lets sum up the last 2+ months of false promises and constant lies of lazy Beggar. also learn how time counts by scammers. "Soon" - 2+ months. few days - ??? lets see how much this is
and now, gentlemens, the show of lies and laziness
- "soon". it is already november25
first days of october
after week decides that laziness will not allow him to stay in october
on Nov1 he postpones update for a new full 3 weeks for bugfixes. but bugs will still be everywhere AND most importantly you need believe and wait, wait and believe. cuz im beggar, most trustfull man in the universe
Nov.17 new unforeseen problems, poor Beggar.. oh, dont forget to mention panic attacks, cuz everyone is so interested, we worry about you brudah
Nov23, 2 days before update. what is it, again problems? game does not start, imagine that? imagine if any true developers of games write it in all seriousness. oh yeah, my bad.its Beggar, "developer" who cant put a couple of pictures in the game folder and create simple scripts within 2+ months
today is a day. oh w8. another excuses. and another ''few''days of delay
another reminder. since the end of last year Beggar had a problems with keyboard then mouse then hard drive, his relatives dying ( if its not another lie - im sorry ofc ), he drowned in a river with a dog, caught panic attacks, several times went on vacation for several months. was due to release update with Lucy back in the spring, but decided to postpone it to june, made a promise to release all the content presented here by the end of fall and in november to finish Revamp and begin MNL2
but in june it moved release date to july and from july to august, then to the end of august.at the same time he didnt create even of the content he promised. so he hasnt done anything of his promises in whole year. good boy, keep it up