VN - Ren'Py - Completed - My New Family [Christmas Special] [Killer7]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly "chicken soup for the pervs soul". This has got to be one, if not the best "feel good" visual novels. Each update it gets better and better. The models are beautiful and the characters bring them to life in uniqueness. Enough choices to feel involved in the novel. Story is the strongest feature in this novel. I've laughed and cried all while sporting a boner. This vn honestly took my number one spot pretty quickly. I'm not a technical man i have no clue bout coding etc what I do know is that this visual novel has been a blessing to me. Im so grateful for it especially during dark days. Its beautiful its rich and it has the feels.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    somehow this game telling story of my life, living alone without relatives,alone in this world,,man i cant even fap to this game,,when playing this game i feel mc is me,,minus the beautiful girl for harem kewk

    really enjoying this game,,because somehow in the other world some dev knows feels to living alone

    (sorry for my shitty english,,kudos to dev)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great characters, well-written feel-good story, good progression into seducing all of your family and friends into your harem. Focus is on character development for both the MC and the NPC's, mostly in dealing with past events.

    This game will make you want to hug Lucy, feel Sandra's care, laugh with Yvonne's antics, kill Tanya, and plan lewd things with your mom and aunt.
  4. 5.00 star(s)

    DMG(I❤ Sandra)

    Where to start, i guess the story. This game is more of a story game than a porn game, it makes you care for the characters unlike with others and it was the first to make me realise that i might be missing something in my life, so when you start playing it don't underestimate it. The CGs are above average in my opinion. The animations are very good although on a loop which is pretty noticable for some of them, the music choice is nice although it feels repetitive some times. The grammar is good, but there are some noticable hickups and wording could use some work(either that or i'm dumb and can't read). No bugs surprisingly. Runs well and has a great amount of content for v0.10
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Sharzii シャルジイ

    1. This is one of the most wholesome VN, I've played. The story is good and hits home quite a few times, but at the same time keeps on getting better and better.
    2. Characters used in the game are unique and have different outlook on life which make them vivid and fun to explore.
    3. Animations and Renders are great, A few scenes were not very detailed and had minor flaws somewhere or the other, but other than that everything is fine. Dev gets better with each update
    4. Updates are quite frequent and have a considerate amount of content.
    5. My New Family is a huge plus point for people who love harem, and let me tell you, the dev hasn't disappointed whatsoever.
    10/10 would recommend
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Capt OA

    WOW!, @Killer7 just wow... I don't know if I should hate you for the suspense and drama that almost made me cry or adore you for such a wonderful chapter (Ch5).
    I really hope you can keep up the plot, and I'm counting this will not be the best chapter of the series, it was like magnificent, I think I'm not wrong when I say this is one of the best chapters of any games I've played so far, I even had to go thru the scripts to jump to previous scenes to re-live them so I can get what was going on this one, wow,
    I'll definitely try to support you as soon as possible in Patreon, you really deserve it.
    Please keep up with this great game, I'm really in love with all the characters and I really identify with the MC, congrats, you really have one heck of a game here, please keep it up, I think I speak for more than one here when I say, we need more of this game here, let's hope you can get more supporters soon, you very much deserve everything,
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart, best wishes.
  7. 5.00 star(s)



    this game has an amazing story progression, character design and it's wholesome!
    at first, it's a bit slow progression
    but then, the CLIMAX kicks in and DANG, it got me offguard like for real
    i'm sad on some part of the story because 'Reason'
    and there's a lot of Funny moment, and some Hidden Easter egg that i made, also once again, Thank You Killer7 for credit me on your game, once again, Thank You!
    and YES, Mary always put that smile everytime we meet her
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Consistently one of the best games on the site. Sharp, funny, witty writing, beautifully designed characters and very good lewd scenes that get better with each update.

