Use the unofficial bug patch, this was fix long time now. But you need to use a save before doing the Ivanna quest. As the fix is before the bug happens. I hope you did not depend on one save file. Additionally, at first the bug would seem as though it causes no issues, but it will most definitely break your game and prevent you from continuing.
Your save is not bugged. This is actually a fault in the game engine itself that was never fix and happens when anyone (dev or modders) change the master file entry/slots amount.
Send me your save, I will fix it for you
Send me your save, preferably before you encounter the bug so I can pinpoint and determine if it is indeed a bug. If you don't have an earlier save, then no worries, will just fix it for you.
To everyone else with missing images, especially
Carol date images load issue. It has been said time and time again, use the missing images patch located at the unofficial bug patch post. It is not hard to search the thread for the answer which has been said many times. Heck the answer is sometime posted on the same thread page or one page behind, but members still ask the question. Even if lazy to read but not to post, there is a thread search button on the top right which will give faster/instant results rather than waiting for someone to respond.
At the thread main post, there are game guides, mods, saves, patches...everything you need to
help yourself.
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