Problem: school quest line says go to school but nothing happens after going to classes all day
Answer: going to school fixes nothing the quest line should state go to football practice a lot of times until you make the team. Edit: this fix jumps the story far where things happen and nothing makes sense JJMAV gave me a online save editor to skip the game bug and continue the story
Problem: sarah sent lewd text saying "come find me" with a countdown timer. the picture shows tile walls so searched all bathrooms, chem lab, pool locker room and football field changing room and NOTHING.
Answer: the bitch is invisible in the first floor bathroom just gotta click around. bugs are so dumb im just about to give up.
Problem: and here we fucking go.
- main page of BoF says focus on school quests
- school BoF says focus on lucy quest which pretty sure we haven't gone beyond introductions at this point
- the game brings lucys book of faces page up since we don't have it as we aren't even close yet but it pops it up which is helpful and it says ADVANCE IN MARIAS QUEST...christ give me the fucking strength.
- so going to maries BoF page and it says "im going to have difficulty puruing maria if im still living with my father. maybe i should focus elsewhere and just let things happen for now" guess just hang around the house to "let things happen"?
Answer: there are four shiny places in the principles office while a person is present and offices no dialogue. the shelves say nothing of interest is there however the BoF school quest line changes to fashion store now.
JJMAV with the assist
Problem: School BoFs says go to fashion store and nothing else.
Answer: the regular clothing store won't work however the store in the mall (triggered at 15:00 or 3:00 for 12 hour clocks) progresses lucys story as if a date...when and how that progress i have no idea
Problem: have to find the microphone in principles office however this bug has been there since 2021? and can't be found
Answer: working on it