    Killer7 is one of the hardest working AVN developers I've ever seen and his writing, renders and animations have gotten better and better as he's become more experienced.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly this VN doesn't really offer anything more than Honey Select by itself. The story is pretentious and the characters are one-note, and considering that's maybe 70% of what makes a visual novel, that's a serious problem. The choices are so monotonous that it's almost a kinetic novel anyways; either be nice to everyone all the time or set yourself down a path towards a game over. There's a fairly wide variety of characters in this game, so it's disappointing that the vast majority of them are approached in the same way. To end with a nitpick (for a porn game), the backgrounds and settings look very low quality, and it pulled me out of the game more than a few times.

    As for the positive, the models are of a quality expected from HS. The scenes are not too far from each other and are interesting enough. Half the characters look pretty ugly to me, but I'm fairly sure that's a personal taste thing so YMMV. The other half are pretty nice. As a porn game, it's probably a 4/5 for this alone.

    The thing that really got me to write this review though was the crying. The characters cry a lot. The first time it caught me off guard and made me a little uncomfortable (which I'd say is a good thing). By the time it happened four times in as many minutes, I was so desensitized to it that I no longer cared about any of the characters. Diminishing returns is a thing, so maybe space that shit out or figure out which scenes are necessary and which scenes are extraneous and cut them; make what's there hit harder instead of adding more of it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very good and very sweet harem game with minimal drama and a lot of cute and lovable girls. The renders are great the plot is as believable as a harem incest game can get and characters have actual emotions and reactions.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    Well... this is really bad.

    Renders, Animations and Music are all... cheap. And loveless. Unaltered Assetstore characters, low-res textues, background voids, unpopulated streets/locations (not even black silhouettes as placeholders) and a never ending loop of the worst elevator-music ever.
    The Animation quality is ... well ... there is a scene in which they're 69-ing and something comes out of the back of her head. That's quite representative for the overall quality. All other animations are more or less fluent loops of 2-3 second long in-and-out/up-down movements of bodyparts with frozen facial expressions. Of course without any care for detail, just textures clipping into each other. You actually get a better level of quality from skyrim-mods, only those come with sounds.

    The story really makes not much sense... there are just too many inconsistencies. Seems to me, the Dev couldn't really decide what this is supposed to become.
    Started with an interesting premise, but sadly evolved into a never ending telenovela on the intellectual level of four-minute-porn plots: Father was a drunk psychopath with anger issues, who frequently beat the mother and threatened to kill mother and son (MC), if the mother doesn't leave. So when MC arrives at her place (broke, hopeless and suicidal), he now learns that she left his 4-year-old ass with that kind of man, while she herself remarried to live in a mansion with three bathrooms, sauna and pool.
    So - naturally - he forgives her INSTANTLY, hugs her and starts happytime-harembuilding!
    That's the first ~20 Minutes of playtime. Then you get to heal all those poor women's traumas they got, when their husbands lied to them or their fathers left. All those years of living with violent and drunk psychodad seem to have been not much more than an annoyance to you. Seems legit.

    Well, the Dev has gotten a little defensive and had to send me a message regarding my "retarded review". So I'd like to expand:

    Of course you can choose not to instantly forgive everyone. BUT choosing options an actual human being would choose only seems to lead to a whole bunch of Couch-sitting and mockery.

    *EDIT 2*
    So I just revisited the game. Played through v0.14 and a little of v0.15+... I didn't think this game could get worse. Way to prove me wrong. I would have thought, the dev may revise some of the glaring flaws when splitting the game, but no... MCs dick still comes out of Sandra's head, choices still only affect whether or not you see sexy-times, they still ask him why is hand is bruised, after he kicked two dudes in the face (which, btw, still makes me chuckle whenever I think about how this must've looked from a 3rd-Person's perspective. The way MCs leg just... pops out of the bottom of the screen means: The guy is standing there perfectly straight, while simply lifting one of his feet to their faces! Like a puppet on strings...). And the story isn't improving. It's still just as inconsistent. For example, when MC gets his Nightmares and talks with Becka about it (paraphrased):

    Becka: Do you still have nightmares?
    MC: yes
    Becka: Well, you will have more of them until you work through them

    2 days later, in which no more nightmares occured even though no actual "working through them" has been done...

