it.

    Not only does it have a constant stream of content. It keeps up the tempo consistently. By that I mean, come on. There is never a shortage of content. I've multiple times been like: "all this sex is great, but when am I gonna find out about Tanja and Alice" It's that engaging.

    Characters: Wow, it doesn't seem like a real thing when I see characters with relatively deep character development. There are only a few that I say are a bit of a bust, but I'm sure we'll see more depth added.
    -Sandra is like the perfect would-be housewife girlfriend character. She is sweet and there is genuine love between the MC and her.
    -Maddie is adorable as well as feisty. She is a strong character that tries the hardest to not simply join the MC's harem. Doesn't work though :)
    -Moth- I mean Becca is nice, but she gets so little character development that its fair to say, she's not a part of the main cast anymore. I imagine K7 will add some more in the future, but I've seen more from Mary than her. She's sweet if a bit uninspired.
    Sidecharacters: Melissa, Tanja, Yvonne, Sun, Fiona
    They are all sweet and present different personalities to bounce back on with MC. Yvonne is a voyeur. Tanja is a psychotic b****, Sun is an innocent and naive girl and Fiona is sex starved dom that requires attention. The latter of which can change depending on your preferences.

    Plot: Couldn't be more simple. MC is amazing, sweet, funny and ALWAYS says the right thing. He comes from a broken home, comes to visit his moth- Becca at a time of great need after the breakup of his long time girlfriend (I think). Meets his- I mean A family unit that he is initially conflicted join, but after meeting Sandra his world is opened.

    This VN/GAME does one thing really well. It makes you feel like you are in a Harem. There is no bull**** about different paths that don't link in some way. This game is VERY straight forward. You meet a new girl, you get an option. Option 1: Want to form some kind of relationship. Option 2. Don't wanna form relationship. You like girl? Pick former. Don't? Latter. While that might seem boring, it's not. It opens up MUCH more variety because this game is less about decisions as it is about the characters themselves. There is a real sense that they care and love you (As much as a fictional world could muster at any rate) so you stay engaged long after your first or 4th sex scene with the same character. I usually, as I'm sure a lot of people do, lose interest after the first or second sex scene in games like these because the tension is lessened while this one starts off witty and light with romance coming out the wazoo. It's a testiment to K7's love and respect for anime and their tropes that keep this as engaging as it is.

    Some important characters don't feel important. Not castaways, but enough to where you wonder why they aren't more involved in the plot other than "She needs to work during the day"
    The relationship of MC and Mary was a bit rough at first owing to giving you access to sexual content earlier, HOWEVER, it does change for the better later on.

    Okay, that's my review of My New Fam...
    Nah, I'm kidding. How could I forget about...

    -Lucy is probably the one whom everyone wants to talk about. Her and the MCs relationship is golden. If you thought Sandra was the best this game had to offer, oh no, you haven't seen anything yet. Their banter is incredible. It's mushy, it's tart, it's saccharine. She's definitely the Tsundere architype while also being much more complex. Her insecurities and her faults display the most character development in the story, so much so that it eclipses all of the other characters combined. It's clear that K7 loves her the most, the game should be called Lucy and My New Family that's how much she affects this story. It took MANY updates of waiting for any kind of 'content' from her (The 1st/2nd day dream sequence doesn't count) and finally. Today, I finally saw some 'content' I was surprised by not only how real it was, but by how surprised I was by it. She's got a small frame, fitting that Loli archetype, but the way the played with her character made her feel much more mature and way more realistic than the other heroines. I could fill this entire review of nothing but Lucy anecdotes and thoughts, but i will spare you.

    TLDR: LUCY! But seriously, if you're looking for either a Harem, something sweet and light, or something to 'entertain' yourself with, I couldn't recommend this more. The game is very simple and not choice dependent, but it's a perfect intro to both Harem and 'family' content. DEV: GOOD JOB!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I like virtually everything about this game. It looks, sounds, and feels (for the most part) very pleasant. It is well constructed, the writing is solid, and the women are interesting and charming. It deserves five stars.

