Ignore the Compressed directions from Symphony of the Night. Extract first, THEN DELETE THE SAVE FOLDER, then copy over to the WWW folder. I stupidly just extracted straight to www and replaced files. Lost all my saves. 60+ hours of game play gone. I feel so dumb for making this mistake.
Don't tell people to ignore the instructions. It is not my fault, you didn't take the time to understand how the dev himself releases his update/game.
This has nothing to do with me or the dev, you didn't think.
IT IS OBVIOUS to know to backup your save before downloading any update or new game version.
The update comes with only the dev/creator file24 save and his settings and nothing else. It is exactly like the game release version save folder. So you would of gotten the same problem with the game release, as you didn't think.
Therefore my update
CANNOT overwrite your save period. It is the global file from the creator himself.
You didn't think, but still can get back your saves. Unless you started a new game and save at your old save slots then hard luck.
To fix your problem and continue your game, you can still go into your save folder and copy your save files to somewhere else. Launch the game and start a new game and save at those game file location/slot making a new save file. Then copy back your old saves to the save folder and launching the game to load your old save, being able to continue.
so after the alpha version then the pc mod will come?
Yes I will update it once the update is known to be final bug fixed.