    Becka: Do you still have nightmares
    MC: No
    Becka: Good. And I don't think you will have any more of them.

    Yeah, makes sense.
    It also somehow bugs me, that the characters always have to get completely naked whenever they go for it, no matter how passionate the moment is or where they are. Almost like the dev didn't want to bother readjusting the clothes, so he simply has the characters take them off.
    And to the very end, all you ever see is standard Honey Select stuff. It just gets... boring.

    In the end, it just feels like one of those stories that get dragged out because the dev doesn't want to lose his patrons, but can't think of anything else to create. So he simply rides this one out as long as possible.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent storytelling, excellent renders. An absolute must-try-game! A perfect line between desire and disaster, love and lewdness. No way to present a story of a young man better than this! The whole bunch of characters, all lovely in theyr own way, have been perfectly scriptet to theyr own roles, so everyone will find his perfect match or even... like i do... all of them ;)

    Try it, play it, love it! I´m sure you will :cool:
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Clearly I'm in the minority given all the positive comments, but I just don't see anything special about this game. Let me break down why:

    -All the women in this game either love the mc, or feel guilty for wronging him. There's no conflict, no tension. Of course, they want the mc to finish inside them every time. Who cares about getting pregnant right?
    -There is NO STORY. When the mc is not fucking his family or someone else, he'll sit in the living room watching the same cartoons over and over. He has no life and zero ambition outside of the women he sleeps with.
    -Lazy writing. Time and time again, characters will go to a place and not do anything. For example, on the date with Yvonne, they literally go to a diner, NOT have food, and then go back to her place for a blowjob because why not. If this was a harem game that owned the fact that it's nothing more, that would be something. But it operates under the pretence that the mc is this saviour for all these women. Point blank when Fiona asks the mc about his intentions with Dianna, he rejects the fact that sleeping with her would definitely count as cheating, and that he just wants "help" her like he did all the other women.
    -Repetition. This comes up in many ways. For example, you can see Lucy's face plastered on atleast 2 other girls in the story, and the same goes for other women. Kissing scenes are also reused to a fault. You would think that characters who have been dating for a while now wouldn't kiss each other the SAME WAY every time, but they do.
    -Outside of incest, which is a taboo and popular fetish (mine included), there is nothing unique that this game offers. Nothing stands out as "bad" per se, but I can't point to a single thing that this game does better compared to other harem games.

    Imo, the dev's greatest strength is the ability to deliver consistent, timely updates. They all give you instant gratification, which is what most people playing this game are looking for anyway. If you're seeking anything else, you'll be disappointed. It's a fantasy world for emasculated men, and isn't grounded in any form of reality.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best VN's I've ever played. The character development between the MC and all the "family" members is great. I know that not everyone uses the "incest" patch, but to each his own. I personally think it makes the game more heartfelt overall. The storyline and dialogue are great especially between the MC and Lucy. Some of it makes me laugh pretty hard. If you haven't played the game do it. With the current version there is quite a few hours of gameplay and well worth it. It's refreshing you don't get into the h-scenes and lewd ones right away. The build up is perfect and there isn't any major grinding like a lot of the games on here.

    EDIT: Some people on here may not like this but I don't agree with the 3 star and below reviews at all. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, but I guess the ones with the low ratings are just looking for a straight up porn game with no emotions for the different characters. Sure it would be nice to see a little bit of variety with the choices, but if you are looking for a quick "fu**" with the characters just go watch regular porn. The graphics, characters and backgrounds are a lot better than 80% of other games using HS. I've played a lot of adult games over the last 18 months. The lighting is usually terrible, the characters are just plain ugly and the animations in a lot of them are just atrocious. I would support @Killer7 financially with patreon than 90% of the games on F95.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Sith Emperor

    Story: Its good and wholesome. It doesn't want to change the world or being a God-tier, but its good enough to give you emotions and keep you entertained. Its one of the few games, where I never skip.