    I have only one complaint, and it is a probably very unimportant to the vast majority of people here - It just happens to be the absolute best example of that very hypocrisy I have decried on several occasions before, and I find I am having trouble not letting it saturate my enjoyment of it now. I swear, every time the MC starts talking about how other men and some women are ass-holes, while patting himself on the back because he only cares about making women happy, I want to punch him in the nose.
    IT IS VERY EASY TO ONLY DESIRE EVERYONE ELSE'S HAPPINESS, WHEN THAT HAPPINESS HAPPENS TO BE ENTIRELY TIED TO THEM ALL BEING IN YOUR HAREM. If all my girlfriends only desire was to suck me or fuck me (and make me breakfast) while sharing me with literally every other woman in town, I undoubtedly would have been the best boyfriend in human history. I suspect the same would be true of a majority of males, if they literally spent all day either being adored by everyone, or watching The Simpsons. The MC is not perfect, despite what he is becoming increasingly convinced of. He is not even special - The only thing which is special is the fictional reality he finds himself in. It is a lovely reality, but I find it dangerous to encourage people to think themselves righteous, when they face no need to sacrifice their own desires.
    The only "good" people are those that do what is best for others when it does NOT match their most base desires. Sitting on a golden throne, with no worries, and being proud of one's own the first step to true insanity.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Here we have one of the best Harem to me so far, lot's a different characters with different mindsets, great CG, and a scenario that looks way deeper than what you think. It is rare today to find a game where it is "peaceful" to play and where you just go on with the flow and see what happens, where you don't want to skip between the sex scenes.

    Great work !
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game by my boy K7
    Redheads, Lucy, other really cute girls :FeelsEvilMan:
    This game is for when you feel down and want something to cheer you up. Story is FeelsGood stuff None of that BS drama is found here.

    Give it a try you'll love it
  16. 5.00 star(s)



    +Amazing characters and design. Each and every single one of the characters have distinct quirks and characteristics, making every girl you encounter unique. And boy, there are a lot of characters.
    +Superb storytelling. The story is consistent and easy to follow albeit very lengthy. You could really tell that the developer(s) loves to write stories as every piece and detail contributes to the plot - the MC's reconnection to his family.
    +Good soundtrack. There's only between 3 to 5 soundtracks in the game, and they're all good background music while playing.
    +Adult scenes are very heartwarming. "Now hold-on" you say, "how can adult scenes be heartwarming?" Well, my sweet child... How 'bout you play the damn game then so you can find out?! If you like vanilla, then this game is gonna be extra creamy for you. The adult scenes are very grounded to the game's plot, that's why it is so wholesome when you get them. Not to mention, there's also a lot of girls to choose from!
    +Gameplay is okay. It is your typical interactive Visual Novel game. You follow the developer(s)'s story and you're given choices, though limited, for you to go to different paths.
    +If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game is for you


    -Like mentioned above, the storytelling is lengthy. You will read a lot of text when you're playing.
    -You need to invest into the story in order to really enjoy the game
    -If you do not like and/or do not have time for reading, this game might be jarring for you
    -If you're looking for a quick wank, this game isn't for you

    If you can't already tell, i'am putting heavy emphasis on the story of the game, and for good reason. Many of the low scoring reviews i read for the game all have the same reoccurring bad point, which is its' story/writing. In my opinion this is one of the only few Visual Novel games that geniunely has good writing. The theme is captivating, the characters are intriguing, the plot is consistent, and the flow of the story is coherent. The only reason i thought of on why they found it bad, was probably because they skipped the story entirely and just went straight to the adult scenes. Which i can absolutely understand. We play these games to wank and enjoying the game only comes second. I also skipped a few times because i found some bits of the story long and boring. No one wants to read a wall of text while their dick is on their hand. But what makes the adult scenes rewarding and so great, is precisely because the story makes you feel you've earned it. You are the MC of the game, and you play thru his world. And the developer(s) really put a colossal amount of effort for us players to understand his world.

