Glad you answer him bro
and if I not mistaking for the second time. Even though many people answer him before including myself, but he refuses to listen. Hence everyone stop bothering because he refuses to help himself. You got patience of a god brother
But, bro this guy finally read the replies and notice the compress 3 months later
Once the game is finish and any remaining bug, I will sort it out and release. The dev is doing good work in releasing the bugfixes now and the game is plenty better than before. Hopefully, next update I/we will know for sure if it persist in base. Main thing.
Send me your save and I will sort it out, either pm/dm me or check my discord
The babysitting is NOT removed, just rewritten. However, there is a bug in it where you cannot see the scene or continue to end. Using the pc cheat mod however, solves this.
This is a bug that could easily be avoided, check my discord for fixes or ways to bypass it. But to help out here, just choose to do the mission for the guy, dont pay the money. If you still cant get it to work, send me the save.
Unsure if you are experiencing the history class bug, but I suggest you ensure you download the bugpatch to update game to v0.953 which includes a fix for this specific bug. If you still getting issues either go to my discord for the fixes or send me your save here (pm or dm) and I will sort it out. I recommend getting the bugpatch first though cause you will need it for many other quest as well