    Graphic: Pretty good actually. The characters are pretty nice, but the backgrounds are just decent, but this the engine's fault.

    Characters: I pretty much love everyone, but I have my ranking among them (only LIs)

    Lucy, Sandra, Alice: The best of the best. My cute little redheads. They so cute some times, that they will melt your heart.

    Moon, Yvonne, Maddie: I really like Moon and Yvonne, but Maddie is dancing on the border of "not my type"-"I love her"

    Becca, Mary, Fiona: I'm not into milfs and big boobs, so I ignore them. As characters, they have a good personality, but not my type.

    Tanja: Just nope. What she did to our dear little Lucy, there's no redemption.

    TL;DR: The game is good. You should give it a chance. Updates are regular, and pretty good.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing feel good style of VN. This thing could go on forever and it would be fun to enjoy like an erotic soap opera.

    Its a rare gem of simplicity with enough story to keep things engaging while keeping the erotic scenes plentiful.

    Good Work Killer7
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.10]

    WIth the latest update the feels are in danger of distracting from the porn, but I'm strangely okay with this.

    Art's fine if simplistic with my only real gripe being some of the faces. I really enjoy the varied selection of boobage on offer.

    I like the writing. The plot starts out trite but veers sharply into useful territory and stays there. I'm personally don't enjoy the bully arc playing out in the particular way it does, but everything else is gold. Fluency, voice, and dialog are all great. Characterization is very enjoyable.

    Nothing in the porn squicked me; it's all pretty vanilla but not in a boring way. This game serves as an enjoyable palate cleanser after my usual day of depraved garbage.

    Bonus points for the dev being a member here.

    TLDR: I mean 5 stars: yeah it's got some imperfections but the plusses more than make up for it.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Man, i really love this game, is one of the few that i don't expect the compressed version come out and always download at sight, i always have a lot of fun playing it so far and always comes out with a smile on my face.

    But, this recently update was very strange for me, oh, is nothing wrong with the game itself, but it was a total opposite with my worldview...In my view Becca is just a cowardly rich mother who completely gave up on her son (I hate her character), she forgot him in such a way that she didn't even comment with her daughters for years, so, yeah, Elaine was right for me and i identified a lot with her and completely understand her actions, because while Becca ran away like a truly coward it was Elaine who looked after the the MC and it's only because of her that he came to the house, because if MC health depended on Becca he was probably living on the streets whit the rats.

    I was extremely uncomfortable playing this update why i was obliged (Because at least for now the game does not give you the option to choose which side you will be on) to be sided to the side that I would NEVER choose, i would never choose this route to defend Becca, NEVER, and there was the MC defending her from everything and driving me crazy...

    So ... I'll wait.

    The author said that this is the "love route" and the others are yet to come, so i'll wait, i love this game, but it’s not comfortable for me to keep playing something that I’m not having the freedom to choose who i really trust or not, my choices (At least for now) have no meaning at all in the greats confrontations in the game, It's all very linear, and a linearity that I don't like at all

    But I'll give 4/5, the game is great the renders are great, the history are great, but as long as I don’t have the freedom to make my own choices that truly affect the game (And not just having sex or not with girls)...I get extremely uncomfortable and i believe there are others with a thought similar to mine.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    King of Hearts 937

    Love this game. The Story is interesting even though I have to admit it was a tiny bit cringe moment with Alice. I am a Patreon supporter and look forward to further updates. Thank you Killer7 for making this game and for the consistent updates on Patreon.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review as of v0.10)

    Simply put, this is a must-play for anyone that enjoys VN about positive, loving relationships. I was a little skeptical when this VN was initially released, but Killer7 has shown himself to be very good at creating distinct personalities for all of the characters in this VN and the emotional dialog is simply excellent.

    And I have to mention that Killer7 is one of the most engaged devs I've ever seen and has an insane work ethic.

    I strongly recommend trying this, even if you don't usually like this kind of VN - it's that good.