    10/10 Would sacrifice my whole hand just to scratch Lucy's ear.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I had a lot of fun with this game, but it needs some work. so with out further adieu lets review
    1)humor. The humor in this game wasn't the focal point but damn was it good. id give examples but since a major part of the humor is that its unexpected id rather not spoil it
    2)models. My New Family has a wide range of models, however their are some that feel a tiny bit uncanny. (tit size vary's greatly(y))
    3)Choices.-their are none, actually their are very few however i see this as a plus since you don't ever have to sacrifice anything if you don't want too
    4)Content.- its not finished but it has a lot
    5)backgrounds could use some work
    Now lets talk about the girls ill try to keep this as spoiler free as possible (also this is not in any order)
    1)Sandra the harem queen. She's fairly basic of a character but i think that's appropriate given her role.

    2)Lucy the cat-girl. easily the best character overall. as much as i like taking the easy route this game over does it (especially with the end of 8.0) and it feels like everything is happening to fast and theirs no drama.Then comes Lucy though her ability to find out stuff she shouldn't and her troubled past she brings in a breath of fresh air and "drama" that deepens the immersion also her model is my 2nd favorite- The freckles help her look more real and the cat features are cute

    3)Becca- shes just an "eh" character. The beginning is when this character shines for me, as while you are with your father the reason she wasn't able to see you is fairly expected but also believable and it gives the story a darker edge(which i felt was nice)

    4)Mary. like the character but the model is a bit rough(she looks good with her hair down tho)

    5)Maddie. This was the character that confused me, she has a very athletic body, which was really refreshing to see, but something felt uncanny about her and i couldn't really appreciate her figure. Then it hit me: Her Eyes. their about twice the size of Lucy's and she has a smaller head! regardless though, i do like her character and find the blush extremely cute

    6)Yvonne-i just think shes neat. One of my faves in this game, cute model and cute personality/kink.

    7)Fiona. wasn't a big until later on in the story when she opened up, still hoping for something to brew between her and Becca tho
    8)Sun. fairly interesting background character, but im not too much of a fan though :/

    9)Tanja. i like this character more than i like to admit- shes one of the only women you can make an actual choice on how to pursue. Personally im interested in how your relationship will pan out with her considering Lucy's opinion of her.

    10)Alice. Saving the best for last. Her model is probably the best out of the bunch so far, her shy personality is adorable and her face is the cutest of the bunch. something i would love to see is a relationship between her and Lucy bloom considering how Alice see's Lucy as cute (im not saying for them to brake off the harem though)

    one last thing before i end this review: i think its nice how the different characters have a wide variety of nipples and im excited for what the future of this project holds :)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Cute Wholesome Story with Very Cute Very Lewdable and lovable girls.

    Fast and concurrent updates.

    Lots of story content every update.

    Great Lewd scenes.

    Great Character Development.

    Great dissimilitude among characters from big to small Breast, Body, & Personalities types. The stories can only be described as wholesome.

    You can easily see the passion Killer7 puts behind every update, as it really shows.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    A typical Honey Select game. Pluses: Okay sex scenes, cute girls, harem theme. The writing is bad, but at least still grammatically correct. The story doesn't make sense. The posing is exaggerated in most cases, making the actresses look sad / ashamed rather then mildly blushing. So the emotional congruence is not there.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    At the onset, I was thinking I would give this game 3 stars - the visuals aren't the best and the writing isn't bad, but isn't great (I ended up skipping a decent amount of dialog). The longer I played though, the more I enjoyed it. Not sure how to explain it exactly, but there's a nice-ness to it that feels good as more and more NPC's fall for the MC. It also helps that the character you see the most (Sandra) is very well done (as are a few of the others - I particularly like Fiona, Becca and Alice).