Yea i knew about the exclusive contents for each gang but me & the other guy is trying to help another guy in picking which is the
best choice. By best i'm assuming he wanna save as many lives as possible so:
- Pick Gentlemen: Ling will die (100% confirmed by Warren), Jacqueline may live (confirmed by Nesrot that she can escape on her own when you pick the Russians), Ivana may also die (confirmed by Nesrot if you don't pick her) & Nora is saved.
- Pick Triads: Save Ling & Nora escaped, possibly Jacqueline too but Ivana will probably die.
- Pick Russians: Save Ivana & Jacqueline escaped, possibly Nora too but Ling will probably die.
- Pick Hornet: Ivana will die (100% confirmed by Nesrot), Nora probably escaped & Ling may die. You'll save Jacqueline of course.
Gentlemen & Hornet seems to guarantee at least 2 died while Triads & Russian may allow you to save up to 3 (although if a gang war breaks out in the future then it's all fair game by that point so anyone can die).
If you narrow down the choices (presumably best choice by saving the most lives) then it's
Ling vs
Ivana cuz they're the only ones that unable to escape the raid alive (confirmed by 2 leader of their respective gangs being Warren & Nesrot). Pick your prefer girl basically.
Or just pick Nesrot cuz Lucy approved of MC being in Hornet while she doesn't seems to prefer the other gangs (especially Gentlemen).