You just showed exactly why his discord got locked down again. People do criticize actual issues in the game without repercussion but the ones who go on there being very immature get kicked. Also most on his discord server have been sick and tired of those flooding the channel with freeloaders posting immature levels of criticizing comments since he allowed the public to join his discord server and especially after a new release comes out. It is possible to express an issue with the game and not be childish about it but too many have yet to learn that so now they can't there.
This is also the reason why I don't have anything to do with this thread anymore unless someone summons me like Candyman. Which the only reason why I say these comments is because I just responded to a comment about my Walkthrough.
Well people must not criticize beggar as he has been doing excellent work and being individual developer with his imagination , we all make mistakes , I have seen toxic people complaining about bugs well no body is perfect we all make mistakes , he developed game which fulfilled people's fantasy , come on man we got to understand
Wish i took the same pills that you guys take or smoke the same shit that you guys smoke.
There is no valid criticism (childish or constructive) for begger... anything that is addressed to him is considered an attack and results in a ban. The man has some serious mental problems and his followers have worse than him.
He still has no idea to speak correct or partially correct English "he has a community for 5 years"
He work whit RPGM for 6 years and still make the same mistakes he did 4 years ago or gets even worse at it "same bugs, errors, atrocious level design, cut content, lack of polish(NPC still has no dialog make the town fell like people are paper models)
He dive down i sewage hole for his dog and almost died because he did not think for a second that maybe it's a better idea to call the fire department or some people/friends or family to help...So he is careless and dozens think of repercussions...this is why he is setting dates random and then he delays the game because he has no respect for his patreons or he thinks he can get away whit it because all his community lives in a bubble(almost like a sect
He knows Lucy content is his magnum opus and after that is nothing but downhill content-wise.
He is creating the models in Klub 17 there is a 2-hour-long video tutorial on how to create all the scenes that beggar created... it's 20% more difficult to create than using honey select
This post will probably get removed because freedom of speech and critics' address to any developers is an act of sin in this site...This is the internet today, we all are responsible for letting them get away whit it.